
14.Being strong has it's limit ...

Everyone pairs up in two and goes to a room.

There is two available room left but with one person inside. Shane or Daryl.

Why the hell I'm I thinking this over. Of course, I choose Daryl. I'll kill myself before I bunk with that ugly ass. I have to sleep one eye open the whole night if I sleep in the same room as him.

I follow Daryl to the room. He looks at me when I drop my things.

"I will take the couch"He walks to the couch and drop his things.

"Thank you, you can go shower first. I will give you some privacy."I drop my things at the cots and walk out the door. I was almost out when Daryl stop me.

"Hey, you can go first."

'You can go, because I know you will be quicker than me anyway I won't be long."I say walking out before he can stop me again.

I hear a door close very hard in the hallway.

What the fuck.

I quickly walk to the door and put my ear against it to listen to what was going on in the room. I hold my dagger in my hand just in case there was trouble.

It sounds like Lori and ugly ass Shane.

What is he up to? I listen carefully.

"I love you. There's nobody here."

"Please! No! Stop, "

"Lori. It's all right. Just..."

Oh hell no.

I kick the door open.

"Are you sure about that dip shit?" I say holding my dagger ready.

He walks away from Lori towards me.

"You are really getting on my nerves bitch."He is really getting mad. but I don't care.

He try to grab me but I was quick enough and grab his arm and twist it against his back pushing him against the wall next to the door.

"You bitch" He tries to get out of my hold.

"You listen to me you piece of shit, If you ever try something like this again with anyone, I will cut off your dick and feed it to you, do you understand,"I say holding my dagger against the back of his neck drawing blood.

He says nothing.

"Do you understand prick" I turn him around and put the dagger to his throat.


I push him out of the room and close it.

I turn around and see a sobbing Lori.

I pull her in for a hug comforting her.

"Thank you, "She says sobbing on my shoulder.

"No problem"

"Please don't tell Rick"I pull away to look at the woman.

"Why not"

"Please don't it will get uncomfortable."

"Okay, I won't but if Shane tries that shit again I will deal with him on a psychotic level. Okay?."I look at her.


She walkout.

I follow her to her room just to make sure she's safe.

I walk back to my room. I open the door and see a shirtless Daryl on the couch on his back with closed eyes.

Damn, he is so hot.

I quickly walk to my bag and take out, short pajama pants, T-shirts, Panties a sports bra, and my toiletries.

I walk into the bathroom and put my things down. I look at myself in the mirror. Damn, I look terrible. Dry sweat mixed with dirt and my hair was all messy in the ponytail.

I strip out of my clothes and get in the shower. I open the water and start washing myself.I shave and wash my hair.

I'm all clean. I dry myself off and put my clean clothes on. I brush my teeth and dry my hair.

I walk out of the bathroom and see Daryl sitting on the couch.

"Hey, can't sleep"I look at him when I got into bed.

"Mmm" He nods

He looks so deep in his own thoughts.

"Goodnight, Daryl."

Daryl POV...


Melody walks out of the bathroom smelling like vanilla and looking so different.


"Hey, can't sleep"Her voice sounds so calm and soft. I feel her eyes on me.


I don't know what to say. I don't let anyone get close to me. But yet this girl makes me feel things that I don't understand.

'Get yourself together you ain't no pussy.'

"Goodnight Daryl"The way my name rolls off her tongue when she says it makes me feel hot.


She turns around her back facing me. The covers are halfway off her ass.

Shit, her ass is so damn sexy.

My manhood twitched with the thought of her on top of me.

'Damn, look away you pervert.'

I lay down and turn around to get some sleep and try to forget about the girl not so far from me.

three hours later...

I feel a warm soft hand on my arm shaking me awake.

"Daryl," A small soft voice says.

I turn around and see Melody on her knees beside me with teary eyes.

Why is she crying? She's always so tough and shows no emotions. What made her cry.

"Can..you sleep with me please?"She asks nervously.


"I don't want to be alone."

I got up and help her get off her knees before I get any ideas.

What's wrong with me.

Melody POV...


"Mom, Dad."I look around in the house for my parents. I see nothing. it's so quiet. I walk to their room.Empty."Dad, Mom."I walk into the Living room. My dad sitting in his favorite chair reading the newspaper."Dad, didn't you hear me."He still reading ignoring me. I stand Infront of him trying to get his attention. But nothing is like he can't see or hear me.

Suddenly there was blood everywhere and it was dark. I hear my dad screaming in pain. I run into the kitchen and see my Mother tearing my father's stomach open and eating him."Noooo, Dad."I yell and run when my mother looks at me. She gets onto her legs and stumbles towards me. I was almost in my room when she grab my hair and pull me against her. She bit into my neck and tear the skin off my neck.

END Of Dream

I woke up with tears running down my face.

What the hell was that. I never get nightmares and neither get this emotional.

I sit up and look around the room my eyes fall on a sleeping Daryl on the couch. I don't know what went through me, but I walk to the couch, kneel to my knees and shake Daryl awake.

"Daryl" I put my hand on his warm skin and shake him again.

"Yes," He say tried

He turns around and looks at me with confusion on his face.

"Can..you sleep with me please?"I ask nervously.

I don't understand why I ask him that. I'm a strong, independent woman I don't need anyone but that dream made me vulnerable.

So I need comfort and Daryl is the nearest.


"I don't want to be alone."

He got up and help me get off my knees.

I get into the bed first, he follows shortly. I lay down and turn on my side facing him. He lay on his back and look up to the ceiling. He looks so uncomfortable.

"I don't bit you know" I whisper to him and get a bit closer to him. His body heat feels like heaven making me sleepy.

I feel his muscle getting tense. I put my hand on his chest. I feel him relax a bit under my touch. I move close to him put my head on his chest close my eyes and hope I can get some sleep.

Before sleep took over I feel his hand on my waist pulling me against him.


Hey, my Amazing Weirdos.

I hope you like this chapter.

I decided to put my Point of view in of Daryl

.What a surprise right.

Stay safe

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