
chapter three : being part of the group

Me and Mr Kevin chatted a lot but I then decided to ask him about him and his group knowing fully well he wouldn't answer " Mr Kevin sorry to ask but what are you"that sounded a bit rude though but I didn't know what to say "do I look like an animal to you "I questioned,"sorry I didn't mean it that way bit with all the guns i was thinking if you were a criminal or something " me being scared said he came close to my ear and whispered"were is a past sentence ,i am one ,a wanted gangster to be exact" he said sending shivers down my spine,he then suddenly ask "why asking "me not kniwing what to say answered "well because I was curious" "you know curiosity kills the cat you know that right"he told me ,me already being scared to my pants couldn't say anything but look down "scared are we "mr kevin asked,"not at all "i said looking as brave as possible " "ok then ,christopher i have a preposition for you "he said leaving me confused "how would you like to be part of my group " he proposed "what !" still looking confused than he said " join my gang cause by the looks of it you have no where to go and you need to fend for yourself and look at yourself you look as thin as an ant ,so will you join or not" it sounded as if he was commanding me and honestly i didn't have any where to go so I had to agree,"great tomorrow I'll anounce it until then have a rest ,see you tomorrow" then he left not looking back ,in my mind it's bot a bad i dea anyways ,i know i might have answered without thinking but what could i do it's not as if i have a better place to go