
The true meaning of evil in Harry Potter universe

A good psychologist always knows others better than themselves. A good psychologist always knows what he wants himself and where his desire comes from. What will this person want in the new world after the plane crashes? Where his desires will come from?

Hellish_Rabbit · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

Diagon Alley

Professor McGonagall walked out the door and I started to pack. First, I checked if my money was safely hidden. I did not take them with me, as it would be stupid. I'll take it when I find out the way to Diagon Alley and when I find out the bank's rules for currency exchange. I don't want to be deceived.

Taking out a brown leather jacket from the closet, I put it on over a black shirt. I had jeans on my feet, I got it all from a donation to the orphanage.

I was really grateful to those people who turned in these things. The jacket was almost new and fit incredibly well.

The jeans weren't too big or too tight. Finally, running my hands through my hair and licking it back, I looked in the mirror. An ordinary 11-year-old child looked at me from the mirror. The only thing that distinguished me from other children was sharp eyes that I could not change. Looking into my eyes, I saw old myself.

Finally finished, I went out the door. Professor McGonagall was waiting for me outside.

"I'm ready professor. How do we get to the store? Taxis are rare here." - I said. I decided to create an image of a boy who just entered the wizarding world.

"Oh, it's pretty simple. Take my hand," she said and held out her left hand.

Grabbing her hand, she instantly Apparated. Since I already had experience, I firmly stood on the ground as if nothing had happened and let go of her hand. We appeared in front of an old bar that was about to fall apart. On it was the Leaky Cauldron sign. I knew it was the entrance to Diagon Valley, but I didn't show it.

Professor McGonagall wanted to explain why I felt bad about the Apparition, but when she saw my calm face as if nothing had happened, she didn't say anything and calmly went inside the pub.

I followed her and after passing this old place we came to a brick wall. Taking out her wand, she began to bang on the brick. It was at this time that I moved to the right to get a better view. Seeing where she poked, I remembered this place and remembering what day today associated this brick with Monday. Now I will definitely not forget. The passage opened and we entered the Diagon Valley. The stone houses on the sides bowed as if about to fall. The streets were narrow, which was a miracle how people walk along with them so freely.

Professor McGonagall has been looking at me out of the corner of his eye all this time, I didn't miss it. I suppose she was surprised that I was not surprised to teleport to a mysterious bar, to strange people in robes in it. Taking it for granted she began to speak

"And so today we will buy everything you need, get the list. Let's start with the bookstore." - and then we went shopping. To be honest, I did not see anything surprising out of the ordinary. Unusual? Yes. The only thing that surprised me was an ingredient store for potions. I didn't understand the principle behind the sequence of these potions. which turned me on and wanted to immediately plunge into it. But keeping a mask of indifference, I quickly went shopping with Professor McGonagall. Finally, we got to the last one.

"Here you can buy yourself a wand. For now, go pick it. I gave you money." - as if remembering something, she grimaced. "I'll be back in 20 minutes. I got some business here, I think I saw a familiar face."

Thinking, I remembered that giant walking through the streets. Not surprising.

"Okay Professor McGonagall, I'll be at this store." - Having said this, I went into the store. The bell rang to alert the owner of the buyer.

Looking from the inside, I saw only a bunch of shelves and a table in the middle.

Finally, after sitting for 5 minutes, an old man suddenly appeared next to me from nothink and greeted me.

"Good afternoon, I'm Ollivander the store owner." - he said, - "I suppose, for the wand? Well, what am I obviously a freshman about? Right? Left?"

"Good afternoon. Both." - I held out both hands for him to measure. He tossed a ruler, which began to measure, looking at me suspiciously. Well, not only that he could not scare by appearing out of thin air, so I also know what he is asking.

Finally, when he finished, he rubbed his hands with happy eyes as if there was a cake in front of him that he wanted to taste.

"Let's now look for the wand! However, this is not right, because the wand will be looking for you!" - taking out the first box, he began his test.

