


Frank heaved a deep sigh and answered, /"Yes sir./"

/"If it doesn’t have those three things, then I am afraid you have failed, because those three words describe a woman and I want her to wear it, designed only by you,/" Sean smiled.

/"I will be honored, sir,/" Frank smiled, if care was not taking, his lips are going to stretch to his forehead at how hard he was smiling.

/"Great, that is settled then,/" Sean turned to Simon, /"anything I can do for you?/"

Simon laughed, /"I was only looking for you to introduce our newest designer to you and you have already given him and important task, what else can I want?/"

/"Oh, that’s nothing; I just love telling her how beautiful she looks by what she wears since she won’t believe my words./"

Simon looked at Athena who still had her head down, /"I’m sure you have said it to her so much that she found it hard believing but she should really believe it, she really is beautiful./"