
The True Inheritor of Hashirama's Legacy

It was said that Hashirama's legacy was the Will of Fire passed on to the Konoha Shinobi. However, what if this was not the only thing that was passed on? What if not just his ideals, but his legendary Bloodline was also passed along? It was nearly the end of the Second Shinobi War. At this time, a young boy, with Dark Black Hair and Emerald Green Eyes arrived in Konoha. Follow his story as he grows up to be the strongest man in the world. Someone who shall become the 'True' God of Shinobi! This is his story! The story of Senju Araki! Discord: https://discord.gg/qySx8Jp Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/evildragon04 [Check out my original novel (Rising Warriors) on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089KRRZS5]

Evil_Dragon · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

300 Trees

Danzo soon realised just how wrong he was in his imagination. After Araki healed him using the life-force, he once again started a brutal series of kicks and punches.

Around this moment, many other shinobi of Root Anbu arrived and noticed that Araki was beating their leader. One of them even shouted at Araki.

"Hey! STOP!"

Araki concentrated for some time before speaking, "Wood Release: Deep Forest Emergence."

Instantly, 300 or so vines of Wood appeared from the ground and stabbed the chest of Danzo's Shinobi. These Shinobi tried to move but felt strength leaving their body quickly.

This was because these vines had started to absorb their chakra, blood, and vitality.

Araki stared at Danzo and said, "You have been so kind as to raise so many people for me. I will be absorbing their blood and vitality completely and heal you every time you are about to die."

Danzo shivered at the very mention of this… Did this mean…

He raised his head and saw Araki looking at him with an icy glint in his eyes, "As I said before, you won't have an easy death!"

He started kicking Danzo mercilessly.

Every time Araki brought Danzo to the near-death state before healing him.

Even though half a day had passed since Araki had started beating Danzo, he had also healed him 50 or so times. Meaning, Danzo was brought to near-death state 50 times.

Now, while he was being healed by Araki, he gathered all that chakra he could and cut apart the wood vine stabbing his thigh with a wind blade.

Araki was a little surprised when he felt his connection with Danzo broke.

Danzo pulled out a kunai and threw it at Araki who didn't even bother dodging. Just as the Kunai were about to strike his head, it was repelled away by a powerful pressure from Wind Chakra.

"I guess that's enough now." Araki raised his hand and opened his palm before pointing at Danzo, "Let's try out my new Wind Jutsu. I wonder if you will like it."

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough Jutsu!" Danzo used this attack and sent a high pressured Wind Attack at Araki.

Araki also used his own Wind Attack.

"Wind Release: Thousand Blades Jutsu!" To counter the high pressured wind attack charging at him, Araki created thousands of wind blades which cut apart Danzo's Wind Jutsu and struck him.

However, Araki's Wind Blades ultimately lacked the power to pierce Danzo's body which had been bolstered by his chakra.

"That was rather disappointing. I guess I need to add more power."

Hearing that Araki could strengthen those terrifying Wind Blade, even more, Danzo grew a little fearful.

He felt it would be better to just run away.

A few smoke bombs appeared in his hand, and he threw them on the ground before making a run for it.

At that moment, he heard a cold chuckle, "You are rather stupid, aren't you Danzo? You think smoke bombs would be enough for you to run away from my grasps? Don't forget that I am a sensor. You sealed your fate the moment you met me that day in front of Hokage's office. After that, every attack on the Senju Clan or on me was just adding fuel on your funeral fire." Araki appeared from the smoke while staring at the panicked look on Danzo.

"Your time has ended, Shimura Danzo!" Araki said

This was the last sentence Danzo heard before he saw a faint flash and his body was cut apart into two. Araki was on the other side of his body now, and he stared at the red blood on his sword.

"Filthy, tch!" He threw away the sword which had this filthy blood. There was no need to take it home.

"Now, what to do with you all?" Araki turned towards the 300 or so vines which had absorbed the blood and vitality of Danzo's men completely. The men were dead, but the vines still had their vitality. It would be a waste to let it remain like that.

Instantly, an idea appeared in his head, and he used his chakra to grow these 300 vines into huge trees.

"Well, I guess it will be quite useful to me. The life-force in these trees can be considered life-saving." With that, he walked away from the location. Nobody other than him would be able to utilise the life force in these trees, so it didn't matter if he kept them here or not.

Soon enough, he returned to the Senju Clan Manor where he saw that Tsunade had returned. He asked her, "Is her illness alright now?"

"It was a liver problem. I have suppressed it for today. Tomorrow, I will be able to deal with it entirely." Tsunade said while yawning. It seemed that she was tired since she had been training in the morning and treating Sakumo's wife in the latter half of the day.

Araki returned to his room and slept. He was pretty happy with this day. Not only did he managed to recruit a talented shinobi in the Senju Clan, but he also killed Danzo.

The death of Danzo remained a secret from the world for a week or so. It was contributed to the fact that his hideout was quite secretive. The only reason Araki knew about it was that he had been keeping an eye on Danzo and his movements. Moreover, his sensing ability was quite a boost.

The first one to know about Danzo's death was unsurprisingly Orochimaru. It was mostly because he had come to ask for Danzo's assistance about some matters.

However, all he found were massive trees in that area. As he got closer, he saw Danzo's body thrown in some corner.

Just from the state of how things were, he understood it was the work of Senju Araki.

Orochimaru didn't dare to stay in Konoha for a second longer. He knew that the reason why Danzo was targeted was most probably the experiments on Uzumaki Clan Members. Although Senju Araki said he won't target him for 5 years, there was no telling when that eccentric brat would attack him. Maybe Senju Araki's patience would end the next day, and he would come to kill him. Or was Senju Araki waiting for him to do something?

Orochimaru started growing fearful of this threat looming over his head. He needed to do something about him. If not fight Araki, he needed someone strong enough to defend against Araki.

He thought of several schemes in his head and finally decided to leave Konoha. Even though Senju Araki was an excellent sensor, there was no way he could sense him from a country away, right?

Poor Orochimaru had no idea that Araki had naturally considered that.

The second one who came to know of Danzo's death was none other than Sarutobi Hiruzen. It was 2 weeks later after Orochimaru found it.

Needless to say, the old man was shocked and completely infuriated.

He understood from the trees around that location that this was done by none other than Senju Araki.

[A/N: Check out my original novel on Amazon. The name of the Book is Rising Warriors and my real name is Anshul Gupta.

You can also use this link: bit.do/risingwarriors]

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