

Mikie Lyn

Heyow guyssssss I'm Mikie Lyn Ching as you all knew... hehehe so today was Friday! Yes you read it... It's Friday. Days had passed and many..as in many events happened, started from the misunderstanding of the two couples until the different agendas in the room.

Last Tuesday was a shocking to see the situation when we enter the room. The sudden change of atmosphere inside the classroom was bit different from Monday. Indeed it is. Both Lez and Wood became serious as soon as they enter the room. We don't know the reason why, but everyone... I mean all except the new comers are on their serious mode. They're different from what we saw last Monday. From those happy-go-lucky guys and gals, those noisiness of them, their naughtiness, and loudness... you can't hear and see those today as in never the whole day.

Lez and Wood face back on us and said that they'll head first for some reason. Hearing those both Reyn and Ken felt uneasy with this seriousness of the two shown on us. But Kiara stopped them before something might go off and break the situation and give a problem. She signaled them to stop and went inside directly the room and go to sit. We saw how Lez and Wood took some papers on their bag and reviewed it seriously while standing up. You can see from our point of view how thoroughly they've reading it by moving of their lips and how the way their wrinkled foreheads as they read.

We can't understand what's happening inside but we keep quiet for that reason also. Us and the others are keep wondering what the hell is happening in the room. Asking what's with this atmosphere? or what's the situation making this atmosphere all of the sudden?

A sudden noise has made by our president because of her chair that let others look at her too. "Macreme..." Lez complained as soon as she heard it without looking her. "Sorry...Uhmmm...Class A... Miss Manuel will be here any minute. So just do what you usually do and wait for her, especially to the new comers. Miss Manuel will give you a profile data paper for you to fill up, since that was one of the requirement for transferring here in our class. And please minimize the noise as the others was busy, Thank you." She said and get back to her sit silently.

As soon as Macreme sat down, our adviser then arrived. "Hmmm...still doing your usual routine every Tuesday ha. So are you all done? If not I'll give you until all the new comers pass their profiles to me. Just continue. Miss Alegre please and passed it to your classmates there at the back. Thank you." She said and give the papers to Myka.. I guess....

She passed it to us one by one.

As soon as we got the profile data paper thing, we fill up it with our personal infos and all I stopped for a while and read the last question on the paper. 'What are your skills and hobbies?'

Is this really necessary to answer? What's with this profile data by the way? Gosh…

I write cooking, since it was my real skill and also been my hobby lately. Cooking makes me feel comfortable among other things and this was the only skill I'm good at and been my happiness together with my dear one.

Honestly, I really suck on mathematics. I'll really admit it right here right now, but thinking about the business I may take sooner or soonest, I took up the worst yet best for me to learn about it. The others help me with everything related to numbers, also teaching me. I feel horrible about it yet can't choose what I really want for the sake of my family's business. I may sound selfish but that was the real deal.

Kiara and my friends together with the others passed our papers to the front and get back to our seat after. Then miss Manuel ask for the papers that Lez, Wood and the others are busy reviewing it or what. Everyone all to together stand and form line to pass it. Seems everyone feel relaxed after those hours of being serious and busy. Miss Manuel leave the room after gathering all the papers and our classmates together with Lez, Wood and their friends felt weak and slams their body either on the chair or in the table and there the usual noise can be heard again.

"Ahhhhh...finally it's done."

"Gosh…I almost thought of changing my paper when I'm pressured. Damn."

"Gosh…Tuesday was a hell day..damnit!"

"Still the same routine huh? This never change… I guess…"

"Ahhhhh…..finished. Thank goodness!"

Everyone exclaimed in unison that makes the room full of noise. And there's both Lez and Wood gets calm after an hour. Like hell what's so damn happening?

When I attempt to ask them, there's Julie who asked Lez first despite of her confusion too she takes courage to question. "What the hell just happened, Lez? Why was you're so damn serious earlier that we felt like we're the only ones here and this? Gosh!"

"Ahhh…that? We've doing that every Tuesday. Second day of the week was been titled by the class as hell day since it really become hell especially when quarter almost end or the semester." Lez answered tiredly. You really can know because of the way she talked. "But Friday takes that back, because every fifth day of the week was our free day just a simple explanation of free." Wood added while grabbing his things weakly and put to his bag.

"Eh?! What kind of class is this? This was different from the others down there..." Ram exclaimed in surprised then suddenly the room gets quiet again. What the?! What's with them? All of them look back at us, their eyebrows raised with a questioning look.

"Ahhhhhh...I forgot we have new comers here..."

"Class A? Hmmm it's really different...very different..."

"Never underestimate a Class A student's with..." Macreme seriously said looking at us. "You may not know...it could bring you down in an instant...." Liel added in a serious tone too. What the... they're so creepy... "Class A has skills that the other class doesn't.." Mark said with a smirk on his face. "That's why it has a twist..." Vince said and smirked too.

"As we told you... Tuesday sucks and Friday was fun. But those funs has consequences and that's what Tuesday is." Lez added seriously and smirked at us. "What we did is what we get. This motto really emphasizes class A's since it's ours to bare after. Tch." Wood added and did smirked after.

I was so shocked on what I see today... They have many personalities that was shown in the span of two days what's more if it's a year...

"What the... Hope this was all a dream..." Ben said loudly without realizing it.

"Well good luck because it's not a dream...my dear classmates.."

"As a formal greeting from our class...." Macreme said while smiling. "WELCOME TO CLASS A! WHERE FULL OF DUMBASSES AND STUPIDS ARE! HAHAHAHHA" They all together greeted and both Lez and Wood smirked and shake their head.