"Rowan, the core of a dragon's heart, an unusual combination," he said and gave it to my hand.

Not having time to take it, he grabbed it and said: "Not it."

Grabbing another, he again said its composition: "Oak, unicorn hair. Usually, It prefer calm and kind people." - taking it, I felt like a stick burned my hand. Pulling it out, he again gave me another from the top shelf.

"Well, this one for sure! The wand was made by my grandfather. The wood is unknown, but the core is the bone of the Dementor's finger. Grandfather went through almost a war trying to obtain these materials."

Taking it, I expected some response, but a red light flashed and set fire to the carpet.

Joyfully Ollivander grabbed it and doused the carpet.

"And you are an interesting client, however," he said.

I was scared to hell. 4 days later, September 1 comes and I'm leaving for Hogwarts. If I do not have time to receive the wand, I will not be able to come to the bank and exchange currency.

Ollivander walked from the shelf constantly muttering to himself.

"You are an unusual customer." - he constantly mumbled.

I sat quietly and waited for him to finally give me a wand. Professor McGonagall was also not visible even after half an hour.

Finally, after another 10 minutes, we tried a mountain of sticks in the literal sense and now they were lying on the table. Ollivander was happier and happier about my misfortune for which I wanted to punch him.

Finally, he got tired of giving me ready-made sticks and led me into a room that looked like a workshop.

"Here I make sticks. Usually, a few people come here as there are quite a few sticks. Now you need to go to that table and touch each ingredient. I assure you they are safe and as soon as you feel the connection let me know."

With a wave of his wand, he poured a mountain of core ingredients onto the table. next to it was an empty small pot in which I put the unsuitable ones. Some time passed and the mountain decreased by half. Going through a bunch of unusual things, I was already tired because I did not feel a connection with them.

Suddenly I touched a black thread in a heap with my finger and goosebumps ran all over my body with pleasure as if I had found a long-lost lover. Oliver noticed this and gleefully grabbed what I took out, but then turned grim.

"I am proud to say that you are my second unique client, Mr. Samuel. You see, this is one of the dried hearts of a magical monster from the depths of the ocean. My grandfather often told the story of an unknown monster devouring ships and how he and his friends went hunting for ingredients. We lost contact with him for 6 years, and when he returned, he returned with ingredients, but without friends. The most valuable thing is what you hold in your hands. Since grandfather never said what kind of monster it was, we did not know the value of this heart. Only that the monster had many hearts and this is the last one that survived. All we know is that this monster came from some kind of Mariana Trench as my grandfather told me. "

Remembering the map of the world, I instantly found where it was and was horrified. What else is in this Mariana Trench? Is it possible that this creature was driven out by the larger ones? Or it got out by accident. And how many of these creatures are there in the world? Are humans and magicians at the top of the food chain? More and more questions popped into my head. Now I was not in the world of Harry Potter, not at all. Now I was in the world of magic, where any legend of gods and monsters that devour worlds could come true. A world filled with secrets that I so wanted to know.

"Then why didn't your grandfather create a wand out of this core?" I asked Ollivander.

Ollivander smiled pessimistically: "You see, he tried. And I tried."

"And it must be wood? And let's not say some kind of alloy" - I asked again.

Ollivander shook his head. "Only wood reacts. I can't say more since these are the secrets of our business."

Nodding my head, I took the core from his hands and looked at him inquiringly about what to do next.

Ollivander waved his wand again and together the ingredients on the table appeared neatly arranged blocks of trees.

"Grasp the core and run your hand over the pieces of wood. Choose the one you and core want."

It was complicated. A dry heart reacted as if alive to every piece of wood as if it didn't care, but after spending a little more time, I learned that near one bar it was going crazy. When I opened my hand, the dry thread behaved lifelessly, as if it had not been beating at all just in my hand. Such anomalies will soon break my logic.

