
Chapter 27: The First and Last

All of her strength drained from her body at that point. She’d been running on a lack of sleep and in a constant state of danger for so long that her body had finally met its limit.

She stumbled toward Valor and crashed into him. Thankfully, he was strong enough to not so much as take a step back when she let the full weight of her body fall onto him.

Arms wrapped tightly around his middle; she began to cry. Her tears fell and fell, making her wonder if they would ever stop.

At first, Valor’s body was rigid, his hands frozen in midair beside the air. But then, slowly, they came to rest on her back. He pulled her in tight and for the first time in a while Enya felt safe.

“I thought you were angry with me?” He asked.

“I am angry. At you, at myself, at God. I’m going to die and all I want to do is scream,” She cried.

His strong arms squeezed tighter as he bent his head to cradle his face in her neck.