
The Truth Always Comes Out

gabby_blue · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Need to get out of here

It's been a week since my capture all I can think about is Nick and how he was right within my reach but slipped through my hands Hope thought to herself.With tears rolling down her eyes,a man barges in,while hope hoping that it was nick she came to find out it was a guard.The guard took her hands."Get off of me you scum bag"hope growling at him.Only for him to pull her even harder,he drags her across the floor and into some kind of trailer were many captive people were sitting, most of them crying.Why is this happening I dont under stand.Suddenly the trailer stops,she can hear the guards stepping around.One of the guards pulling her out dragged her to a tent filled with people that looked rich.They pushed every one down on the seats including her.A guard grabbed Hope's hand dragging her to what looked like a stage...