
The true Lord:Carlos

little boy cried" mama mama papa where are we going" he sniffed "Carlos baby don't cry mama is here for you" she said " Stop playing around with that kid Margaret and pack the bags" father said  "mama papa please i do not want to go anywhere i want to stay here with Janette"the little boy thats not up to 10 years old "Carlos where we are going to you would find new friends infact more than a hundred friends" she said "Mama but i really like Janette she really friendly"the boy said  "They are here " the father said                                "Open the door or we will break it down" the village judge said "Honey what are we going to do"she said              "You and Carlos go through the back door ill b right behind you"   "  Honey I can't leave u here " she said "I said go now!"

daisy_souvenir · Fantasy
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25 Chs


As you read please make sure to comment and rate 🙏 its actually my first time writing,so pls show some love.

The contest were of two stages the written stage and the combat stage, the written stage was to test your reasoning while the combat stage was to test your strength.Xander was the one in charge,he called there prospective name and showed them their prospective rooms they were to stay in the palace till the next day.when they came into the palace, the hall of throne they were awed most vampires there were not exactly from a wealthy home.Carlos was awed then he said internally" you will still be mine soon"he smirked

It was the day of the first stage everyone woke up, Even though no one slept they just drank blood and merry afterall they are vampires, vampires do not need sleep they do not sleep, they could just lay down and shut their eyes but could Never sleep.Carlos was on his own he didn't come here to party he had a mission and that was to end the new king,adam. He didn't even touch his blood because he didn't trust anyone nor did he sleep he was alert throughout the whole night with a lion head dagger gabriel gifted him on his birthday under his pillow.

Xander called them out according to aphabetical order so they could take their seat when they had all taken their seats the bell rang signifying the exam should Begin immediately the exam began some vampires where trying to use their sharp sight to cheat but unfortunately for them each candidate where put in a translucent glass case in which no vampire eye could see while some vampires were panicking but carlos who has been preparing for the exam for years was just smiling until the bell rang again indicating the exams were over.

"I think its time you all put your ink up" xander said

They all put their ink up and then their papers where collected from them,then they stood up from their seats and assembled themselves in the hall till xander came and announced "the result would be ready in two hours so we urge you not to complain"

Murmuring everywhere cause two hours has passed and they just stood there waiting, Carlos was very patient he just stood by the corner and waited.

Xander came in he knew he was late but it wasn't his fault he was called by the king to do another dirty work .king adam just finished sucking another maiden dry and asked for xander to bury her.Vampires could suck their fellow sex blood but it's More sweeter with the opposite sex cause the sweetness of blood is emotions like ectasy, sexual pleasure,fright.

Xander came back and headed straight to the hall of thrones where subjects were gathered and murmuring immediately they saw him they kept mum.

Xander bowed his head apologetically and said" I'm sorry for coming late i had some things to take care of"

Then the second in command dexter came with a royal book that has been stamped by the king he gave it to xander and took his leave.

Xander announced " just 10 people are qualified to enter the next stage and they are....." He stopped and looked at the King's subject he saw fear, curiosity in their faces

Xander announced" Carlos peters, Carlos took his father's name,peters, afterall he wasn't considered part of the family of ronards"

Immediately Carlos name was being called he smirked afterall he already knew he would pass.

Then xander said" the names whom are being called should come in front so as to be given a hand of applause"

Carlos walked majestically to the center of the hall and a round of applause was applauded for him.