
The true god of hueco mundo the royal arrancar

What will happen when aizen a being who sees himself as god and everyone else beneath him meet someone who is a real god the god of hollows Naruto uzumaki! What will happen when this god decides to take his revenge? How did this god come to be? And most importantly will this god reveal the second of making tea in hueco mundo?!?! All will be answered in this story and much much more! Why you still here? Go read the story now! I won’t say it. … … … Nope! HAAAA Fine I don’t own Naruto or bleach.☹️ WHAT?! You already knew? But how? ok fine you win. Maybe the last one won’t be revealed but there’s a chance it might! Your disappointed? Yeah I am too. But you should still read it after all the secret to tea in hueco mundo is very important are you willing to risk missing your chance? Please read and most importantly review!

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Chapter 1 The death of a mortal, the birth of a god.

Naruto x harem

Girls in harem: 7

I won't name the girls because I don't wanna spoil it but the one that has been revealed in this story is Hanabi the 6 others will not be revealed but there will be girls from both Naruto and bleach

Hit for the next girl that will be revealed in the next chapter: short green, lucky.

I know it's a whole sentence but just 2 simple words but I know if you're a true fan of both shows you will get it pretty fast. I'm not saying witch one it's from because it will be WAY TOO OBVIOUS THEN.

Good luck!

Elemental nations, valley of the end.

I have broken my bonds with you Naruto and with that no longer holding me back I will kill you and gain stronger eyes, the next level of the sharingan, the mangekyou sharingan.

No, I won't let you sasuke! I'll beat you and bring you back to the village even if I have to drag you back after breaking every bone in your body!!

You think a clanless loser like you can ever beat me, an elite uchiha?! Sasuke screamed enraged by naruto's statement as his eyes glowed and changed into his 3 tomoe sharingan.

Onyx Chidori! Fire style fire Rosengan!

The two charged but time naruto had actually done some practice away from the seeing eyes of the people of the leaf and had started to mix his fire chakra with the rosengan.

Naruto still enhanced with the chakra of the 1 tails cloak around him he decided to focus it in the center of his chest as he moved so that sasuke's chidori his him there but then he his sasuke in the guts making him spit out blood and go unconscious.

Naruto gritted his teeth as even with the extra defence the chidori had still pierced through his defence and made it through his body naruto took sasuke's hand out and not long after the rest of the 9 tails chakra healed it but he was still in critical shape and the new organs that had just been healed and they were still extremely fragile.

Naruto slowly tried to make it back to the leaf but he suddenly was forced unconscious as kakashi appeared and flashed his sharingan.

Time skip naruto was currently on a stage without his shirt on revealing his body that seemed to have been through majeure physical tourture and was bleeding from multiple wounds.

So this is where I die, naruto said to himself as he saw sasuke, kakashi, tsunade and jiraiya come on the stage.

This is what you get for killing my student and someone I saw as a son. Jiraiya said mad at Naruto for "killing Minato".

Tsunade suddenly kicked naruto in his temple as there was a crunching noise as naruto's head snapped to the side, this is for killing my daughter kushina.

This is for killing my sensei and the last person that was precious to me, Kakashi said as he used lightning chakra to fry Naruto and the blood on him did not help.

Now I will kill you to get my new eyes and finally I will be able to kill my brother. Then I'll recreate my clan with the girl you love sakura. Sasuke said as he created a chidori.

Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Hahahah!

Naruto burst out laughing as he looked up at sasuke, are you really that stupid i never liked that stupid whore she was just someone i was using as a way to make it look like i was a stupid dumbass but since im going to died anyways i might as well tell you guy.

I never liked this village and matter of fact i already made plans to leave this place and but i guess you guys killed me before that could happen but i won't tell you guys the names of my acplises but know this sasuke when you kill me you will never and i mean never get those stupid eyes because for you to get the eyes you have to kill your best friend and i have never considerd you my best friend and this is the simple fact that makes it impossible for you to ever get your eyes.

Hearing this sasuke screamed enraged and shoved his hand in sasuke's stomach making a whole straight through him.

Naruto gave them a bloody smirk and did his last actions in the living world.

You better hope that hell can hold me because if not I will come back here and rain hellfire on this cursed place and I will make sure it hurts more than anything you can imagine.

I naruto uzumaki namikaze cursed this village to its doom! Naruto said dying with a smirk on his face with his body still standing.

Naruto looked around confused as he saw something unexpected.

Naruto looked up to see his own dead body and then he started to hear cheers as the entire leaf village expected for a very few to erupt into cheers.

