
Red Shanks

Atlas POV

"May! We're home!"

May opened the door for us. She had a slight annoyed look to her. That's when I remembered that I told her only two people would be coming with me.

"May! This is Olivia and her daughter Katherine." May acknowledged the two but then her eyes darts to princess Eva and Zen.

"That's the princess that Mrs. Ivory asked me to look for, the man is her guard." Her annoyed face was replaced with a look of understanding.

"Ah. Welcome everyone! Please, come in."

May had prepared rooms already but with two more added she had to make something up.

"Atlas… could you and Noel sleep in Lucy's room? I didn't prepare a room since I didn't know about the princess and her guard."

"Yeah, it's my mistake. Who knew that the princess was someone I rescued as well."

May led everyone to the living area while I cleaned out my room and move to Lucy's room which was down the hall from mine. Lucy's room was shocking honestly. The room was girly. Flowers here and there. Pink bed covers, she even had some stuffed animals. I tried not to judge and went back downstairs. At the bottom of the steps, Noel was playing with Katherine.

"Brother! Look! I'm a big sister now!"

She was patting Katherine's head the same way I pat hers. This was so adorable. Katherine's mocha brown hair was all messy now. Her lime green eyes were looking at me for help. She looked like a perfect mix of Abe and Olivia.

"That's great but go easy on Katherine, okay? She looks tired already."

"Hmph! Katherine! Do you not like me?"

"No, big sis. I like having a big sister."

Noel looked at me and stuck out her tongue. "You see! She's okay!"

"Fine but just remember that she's younger than you. Don't be too rough with her." I then walk to the living area that all the adults were at.

When I walked in, the three girls were sitting down while Zen was standing behind the princess.

"Zen! Why don't you sit?"

"Zen must guard the princess."

Princess Eva called out to me.

"Please sit Sir Atlas, Zen won't sit down. He takes his job seriously."

I go ahead and sit down. May then stands up to leave.

"It was nice meeting you three. I have to go to work now. I have already made spare keys so feel free to take one for each of you. NOEL! Let's go!"

Noel ran in with Katherine waddling behind.

"Yay! Let's go!"

Noel was ready to go but she turns back to me. "Brother! We need to go on a quest soon, okay? Auntie May won't let me go by myself. She didn't even let me go with Auntie Jennie and Auntie Lucy when they left earlier!"

"Alright, let's go tomorrow then."

Noel yells in joy. She then leaves with May.

"So that's your little sister huh? She's a half elf, no?"

I'm sure they were all wondering. I am human while Noel was a half elf. I go ahead and explain everything to them about Noel.

"She's your adoptive sister basically. Don't worry, we won't tell her about what her parents said to you." The three seem to understand why I took Noel in.

As much as I wanted to stay and talk to them. I had other things to do, I need to do research and see if I could break this eternal slave mark without having anyone die.

"Here you guys go, take this and explore the city. You guys aren't from here so relax and go do some shopping."

The three accepted and they grabbed the spare keys. Olivia was going to take Katherine clothes shopping while Princess Eva and Zen were going to try some food. After they left, I locked up and went to find the public library.




Third Person POV

Deep in the slums. The church that was once Atlas' home, had screams coming from the inside of it. No one wanted to look inside to see what was happening. The Red Shanks gang still had control of the old church and their members were walking around the area.

Those living in the area has been living in fear the last 10 years. The Red Shanks would take money from everyone. If they asked for something, even if it was something you hold dear, you had to give it to them, if not then your life would be taken.

Taking a closer look inside the church, it was dark with only a few lamps lit. In the main area, there was a group of men that circled around a few other men. The men standing around had a red cloth tied around their ankle and wrist. These men were members of the Red Shanks. The men beaten down were a part of the mercenary guild. There was three of them that was beaten down and barely moving.

"Sir… please… the guild will do something about the deaths. Please… we just need time…"

One of the gang members kicked the back of the one who talked.

"Shut up! Let the boss speak!"

The group then looked up at the boss. He had a buzz cut. He had a thick black beard. He had scars that littered his body. Based off his facial features, he must have been someone in his mid-30s. He was wearing no armor, only wearing an old farmer shirt and pants. The man sighs and walks to the three men that were beaten.

"Tell me what you will do to replace the men I lost last night? Twenty-five of my men were killed while protecting your higher ups. The baron, the Red Shanks' cash cow was killed as well. All our slaves are missing. TELL ME, HOW WILL THE MERCENARIES MAKE UP FOR THIS."

The boss unleashed 40% of his [Death's Aura]. He didn't care who it affected; he was pissed.

"Those higher ups who died didn't need protection. They were more powerful than my men who were sent there. Now the mercenary guild wants us to pay for the lost? Do they want a war?"

The three men shivered in fear. The guild master wanted to pin the blame on the Red Shanks. Even if what the boss said was true, it wasn't a lie to say that the Red Shanks had the number advantage. They should have done their job and protected their leaders.

"Will no one speak?"

The boss' angry tone continue to frighten everyone. Even the gang members were backing up a bit. The mercenary who spoke up earlier spoke up once more.

"Sir… I promise you that the guild will repay you back for your lost. I will talk to the guild master."

"Prove it." The man slowly looked up at the boss.


"Don't look at me like that. Prove it. Prove that you will be good on your word."

The boss throws a dagger at the man.

"You are the guild master's grandson, right? He shouldn't say anything as long as you come back alive. Kill those two with you as proof that you will do anything to make up for my dead men."

The man picks up the dagger and looks at his two buddies. They were shaking their head. They didn't want to die; this wasn't what was suppose to happen. He looked back at the boss but the boss was serious.


The man used the dagger to kill both of the two that came with him. They couldn't defend themselves since the boss had his Aura holding them both down.

"Good, escort him out. I can't wait to see what the mercenary guild will do for us."

The gang members took the last man out. The boss turned around to sit down again.

"Did you need to do that Darren?"

A voice calls out to the boss from the shadows.

"So, you finally returned? Did you enjoy it? This is what you always do anyways? You kill those innocent street dogs for me."

Darren, the leader of the Red Shanks was known for his psychotic behavior. He likes to turn others on each other and enjoys the betrayal between those who are suppose to be friends. His right hand strongly disliked this.

"You're still a disgusting man. No matter how many years go by, you still stay the same."

"HAHAAHA! You knew what you were signing up for."

"I only joined to protect the girls."

"Ah yes! The girls! How are they huh? How are Jennie, Lucy and May doing? Huh Freeman?! Why don't we visit them? Maybe you will be a good dog and shut the hell up."

The right-hand man was Freeman! He disappeared 10 years ago, not to work a job but to work for the Red Shanks. The same gang that drove him and his friends onto the streets. The same gang that had a part in Atlas' disappearance.

"You piece of shit."

Freeman unleashed 40% of his [Death's Aura]. Darren just laughs it off.

"HAHA, come on friend! Aren't we business partners? It's a win you know. I get my money; you pay off your debt to the gang."

Freeman couldn't do anything. He had to continue working for the gang he hated the most. He needed to do this until he could kill Darren and get revenge on the gang.

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