
The True Eye Of The Evil King

Upon waking up, Qin Shiran crossed over and obtained the True Eye of the Evil King. When he found that he could travel through other anime worlds—— “I want to go to the black bullet!!!” (already Experienced , The world: Apocalypse, Sword, Black Bullet, Earth Error, Second Disease, Sister Sister, Skyfall, Ingenuity, Zero Envoy, Elf Envoy, Star Engraving, God Killer, Battle, Demon Forbidden [in progress]) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- {Ratings would be appreciated} 1 Chapter per Day To read Advance Chapters up to 17 + 1 bonus (enjoy -..-) -> http://patreon.com/Aara_v -> Patreon username: Aara_v and it really helps to keep going. -> https://pigchoice.blogspot.com/?m=1 {you can also visit this website if you are searching for any anime movies.} ____________________________________________ This is a Chinese Fan-Fiction Novel and i am just translating it.

Aara_v · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 28 : Arrive at the East Police Station

  The main city of the bed, a private house.

  There is no living person on the streets and alleys. Some are dead, or have been bitten and become zombies. There are also people who survived by chance. When it comes to zombies, there might be a bunch of them popping up around a corner.

  The houses of every household were dilapidated to varying degrees, some were attacked by zombies, some were smashed and destroyed by distorted people. The dilapidated windows all prove that this place has not been spared.

  There is a wooden door plate hanging on the door of the house, engraved with two words: small room.

  This is Takashi Komuro's home.

  After getting out of the car, Takashi Komuro looked at the destroyed home with a dazed expression.

  "Komuro, let's go in and have a look..."

  Rei Miyamoto said softly.

  Takashi Komuro nodded as if he didn't hear anything, and walked towards this strange home with heavy steps.

  Qin Shiran and Kota Hirano accompanied Takashi Komuro into the house, and Saeko Busujima stayed in the car, so that if something happened, he could also protect others.

  It took about half an hour to get out of Gaocheng's house, and there were two times when he was surrounded by zombies and had to get out of the car to clear the road. When he passed near Komuro's house, he was thinking about his family, Komuro wanted to go home, and the others did not object.

  The goal of the team at the beginning was to go to the homes of Takashi Komuro, Rei Miyamoto, and Gaocheng Saya to confirm the situation of their respective families. Gaocheng Saya was lucky, her parents were both capable and capable people, and they were safe and sound.

  Takashi Komuro's family situation is relatively ordinary, his father is a middle-level employee of a company, and his mother is a teacher of Xinbed No. 3 Elementary School.

  It's just that both the company where Takashi Komuro's father works and the elementary school where Takashi Komuro's mother works are quite far away. Xinbed No. 3 Primary School is okay, it takes 20 minutes to get there by bicycle, and the company is far away. Yes, Takashi Komuro's father has to take a 40-minute tram ride to the company every morning.

  The key to the house was left at school and he didn't bring it with him, so the door couldn't be opened. Takashi komuro asked Qin Shiran to tear down the door violently. Sooner or later, there would be survivors breaking in here, so it doesn't matter if the door is opened now.

  Everything in the house remained the same as it was a few days ago, without any changes. It seemed that his parents had not returned home, which made Takashi Komuro a little disappointed.

  Finding a handbag from the room, Takashi Komuro went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. The power system has not yet been paralyzed, and the ingredients in the refrigerator are well preserved. Pretending to be, I was in a hurry when I left Gaocheng's house, and I didn't have time to clean up. Now I have to bring food, just in case.

  After filling a bag of food, Takashi Komuro took down the photo frame on the wall, took out the family portrait inside, glanced at it blankly, then folded it in half and put it next to him, solemnly said: "Let's go, let's go find Li's father. "

  Rei Miyamoto's father works at the East Police Station, and is the Minister of Public Security. The East Police Station is not far from here, even closer than Xinbed No. 3 Elementary School. Therefore, everyone chose the East Police Station as their first destination. Bureau.

  I drove to the East Police Station, and there was a sign "East Police Station Asylum Shelter" at the entrance of the police building. Several cars were parked crookedly on the side of the road, and there were many traces of tire friction on the road. A lot of cars left here, and they left in a hurry.

  With the help of Takashi Komuro, Rei Miyamoto stepped off the Humvee chariot. Looking at this deserted scene, she also realized that her father and other policemen were not here. reunion.

  Qin Shiran and others walked into the police building cautiously. Various paper documents were scattered all over the place, and some daily necessities could be seen. It seemed that some refugees were indeed taken in here, but they didn't know what unexpected events happened. situation, emergency evacuation.

  "What should we do now?"

 Takashi Komuro looked back at Qin Shiran and asked.

  Qin Shiran thought about it for a while, and said, "Let's find the weapon warehouse of the police station first."

  Kota Hirano's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Yes, there should be guns and ammunition in the police station, we have to take them all away."

  Kota Hirano's skills were all focused on shooting firearms. If the bullets ran out, he could only return to his original shape.

  Takashi Komuro noticed Rei Miyamoto's gloomy expression, and quickly added: "When we find the weapon, we will go to Rei's father. There may be some clues left here."

  Hearing this, Rei Miyamoto also regained her spirits.

  It's the first time for everyone to come to the East Police Station. They don't know the area division here, so they don't know the location of the weapon depot. However, considering that the police need to dispatch the police quickly in case of an emergency, the weapon depot should be on the first floor somewhere.

  Looking at the police station diagram on the wall, he found that there was a room that was not marked, and the weapon depot should be there. Just as everyone was about to go to investigate, two zombies suddenly sprang out from the bathroom, screaming and about to pounce. Qin Shiran then, with two quick stabs, the two zombies were dealt with.