Naruto felt his anger rise as he saw "his friends' ' celebrate his death and violate his dead body as they showed it off before they took it somewhere that made him snap out of it and he started to get worried and quite scared.

Naruto followed the group to their destination.

Meanwhile hyuuga compound.

We see a girl that looked about 2 years younger than naruto laying on her back and tears just rand down cheeks as she was just staring into the black sealing but to her she was watching her whole life play in front of her eyes and she was suffering as she thought of it.

Hanabi hyuuga was remembering how she had a terrible life how she was looked down upon for being the second child of hiashi, her dad beat her up daily and her sister was no better as she constantly made her do stuff for her like she was her slave and then she would tourture her like putting her head under water for a long time enough for her to feel dead but then she would be yanked out by hinata then she would beat her up and make her life horible and even did mental demage by saying hiw she would always have a better body than her and that hanabi was not developed and how her body was nothing but a toy for her to break and that she would never get a man and a lot of other stuff she wanted nothing more than to die until she was saved by naruto.

Naruto had found her when Naruto was 8 and she was 6 she had been beaten out of the compound with Hinata dropping dirty water and garbage on her as this made her smell quite bad stopping her from getting any help from anyone passing by.

Naruto had found her on the ground; she was broken while 3 kids were throwing stones at her.

Naruto came in and beat up the bully's quickly and Naruto walked up to her.

Beautiful Naruto said as he did not realize what he had said until he snapped out of it and he shook his head, are you okay?

The girl just looked at Naruto with empty eyes like a broken doll.

She then went to try to stab herself but Naruto stopped her and asked her why before she explained her life story and how she was treated.

I see you don't have a purpose anymore, you don't wish to continue on living because life isn't worth living, you have no purpose to keep on living. Naruto said in a emotionless voice

Will you let me die please? Hanabi asked in an empty voice.

No you shall continue on living and since you cannot live for yourself then you will live for me you will be my doll, you will live to serve me and until i release you from that duty i forbid you to die.

Hanabi simply stared at naruto for a long while before she nodded, yes naruto-sama.

After this events happened hanabi's life changed forever she was not beaten or tortured anymore, did her family start to love her and so they stopped? No they tried but she always escaped tho they did not know that as she usually created a clone and substitute with it and so she always got away,

She lived for naruto and would have done quite literary anything from going on suicidal mission and getting tourtured to death to giving away her virginity because he said so however she was not sad nore did she felt trapped and being controlled by him she actually was happy when he used her and when she was useful to him and she changed from the broken girl to the very loyal girl but she was also equally happy and quite cheerful for someone who sufferd as much as she did but she was quite well a tsundare when it comes to people as she did not like to let people close to her and sometimes even did some for naruto but it was half as much and almost always ended up with her blushing a lot.

Hanabi was very loyal to naruto but she was also in love with him she had told him and they had just started dating 3 months before naruto was killed she was crushed because not only was her purpose gone but so was her lover and when she thought about he and her had made plans to leave this village and have a peaceful life together but now that was all for nothing.

Hanabi was broken out of her thoughts when she heard her door open.

She turned to look at who it was only for a look of anger and disgust to appear on her face as she saw hinata, hiashi and some side branches including neji.

The members of the sidebrances quickly rushed at her and pinned her down as she was not as excited to fight as she normally would so it was way easier to hold her down.

Hanabi watched as a smirking hinata stepped up to her.

You'll finally be useful to us little sis. Hinata said, smirking.

Don't call me that i'm not your sister and what do you want.

At this hiashi stepped his hand glowled and he put it on hanabi's forehead a few minutes of pain later.

Hanabi you have been requested from uchiha sama to be given to him to help recreate his clan and as such we can have an alliance with the uchiha clan. Hiashi said, smirking.

Like hell I would give birth to something from that bastard. You will as no one else will marry you, you should be grateful to be chosen for such an honor.

Like hell i will only have one persons childs and that person is now dead because of that bastard and i would weather destroy my womb weather than give birth to one of his childs hanabi said as her eyes flared with pure rage.

See father, I told you she loved that demon. Hinata said, trying to look like she was doing something good.

How dare you call Naruto sama a demon, I'll kill you!

Hanabi, you shall be executed for the sin of conspiring with the demon hiashi said.

It's not like it matters anymore as Naruto sama is dead. I no longer have a purpose to live anymore but before I die...

Hanabi suddenly launched forwards with her fingers filled with a massive amount of chakra and she launched it directly for hinata's stomach where she knew her womb was but before she could land her attack she was stopped as she felt the pain of the cage bird seal activating on her and she gritted her teeth.

