
The true lord:Carlos

little boy cried" mama mama papa where are we going" he sniffed "Carlos baby don't cry mama is here for you" she said " Stop playing around with that kid Margaret and pack the bags" father said  "mama papa please i do not want to go anywhere i want to stay here with Janette"the little boy thats not up to 10 years old "Carlos where we are going to you would find new friends infact more than a hundred friends" she said "Mama but i really like Janette she really friendly"the boy said  "They are here " the father said                                "Open the door or we will break it down" the village judge said "Honey what are we going to do"she said              "You and Carlos go through the back door ill b right behind you"   "  Honey I can't leave u here " she said "I said go now!"

daisy_souvenir · Fantasy
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27 Chs


"I guess I am too lenient."Carlos said calmly,immediately he said these words he summoned Evans,

"Evans,send for the maid who was assigned to janette,here,"he said intimidatingly

Janette looked at him curious on what this man's head was thinking.

The maid,Stella, heard the king has summoned her,she became uncontrollably scared,she was shaking though she has never been assigned to the King for any occasion and she was grateful for that,She has heard things going on in the castle, how the king takes blood from the maid and sometimes kill them,Stella's head went too far.When she reached the eating table,

"knock knock"stella knocked quietly

"Come in"She heard his bass voice,that alone scared her.She stood in front of the king with her head bowed,she heard him say,

"what was the job assigned to you to,my lady,"The king questioned her

Stella gulped

"I was... assigned to prepare and dress her"Stella stammered

"indeed that was what I spoke, I didn't remember having any blood in my mouth while saying that or do you have some problems hearing"

"My king,I told my lady,you wouldn't like it but she insisted on going in like that"

Janette immediately stared at the maid and thought atleast the maid should have hidden that part.

"is that true, janette?"he questioned her

Janette didn't reply she just kept her head down looking at her plate.

"Evans...." Carlos called

"Tell Miss Staphron that this useless maid here would be denied access of food for a week."

Stella face were still down,the realisation that she wouldn't be give food for a week dawned on her

Janette eye which were on her plate slowly looked at Carlos,

"No need to punish her for my mistakes I'm ready to accept whatever punishment you give me,I was the one who disobeyed you" janette said quickly ,feeling guilty.Janette didn't want the mistake she made affecting someone else.

Carlos used his hand to shoo the maid"you can go."

when the maid had gone out of the eating room ,janette continued,

"she told me you wouldn't like it but I insisted,please spare her and punish me instead" janette felt pity for the poor maid who would go hungry for a week.

"you didn't think I would want to punish you,who would punish someone they LOVE" Carlos said stressing the love

'the only punishment I want to give you is....." he stopped and smirked.

"since you said responsible men aren't suppose to utter those words, I wouldn't, because I am decent and responsible and I believe you already know."

"but..but she may die of starvation"janette said stupefied.

"one wouldn't die from going without food for a week,but, if she dies, I know a perfect place we could bury her."

janette thought indeed this man was truly demented and out of his mind.

"You are a Sadist"janette blurted out angrily

"Do not forget who you are talking to,Janette, I can easily kill you"Carlos said dropping his fork and went towards the door,

"I just pardoned you because you are still new like a guest ,but I am not sure I will suppress my saddistic nature and not hurt you the next you disobey me" Carlos went out saying this.