On what I can see today you can really picture it out like a scene from a drama where some of them are sitting on the chair, on the table, some are standing, some are in front of the board, some was having books on their hand and like the quadros was the lead gang of this group and the others are the persons who work for them plus the position of Lez was like the leader of the group meanwhile Wood was the right hand of her, while looking at us and said that. They really seem characters from a drama that comes into reality and they're like a typical class of nerdies and stupids yet smart at the same time but hidden in disguise.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh a class that's scary and all...gosh goodluck for us...

Then Wednesday passed so is Thursday, and now it's Friday. I thought that no more events will sudden happen again that could surprise us today but I think this class doesn't know what surprises means. Today was Friday and as what they said before it's their free day and it really is but has a twist.

Class A students went down to take their… I mean our lunches and eat peacefully….that's what I thought. But then some flirt comes by on our direction where mostly class A's are seated.

"Ahhh here's the flirt again… Reyn if you don't really get back to your sense right now, you'll gonna lose." Lez sarcastically said and look at Reyn through its eyes, eye-to-eye. "What?! Argh… don't even tr—"

"I'm not talking about myself bitch. I'm talking about her. Tch early this month and worst on the first week she really asks for trouble ha."

"What about her, bitch?"

"Her? Well she's just the best candidate of flirting your boyfriend bitch. Don't take your grudge on me Reyn bring it out on her. I'm just protecting our reputation so we did those. So, don't blame me for using your boyfriend to cover it. BITCH! GO BACK TO YOUR SENSES AND GET BACK YOUR BOYFRIEND DAMNIT!" Lez told her sarcastically and at the same time serious. Lez is reckless sometimes. She didn't think first before doing it but at some point it is right too. "AND YOU! For goodness sake… stop acting so possessive and annoyed on people inside the school! Your making it damn worst and for goodness sake Ken it's a school! A SCHOOL! SO, EXPECT THAT THERE'S MANY BOYS STUDENTS HERE! GOSH YOU'RE REALLY PAIN IN THE ASS! Do you know that?!" And there she is… a dragon just explodes because of the tiger. Well they're a perfect match what do you expect. "What the?! Why are you shouting here? It's a cafeteria Lez! A fucking cafeteria." Ken replied in shock. "SO?! This cafeteria is made for everyone. They don't care on what I will do or shout here. Why? Do even want them to know that I'm yours?... Ha! Ken! Tch. You're not just possessive, you're also dumb. You're really perfect for the class." Lez replied and tease Ken at the same time.

"What? Who the hell said that I don't want it? Who cares? I'm yours and you're mine… got it, BABE?" Ken answered and grabbed Lez into him that makes her surprise and can't react. "What the…. K-ken…a-ahhhhh get your asses back and come to your senses dang!" She embarrassedly said and look at him…

"Yikes… you both stop flirting in front of us.. It's so annoying." Macreme complaint after seeing them in that position. "Tch…. YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS, MISS PRESIDENT!!" Both Lez and Wood said in unison and there's Macreme who acted like disgust and left the area. And everyone just laughs on what the president reacted is.

And asking what happened to the girls approaching us earlier… they've back off and I don't even want to hear what's it. Class A's students enjoy the meal and after a few minutes, we went up and get ready for another surprise.


We're all in the classroom chit chatting after the reconciliation of both lovers. Wood explained when or where does those 'fake couple' thing starts and how our classmates knew about it. Every student in the classroom are busy, and the usual mood of the class was back to normal.

After the scene in the cafeteria... Ken doesn't have anytime to let go of Lez's hand again until we reach here in the classroom. Right now... he seems like a tamed tiger sitting while looking to his mate. Tch.

A noisy classroom turns quiet when a student knocked on the door and asked for Lez which makes Ken questioned for the call. "Ken...it's the teacher who asked me. Damn... School is full of boys and girls... so stop acting like you're the only man in this school. Act like this again and you'll never get to stay with me again. It's a school matters, Ken. Let go or good bye?" She sarcastically said with her eyebrows raised while looking to Ken who immediately let go of her hands after hearing those words.

Well… Ken was sometimes too much of being protective and that's understandable since Ken's half of his life was turning around on Lez only. She's his everything and that's what makes his weakness and at the same time his fear. And for Lez, so far by now… she's a little different to her usual self when she's around us. She was an intelligent student who does her school matters before anything else at school but when she's outside, she became the Lezah we all know.

She went out with the student who called her and Ken was still left dumbfounded on his position. "Ken…" Kiara called him but he doesn't respond as if he still trying to understand the words he heard by now. "Ken…Ke---"

"Why she's being like that? As if I'm not her boyfriend… why? Why?" He asked and turned to our side.

"Your asking why?... Try to think what you've done to her for the past few days that she reacted like that. Lez suffered on your coldness even though you can't see it but she indeed is. She was depressed thinking on how to explain the situation for so damn days and still doing that again? Because of your too much protectiveness, it makes her suffocated. I understand what you feel because I'm a man too bro…but for being so over… that's a no no. I'm not picking a fight with you bro… I'm just stating facts that you need to know when no ones trying to let you know." Wood seriously told Ken that makes him dumbfound again. And I guess those words will make him realize how he's being so over with everything he does lately.

"Understand her when she's here… when she's at school. She may not seem that busy at you look at her… but gosh she's the busiest student among everyone here. So, when she's at school… respect her. When she's at home… it's all yours. As simple as that. Damn! You don't have any idea how serious Lez is when she's working something on school matters." Wood added and shrugged. "Do you not even wonder why all of the students knew her around the campus?" He asked us which make us wondered too.

Why didn't I even notice that… like hell! We've been attending here for a year and what's with the reason why she was known to all? Plus, for that year we never had known why it is. Damn! What we've been doing for a year that we didn't even here for that info? Gosh!