Time skip naruto arrived in the room to see hanabi's seal being activated and this enraged him greatly as unknown to ohim the chain that hung from his chest suddenly grew teeths and started to eat itself but naruto was too focused on what was happening in front of him to realise this.

Naruto watched as hinata took out a kunai from hr sleeth as with a smirk on her face she slit hanabi's throat as hanabi gagged on the blood she managed to say something to hinata.

"I'll enjoy watching you get tortured in hell !!"

Soon after hanabi's lifeless body collapsed on the ground a spiritual form of hanabi appeared to see the pissed off naruto growling at the people that killed her, she instantly rushed to him even though she was just as mad.

Time skip, 5 minutes later.

Wow naruto-sama what is that? Hanabi said as she pointed at Naruto's chain that was eating itself and was almost done but before they could respond they both felt a shooting pain in their whole body's they tried to scream but it was muffled out by a white substance coming out of their mouths and it started to wrap around tier bodie's.

Hueco mundo

Naruto woke up next to something but he was not paying attention to the thing but instead he was looking at endless sand around him and the weird monsters that were attacking, killing and eating each other.

Naruto was astonished as he was used to the compstempt of survival of the fittest but he never imagined that he would be put in a situation where that was the only rule.

Naruto inwardly smirked as he used his senses and could feel as the monsters ate each other they got stronger not by much but did nonetheless.

Naruto inwardly smirked as he realized that since feeding made them strong maybe he should try to do the same even if he wasn't a monster like them.

Naruto took a step forward only for him to stop and looked down only to see he wasn't stepping on the sand but was stepping on a dragon like creature it had many bones like structures coming out of its wings it's tails and many more body parts including its head the dragon was much bigger than naruto himself and looked very menacingly but for some reason naruto was not scared by it and felt like he knew this creature.

Hanabi woke up to see a fox-like creature with no skin but instead had a hard bone-like structure covering it's whole body, a long bone-like tail that looked much like it's spine and had a fox-like mask with 2 red eyes with a black slit in the middle going down.

Who are you, Hanabi said to the fox.

I'm Naruto uzumaki.

Naruto sama?




Why are you a dragon?

Why are you a fox?


WHAT DO YOU MEAN? I'm not a fox! I'm not a dragon!

The 2 panicked for a bit but luckily for them they were not attacked by any surrounding hollows because they had quite a strong aura coming from them and so that kept them away.

After 10 minutes of the 2 panicking then they slowly came down and they accepted who each other were and came to the conclusion that they had transformed when they started to puke out that white substance and felt the pain when their chain ate themselves but they did not get enough time to continue to thing about this when the sandy ground opened and a giant worm like hollow came out with his mouth opened intending on eating the 2 new born hollows.

Hanabi instinctively jumped and started to fly with her new wings which surprised her since this was her first time but she did not know that hollows relied heavily on instincts so that was the reason.

Naruto however was not as lucky as he had no wings and he was about to fell in the creature who had been attacked by the power that he felt in the 2 new hollows naruto used his instincts and shoot his bone like tail back like a spear it pierced the side of the creatures mouth and naruto sticked to the side.

Hanabi seeing naruto in a tricky situation she launched forward and with her clawd legs she stabbed it's head and broke it's mask naruto and her feed on the massive hollow after they were done they gained the hollows knowledge and learn that they were in hueco mundo and that they needed to get strong to survive or they would die.

Time skip 1 week later

naruto and hanabi had made their way to the menos forest on their ways there they had killed all of the hollows they came across and feed on them wich made them very strong and they could feel it that their powers was coming to its maximum in this for and so they would have to evolve by killing all of those hollows they found out important informations about hollows but they found out something that stood out they found out that there is a kingdom call las noches and it's king who claimed himself as the god of hueco mundo Baraggan Luisenbairn.

Naruto made it a point to go and give this king a visit but before that he needed to get a stronger a lot stronger.

Naruto and hanabi had come up with a combo to kill hollows where naruto naruto would fight them while hanabi foot fire or just came down and picked them up then dropping the enemy hollow to its death witch prooved to be a great tactike since most of the hollows wereto stupid to understand what was happening or they were just to weak and slow to use it to their advantage.

Naruto and hanabi looked ahead to see the menos forest but it was surrounded by thousands of low level hollows as they were too scared to go in so they just waited for an opportunity to go in and little did they know that opportunity was just above them.

Suddenly they looked up to see a dragon-like hollow flying just above the trees holding on to a much smaller fox hollow.

