
The True Vampire Bride

Kaida Endo has always felt different to not only herself, but others as well. Ever since the True night prowlers decided to show themselves, humankind has become little more than nothing but an asset, and an indispensable one. Most humans have long since been rounded up and basically caged behind enormous walls and treated as breading stock by most vampire lords. There are very few humans remaining in isolated pockets that have not been found, Kaida Endo exists within one of these few isolated pockets with her fam-ily. There are not many pockets of untouched humans left that have not been found, free from the vampires. Most of the pure bloods had long since lost most of themselves, due to the loss of the queen’s direction, turning more and more humans into lower end vam-pires. With the death of the previous queen, the majority of True Vampires have long since forgotten that they cannot rule the world, or they will face extinction when blood runs out. Trying to live off animal blood alone proved fatal for many, leading to fits of blood lust that were unstoppable in many cases. Now with the situation getting a little worse, the true bloodlines are now in a fight to find the one who is to be destined to be-come queen of them all. She does not realize that her family’s blood is truly special, she is part of a bloodline that has been dormant on the vampire abilities for generations upon generations. Essentially making the bloodline mortal until bit by a pure blood. Only with her presence will the over population of mindless Lesser vamps be put to an end. Her blood and hidden abilities will ensure all survive. With one bite from a true bloodline member, they will awaken. Will she be able to withstand her own fated, yet unwanted destiny? Can she bring them all together, or will they fight for a control that is not theirs to have?

SinisterGoth1977 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

The True Vampire Bride Ch 10 Part 2

Per the usual, Tsubasa started off in his own room and eventually found his way into her room once again. Kaida had grown so accustomed to this behavior that she did not even move an inch every time he laid in the bed next to her. It was as if it were the only way she could stay asleep at all anymore. With the unspoken competition between Botan and Tsubasa, even Botan now dared to go to Kaida's room now. At first, he merely watched her as he sat in a chair, then he got a little more daring. He would watch with a total look of jealousy as Tsubasa would cuddle with her in the middle of the night. It was as if Tsubasa would drag her to the middle of her bed while she was fast asleep just to be as close as he could get to her. With a clear opening of space, Botan was now trying to sneak in on the other side of her. Reaching out and grabbing nothing more than her hand for now. But the fact that he had finally breached her bed space, was a huge leap for him. Still unsure about having to share Kaida but did not dare fight. He already knew the outcome if he dared too. Kaida would most likely cause some damage to them both if they acted that damn petty. Before Botan had realized it, he was fast asleep alongside Kaida as well.

Waking up a little early the next morning, Kaida tried to stretch, but slowly realized her body and hand was basically immobilized. With her free hand she wiped the sleep from her eyes and blinked them several times, looking around, she realized that Tsubasa was holding her like a pillow and that Botan had her hand. Kaida laid there slightly puzzled for a few moments as she tried to figure out why they were both there. She had gotten accustomed to seeing Tsubasa there but was a little unsure as to why Botan was there as well. She took in several deep breaths before trying to wake both of them up. Kaida tried to keep herself calm as she was used to seeing Tsubasa periodically, but now Botan was there. She was unsure of how to respond, whether it be surprise, frustration, or anger at the situation. Knowing that this was a possible outcome, she thought she had prepared herself for it, but still found the situation hard to figure. She sighed heavily once again as she proceeded to try and wake them up.

Kaida Endo: (Lightly wiggling herself, she tried to break herself free from under Tsubasa and Botan, she took her free hand and lightly shook them, calling each of their names as she did to try and get them to acknowledge…) "Oh come on you two. I know Tsubasa is bad for this, but you too, Botan? Is it too much to ask that I get one night free to myself in bed?"

Tsubasa: (Stirring roughly, taking his hand, and wiping at his eyes, he looked in Kaida's direction…) "What are you griping about so early in the morning?"

Botan Date: (Lightly stretching as he let go of Kaida's hand as he opened his eyes. Finally realizing where he was at, sat up quickly with a surprised look upon his face…) "Oh, by the gods, did I fall asleep in here? Damn it, I am so sorry."

