
The Tunnel's Light

Susan LaGrange, mercenary and scavenger. Her mother, Claire Stiner and her father Hudson La'Grange, her family, had been her everything but as she grew older her mother's hope was for her to grow older never feeling alone. Susan had always kept to herself and her studies but it is until one day a bad feeling over comes her. Her mother, a traveling woman, and protector to caravans as a part time job, seems to be coming home later than usual. Susan soon thinks the worst and heads out to find a Legend of the wastes to help he in this fan fic story, The Tunnel's Light.

The_NaoMeister · Video Games
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21 Chs

A Daughter's Mission

In the split moment, it felt like forever. A sudden image of her father's back came to view and his hazel stern eyes had looked over his shoulder. "Take care of the house and your mother okay kid? Love you, Su-Su." blackness shadows over him as he places his ranger helmet on and it's red lens hums to life lighting the dark path he would take. Visions of her mother weeping on her bed and in her daughter's arms kept in her dreams and nightmares. She felt angry toward her father and wanted to do everything in her power to investigate but her mother's depression was something she wanted to lift her from.

Sitting up suddenly hearing a muffled knock from downstairs she looks to the clock just above the toilet. "Damn...three a.m.?" She lifted her hands from the water, her fingers were pale and pruned from her two hours in the tub. She got out quickly unclogging the tub's plug and hurrying to dry her body and slips on her underclothing, pants, and tank top.

Now sprinting down the stairs she comes to the front door and opens it quickly. She looks to his bandaged arms, to his vest then up to his eyes. "That was shorter than I thought it would be…" she says quietly, stepping aside for Joshua to step through.

"Their patrol here is not so fortified… I took a shorter way here and kept unseen," he says plainly.

"Looks like somber arrived. Means we are heading out then?" Boone says from afar now putting down the book and stands to walk over to return it to her. "Here."

"I believe we have a misunderstanding here. I am not your enemy and to help our friend here I suggest you cooperate." Joshua's voice hisses in a command.

Susan groans, "Look guys I know the differences between you but would you please make sure you have what you need so we can move out. I will be upstairs gathering my things. I suggest you two keep apart. Boone, I need him just as much as I need your eyes. Please keep it together for me." she says low and menacing then shifts to a kind tone to let him know she is indeed needing their more experienced talents.

"After this rescue, I will be returning to Novac. I'll be there if you need me. As long as you are with him I will be on unequal terms." Boone says seriously without hesitation.

His hatred for all Legion spread far and wide whether they had left the Legion or not he wanted to kill all of them for any reason. Susan never understood it, how hatred drove someone to their end.

"Okay...fine." She lifts her hands and Joshua follows in carefully watching the two as she runs back upstairs to gather her gear and put her boots on. Looking down to her feet as she ties the laces she takes a deep breath. "I am coming mom...and I will find you," she says in a hushed voice.

Now rushing down the stairs pulling her coat along behind her the open flaps fly in the sprint she looks to them still standing at the front door. "Okay to the garage, Boone take the cart. Joshua, you ride on the back. I looked over and memorized the route I will be taking. The place is in a lower part near the lake so we will have high ground to scope out. Joshua, you will keep eyes on our backs. In case of any surprises." she says quickly shutting the front door and locking it.

"I know a spot there. It will be good for scoping out." Boone says low as Joshua nods with crossed arms keeping silent and letting them do the thinking.

Susan opens the side door near the living room and heads back into the garage. Now working at the chain to open the door it opens to the early morning air. Seeing Boone crouch into the cart and place his rifle to his lap she looks out to the still-dark sky from where she opened the metal door.

"So when does this roller coaster start?" he asks, making Susan laugh.

She ends it in a scoff, rolls her eyes with a smile and takes her seat to the bike, and kickstarts it. Joshua keeps quiet and to his own thoughts. Taking his seat behind her after she shifts her rifle out of the way to her chest they soon head out and onward to Cottonwood Cove's high mountains and hills.