The star guardians, they are born with the great purpose. They are not chosen ones, they are not special, they are born to be the hope bringer of this world. They are the last wish and gift from a Goddess to all the beings. As light and shadow, the sun and the moon, torn between love and hate. *If you are the bystander of relationships, the black sheep of the family, the loner of life, or you want to seek something sad and empty to read. You may enjoy this novel a lot* I may post 1-2 chapters per week. After I finish 'Oglourine Academy' first vol, then I will mainly focus on writing this novel. Thank you for supporting me!
The 12 Star Guardians.
As light and shadow, the sun and the moon, torn between love and hate …
Long ago there were 2 primordial beings, they are sisters. Lumina, the Goddess of Light and the Sun, and Duna, the Goddess of the Night and Moon. They were assigned by the great celestial king to guide, protect, and keep the balance of the planet earth.
Everything was fine until one day, our beloved Lumina had corrupted. After doing her task for so long, she forgot her true purpose of becoming the matron of earth. She started to fall deep into the negative vibration. She allowed low frequency entities and evil spiritual creatures to harm and destroy everyone and everything.
The sun had become hollow and dim.
Duna cannot witness her effort and her home gets destroyed. So she stood up and fought against Lumina.
"Why do we have to be these poor creatures' servants?". Lumina smirked mischievously.
"Don't you remember the true purpose?". Duna shouted in anger. "We've spent thousands of years, why did you decide to ruin everything?!".
And then they both began the eternal war. They are yin and yang, they are shadow and light, they are justice and evil. They are just the balance of Earth. No one can live without another. In the end, Duna used her own power to merge with the Sun. The Moon and the Sun had become one. Now, people call it Dumina, the biggest shining star of the sky.
Duna had used most of her ancient power to put Lumina to the never ending sleep. It also meant that Duna will have to be sealed with Lumina too. With the energy that she has after doing the great occlude, she created 12 celestial spirit guides.
Each of them contains a galactic divine force, but they can only influence little things because they have no physical bodies. And that's why the 12 Star Guardians are born. 12 celestial spirit guides will aid and help these 12 warriors to embrace their true strength and life purposes.
Without Lumina, the evil is still there, they are still lingering on Earth. They live by consuming others' negative energy. Sadness, Death, Envy, Wrath, Pride, and a lot more are their favorite foods (emotional negative energy).
Star Guardians' purposes are to protect everyone from harm and corruption, to save all beings from misery, to keep the balance of Earth, and to bring love and hope to others.
They are not chosen ones, they are born to be the hope bringers.