Taking out a block, I handed Ollivander all the ingredients. He immediately kicked me out of the workshop without a word and started working. Sitting near the table near the mountain of wands, I waited. Professor McGonagall was never seen although almost an hour had passed which was strange. At least she gave me a chest with my things, which decreased and increased in size. So it was securely in your pocket. Finally, Ollivander finished and walked out of the workshop with a dull black wand.

"Try it," he said and handed it to me.

Taking it in my hand, I felt a wave of heat spread throughout my body as if I had entered a hot spring.

With a wave of my wand, I instinctively understood how to direct the magic and remembered spells from books and said: "Lumos Maxima!"

Barely having time to close our eyes, we both went nuts from the light that burst out of the windows into the streets.

"Nox" - I said and the light was gone. Squinting like the Chinese, Ollivander and I looked at each other.

Ollivander smiled like a madman.

"You are a diligent student, however! You have already learned such spells. Well, you are my most memorable client after the twins' wands I have never had! So I give you this wand for free. Do not think to refuse! But don't forget to tell people who created this wand for you when you become famous!"

I did not refuse and immediately agreed. Saying goodbye, I left the store, leaving Ollivander dancing like crazy and collecting sticks on the shelves.

I decided not to wait for Professor McGonagall, since she had not appeared for an hour, and immediately go to the bank. I already guess where she is, given that next to the Semi-Giant I saw a thin boy with glasses.

Entering the bank, I ignored the rhyme and immediately went to the guards.

After checking me with some kind of detector, they let me in.

Having entered, I immediately went through the tables on which the goblins lisped with stones and gold as with children, I immediately went to the table at the end.

"Good afternoon. Do you have a booklet or book describing your services, prices, and rules?"

The goblin lowered his glasses and looked at me through them.

"49 knats per book," he said rudely. Taking out the money Professor McGonagall had left for me, I paid him.

Leaving the bank, I put a small book in the inside pocket of my jacket and went to look for a woman in a pointed hat.

After walking a little more, I saw Hagrid, Harry, and McGonagall sitting outside the cafe. Hagrid consoled McGonagall, who was apparently crying. I don't remember such a scene in the original, apparently, in the original, I did not exist and McGonagall did not take anyone shopping on the same day with Harry.

Coming closer, I greeted everyone and sat down across the chair from the burning. Looking at Hagrid, I remembered that he now has the most coveted item for wizards - the Philosopher's Stone. The very concept of creating gold from other substances and the immortal elixir attracted me, but I won't even think about stealing a stone for now.

"Hi, I'm Samuel Holmes, what's your name?" I asked Harry.

"Harry Potter, nice to meet you," he replied.

Switching my attention to Professor McGonagall, I asked: "Where have you disappeared? I've been waiting for you at Ollivander's for almost an hour."

"Forgive me, oh, I'm completely confused. I met Harry and could not contain my feelings. After all, his parents were my students." she apologized.

She began to tell me the story of Harry and the dark lord. How his parents died and how he survived. I faked surprise as I listened.

Finally, all these stories ended while the professor and Hagrid were talking. Harry examined me.

"Did you just find out about the wizarding world too?" - he asked.

"Yes, it is. I live in an orphanage and did not know that I was a wizard before Professor McGonagall arrived." - I answered him.

Harry came to life as if he had found a kindred spirit: "I live with relatives of a Muggle and never knew that I was a wizard until Hagrid came with a letter about Dumbledore."

Ah, Dumbledore. Already seeing his fanatical brilliance, I mentally praised the director for the good handling of the boy. Make him meek and obedient, knock him off his arrogance, teach him something, and then slaughter him like a sacrificial lamb. All for the sake of the highest good.

But then I remembered more about death and fate. Two more entities that sit somewhere and manipulate everything in their favor. I cannot perceive them as divine entities. For me, they are more like parasites stuck to humanity.

Finally, after finishing the conversation, we parted, the professor returned me to the shelter and gave me a ticket to the station. Saying goodbye, she Apparated, and I went to my room to read a book from the bank.

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