  The two zombies, a man and a woman, can be seen from their attire to be civilians. They may have come here after the police and asylum seekers evacuated. Qin Shiran noticed a detail. Since they fled to the police station, why did they both turn into corpses? ? Did he get infected when he came here, or... are there zombies in the police station?

  No matter what the situation is, Qin Shiran has to be more vigilant and cautious. Although he has the evil king's true eyes, he can't take it lightly at all times. He doesn't want to capsize in the gutter and die in this terrible world.

  "In order to take care of the lover who was bitten, did both of them get infected..."

  Takashi Komuro looked at the corpses of the male and female zombies on the ground, feeling a little sad.

  Rei Miyamoto asked strangely: "Komuro, how do you know they are lovers?"

  Komuro pointed to the phone that fell aside. There was a photo sticker on the cover of the phone. It was a photo of the male and female zombies. They looked very affectionate, but it's a pity...

  Komuro silently put the bodies of the couple side by side neatly, and put the mobile phone with the photo of the two on it between the two corpses. In the last days when everyone is in danger, it is really rare to have such a pair of fateful mandarin ducks.

  When I came to the room that was not marked on the police station map, there was a sign of "Pistol Warehouse" on the door, which made everyone overjoyed, but the door of the warehouse had a combination lock.

  There is no password, but there are two knives. Qin Shiran skillfully swung the knife to chop the combination lock to pieces, and the door opened easily like this.

  Da da da...

  Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps at the top of the stairs. Hearing the sound, he saw a man in glasses wearing a police uniform. He had turned into a zombie with a pistol in his hand. It seemed that the policeman thought about it after being bitten. He committed suicide with a gun, but he didn't know if he retreated temporarily, or he didn't have time to shoot.

  "Uncle Kato..."

  Rei Miyamoto shouted in horror, this is her father's colleague, an uncle with a good relationship, who did not expect to escape.

  There are several zombies behind this zombie policeman, some are civilians, some are policemen, the reason for the emergency retreat of the policemen and asylum seekers is revealed, it seems that the zombie infection broke out in the police station, killing the zombies can't keep up with the speed of the infection spread, and finally had to retreat.

  Qin Shiran and Saeko Busujima couldn't be troubled by a few zombies, they rushed forward to kill the monsters, Takashi Komuro and others also took the opportunity to enter the pistol warehouse, but they were disappointed after entering, all the guns and ammunition were taken away, Not a single bullet was left.

  Gaocheng Saya stomped his feet, "The police must have all equipped with guns! Ahhhhh! I should have thought of it!"

  Kota Hirano had a flash of inspiration, and said, "The evidence vault! There may be guns among the smuggled goods collected in the port or airport!"

  "The third floor, I went there when I was in middle school!"

  Miyamoto Rei said.

  After coming out of the room, Qin Shiran and Saeko Busujima had already dealt with the zombies. They hurried up the stairs to the third floor, and there were a few zombies staggering, and one of them was wearing a special police suit. After the zombie special police fell down, Kota Hirano couldn't wait to do something to him. Of course, it was the equipment on the zombie, his eyes were almost glowing.

  The door of the evidence storage room was violently dismantled invariably. The room was pitch-black, and boxes were placed on the evidence storage shelf. After some searching, they found several guns and boxes of ammunition. An M1014JSCS Benelli M4 Super 90 shotgun, a combat shotgun used by both the US Navy and the British Army.

  Although Takashi Komuro already had an Ithaca M37 shotgun brought out from Nan Lixiang's house, but because there were many damages and there were not many specific ammunition left, this new gun was given to Takashi Komuro. I can also retire with honor.

  In addition to guns and ammunition, I also found a few flashlights. This reminded Qin Shiran that there will be a long period of darkness soon. Flashlights and other lighting tools will not be damaged by electromagnetic pulses. It is necessary to collect them. Some spare batteries are kept.

  In addition, each girl is also equipped with a pistol. Five pistols are found, and there is a surplus for each of the four girls. The pistol is relatively easy to use. Kota Hirano patted his chest and said that he will guide how to use it later. That's good. For self-defense, especially Ju Chuan Shizuka and Gaocheng Saya, it is very necessary to learn how to use a gun.

  After collecting guns and ammunition, the next stop is to search the office of Rei Miyamoto's father's unit, which is the Ministry of Public Security. Rei Miyamoto opened the door of the office full of expectations, but there was no one in the office, and Rei Miyamoto came here in a daze When she arrived at her father's desk, there was still a photo of her and her mother on the desk, and she looked at it silently.

  Takashi Komuro and Rei Miyamoto were desperately looking for clues, but the policemen in this office also left in a hurry, and nothing seemed to be left behind. Qin Shiran noticed that there seemed to be writing on the slanted whiteboard, walked over to straighten it, and said with a smile: "I found it." ."

  'Survivors, please gather at Xinbed No. 3 Elementary School! '

  "This is Dad's word!!"

  Rei Miyamoto was pleasantly surprised.

  Takashi Komuro's mother was in Xinbed No. 3 Elementary School, and Rei Miyamoto's father was there too, so lucky.

  Now that we have the whereabouts of Rei Miyamoto's father, we can prepare to leave, but before we leave, we have to go to a place, which is the communication command room on the top floor, where we may also get some useful information.

  With the idea of ​​taking a look, I actually found the information on a computer that was not turned off in time. Five days later, there will be a rescue operation by the Self-Defense Forces, and the location is Xinbed No. 3 Elementary School!

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