Kaida Endo: (Sighing heavily in minor frustration as she sat on the edge of the bed, trying to pull up her night shirt back up on her shoulders properly…) "Its fine. I knew you two were both going to start sneaking into my bed at some point. It just took you longer than I thought it would, Botan."

Botan Date: (Staring with a look of shock…) "You knew I would eventually do this?"

Kaida Endo: (Sitting on the edge of her bed, she lightly rolled her eyes with a heavy sigh…) "Of course, I did. It is like the biggest known silent rivalry in the castle between you two. Kind of the silent joke really."

Tsubasa Endo: (Hanging his head in slight shame at it being pointed out…) "So, you were actually waiting this whole time for this to eventually play out. Damn, I feel so dumb now."

Kaida Endo: "Do not take it to hard Tsubasa. Botan is even embarrassed about it. And hey, I got a good giggle out of it. Why you ask, because it will happen again, and I totally know it."

Bursting out laughing, she held onto her right side with her left hand as she covered her mouth with her right hand. Trying her best to stop laughing at the situation, Tsubasa and Botan just looked at her till they realized why she was laughing. Sad to say that it took them at least five minutes of her constantly laughing each time she looked at them for it to dawn on them that it was at their expense. The look on Tsubasa' s face said volumes as he was trying to figure it out. When it dawned on him, he burst out laughing himself once he realized that it was not the first time he had woke up in her bed. Botan, still clueless as to why they were laughing finally shrugged his shoulders as a sign of defeat and decided to ask why they were both laughing so much.

Botan Date: (Looking back and forth between the two, he sat with a lightly puzzled look on his face…) "I am not exactly sure why you two are laughing, but I am guessing it is not that bad or else she would have done something to us by now.��

Tsubasa Endo: (Laughing lightly, he looked at Botan…) "We are laughing because I have been sleep walking to her room for years and sleeping on the top of the covers for years now. She was seeing how long it was going to take before you actually did the same thing and slept beside her as well."

Kaida Endo: (Still giggling loudly, she tried her best to stop…) "It took you a lot longer than I thought it would for you to sneak into my bed. I have to give you your props for that though. The experience helped you suppress longer unlike Tsubasa who did not have that in his favor. How can I not laugh at the situation? I literally could not move when I woke up because of the two of you."

Tsubasa Endo: "I am sorry about that."

Botan Date: "Me too. I was not intending to fall asleep, it just happened."

Tsubasa Endo: "I can honestly say I can make no guarantee that it will not happen again. It has been this way for years now."

Botan Date: "I can honestly say that I make no promises either on this particular set of circumstances. I most likely will occur again. I spent fifteen years suppressing myself from actually entering your bed. I should get a damn medal."

Kaida Endo: "Well now that Aya and Bai are grown, I suppose it will be time for us to marry. I just wanted them to be grown and ready. I have been having some disturbing dreams lately about possible outsiders coming again. Though they have not been exact."

Tsubasa Endo: "I suppose I should use my clairvoyance at some point to find out if what you are seeing in your dreams is not an accidental absorbing of my powers at night. It would let us know for sure."

Kaida Endo: "First we make sure of what their powers are using the queen's stone and then we can plan accordingly from there. They will need to practice whatever theirs happens to be. Though due to their power being a bit lower, I do not expect them to wield as much as we do."

Botan Date: "I suppose you are right. Anyway, how about a fresh change of clothes and a bath before breakfast in the dining room?"

Sighing heavily, Kaida just looked at Botan as she rolled her eyes slightly. Standing up, she dug in her closet and took out one of the newer kimono's she had made up recently. It was a beautiful floral pattern. Cherry trees with chrysanthemums lining the base of the trees. The overall look was a light green. Taking out all the matching items, she packed them to the baths and set them neatly on the bench. Before she had time to protest, Tsubasa and Botan were already in the bath area with her and locked the door. They both snickered wickedly as they walked toward her. She just shook her head with a smirk of her own, her only thought, "They are not too bright at the moment if I absorb their powers and teach them a lesson". Though she made sure to keep that to herself. She simply sighed loudly as to exaggerate the point of what happened to privacy.

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