The hollowed watched as the dragon suddenly dropped the smaller hollow and the smaller hollow quickly landed on a Menos Grande's mask shattering it as the hollow started to divolve naruto quickly eat it and he felt his power reach its maximum but he continued and jumped on another Menos Grande broke the mask by eating it along with the Menos this process continued for a while until naruto's body was suddenly surrounded by a giant black cloak of reiatsu and he became 153 meter tall at the top there was naruto's hollow fox shaped mask but without the fox ears with spikes around its neck.

The new born Menos Grande let out a cry of pain as he started to hear the thousands of hollow voices in it's head hanabi saw this and knew what was wrong but she had faith in naruto and she moved down and started to do the same thing naruto just did but when she became a Menos Grande her mask looked like her dragon mask.

She screamed just as loud as naruto before she walked next to naruto and they both started to charge a cero.

They launched in unisent at a single Menos Grande who had done the same but his cero was overpowered due to being hit by 2 and it died and naruto and hanabi started to feed on it.

Time skip 3 weeks later.

Naruto and hanabi were stuck in hueco mundo for a month now and they had been stuck as Menos Grande for 3 weeks this was not long compared to how long it it should normally take but it was so long to due to the endless screams of the souls that they eat and the constant mental battle against them so that they did not become a mindless hollow and a physical one against the other Menos Grande and the weaker hollows but there was one thing that made naruto willing to go forward and that is revenge and instincts hanabi was in no better shape than naruto but her reason for going on was to be able to be at naruto's side and please him and see him happy but she was struggling a lot because no matter how much she tried she could not ignore the painful screams naruto was giving and that took away her attention as on instincts she would do to help him.

Naruto was currently panting as he was tired and 20 Menos Grande surrounded him and hanabi, hanabi was not as tired as him but she was definitely tired naruto thought it was over and they would be eaten but then it happened.

Naruto said a deep demonic voice.

Was Cruise who was calling him but then ignored it, thinking it was just another soul that he had eaten.

Naruto was about to get up when he felt something was off...

He was no longer tired and... he couldn't hear them... it was completely silent in his mind there was no one trying to take over.

What the hell, where did the voices go?

I silenced them said the same deep voice.



What is it? I'm kinda in a bit of a hard spot right now.

Yes i know, i can see that but don't worry time is much slower here than in the real world.

But I shall be fast anyways.

So I wanted to let you know something very important that will help you in the future. I know we have known each other for about 7 years now ever since you were 6 and I was deciding if i should or should not give you my help or not.

And i have decided to help you as you see over the years i have become quite fond of you but i wanted you to know that i am dying and the reason why is because ever since you died and became a hollow my chakra was being transformed into reiatsu and although it is a very great amount i have near limitless chakra so it will take very longer.

But I will let you know when the time is near as when the time comes you will have to eat me and you shall evolve from doing so.

Naruto didn't respond for a long while before he said yes I will.

Kyuubi sighed.

Now take my power and use a cero. It should be able to help you beat them.



You stopped the voices... How and could you have done it earlier?

Oh that will when you become a Menos Grande you made a mental link and all of the souls got stuck on it but I created a new one with the only one on it being me so yeah i could have done it at any point.

Kyuubi said not realizing that Naruto was pissed at him for letting him have to live through that hell.

Damn you kyuubi! Naruto said as a giant wooden gate hit the foxes form but kyuubi wasn't mad as he then realized why naruto did that.

Kyuubi simply mumbled a low apology and then gave Naruto a boost.

Naruto felt back to full power and felt the boost coming from kyuubi.

Naruto used his shadowy hand and pulled back a disoriented hanabi and opened the mouth of his mask a cero started to form on his face but it was much more powerful than any cero he had ever formed before and he launched it it hit one of the Menos Grande and exploded the explosion destroying half of each ot the Menos Grande and only leaving the head of the one that was directly hit naruto and hanabi went on to eat the 20 dead Menos Grande ech eating 10 and on the last one their body's started to crack and it soon exploded into a white light.

End of chapter 1

That was interesting wrote the whole thing in one day it's been a while since ive done that now it usually takes a week because i keep getting distracted and other stuff but here it is god Naruto don't expect this to be a daily upload thing as o don't plan on doing all the parts this fast but I should be able to do a part every 2 week or so.

Please review because I wanna know what you guys think even if you happen to think it's trash just let me know what makes you think it's bad and I'll try yo improve it to make it better but yeah if I get a lot of reviews I'll definitely upload this quicker so yeah that's your invitation to review.

Until next time I'll keep looking for the many many many secrets of this world and the next.