
Atlas vs Jennie

**WOAH! Thank you to SnusDax for giving this story even more powerstones! I truly appreciate it! This chapter is dedicated to you!**

Atlas POV

When I teleported, two girls were in front of me. One had beautiful medium length black hair that was wavey, almost messy looking. She had a beautiful face, probably more beautiful than May. She was shorter than me, probably a few inches shorter. The other girl had long flowing blonde hair. She had a tom boyish look to her. She looked like someone who was cool and mysterious. Her facial features really reminded me of someone though.

Both girls seemed like they were in the middle of training with one another but then it quickly changed when I appeared. They both circulated their mana around themselves. Sensing it, I could tell that they were both good with mana manipulation. I really had no energy to fight so I unleashed all 40% of my [Death's Aura].

"Sorry about this girls. I would usually fight you but I am to exhausted. I have too much blood on me right now. Please, why don't we do this another time?" The black-haired girl was feisty. She answered back with her 25% [Death's Aura] and started yelling.

"You magically appeared in our backyard asshole! How dare you act like this is our fault!" Oh man! That screaming sounds so familiar as well.

Before I could truly recover, the blonde girl ran at me and tackled me. I thought I was going to get stabbed or something but nothing happened. It seemed like her friend was also clueless on what was happening.

"Hey Lucy! What are you doing?! Don't hug a strange man like that!"

The black-haired girl was blushing all over. Wait… Lucy? I look at the girl's face closely this time.

"Lucy? May's sister Lucy? So, wonder you look so much like her! Did you recognize me, even though its been so long?"

"Hm. Of course. I remember my cool friend."

"Lucy!!! What are you talking about? Who is this guy?"

If this girl on me is Lucy, then this other girl must be.

"Lucy. Could you get up for a second." Lucy gets up, she has the nasty blood on her now. I go ahead and wash her with some water. I also clean myself off with some water. I then turn to the other girl. I then run at her and tackle her.

"Little crybaby Jennie!!! Who knew that the two crybabies of the group would be so strong!"

I held on tightly to Jennie. I won't go so easy on her. It took her too long to remember my handsome face. She then suddenly wraps her arms around me.

"Wait. Atlas?! How… that isn't possible…"

They both seemed to not know that I was back. I look at Lucy to try to get some answers. Lucy understood what I wanted to say and answered me.

"May isn't home. She's usually home around 11." That makes sense, I guess. I hope she isn't spoiling Noel too much.

"Calm down Jennie. You can't be crying again now, right? I heard from May that you're basically a celebrity now!"

Jennie just smacks my chest to shut me up. I couldn't help but laugh. It felt so good to see these two again. They are exactly as I remember them.

"Hahaha! I'm glad you two are still the same. Please… as much as I want to catch up, please let me go inside and sleep. I've had a long day."

"But… can't we talk for a bit? You vanished that day you know. I was so sad. I thought that if I didn't ask for your help that day… you could…"

"Don't worry about it Jennie. I'm not going anywhere. Let's do this tomorrow okay?"

Jennie reluctantly nods and lets me go. I get off of her and go inside through the back. I go to the room that May let me stay in and cleaned myself thoroughly. After that I went ahead and knocked out the moment my head touched the bed.




The next morning, I woke up, Noel was sleeping next to me. She was drooling everywhere. I had to clean her up a bit. I really couldn't leave her like that.

I get up and head downstairs. The first person I see is Lucy. It looks like she got up early to cook.

"Morning Lucy, I didn't know you can cook. I remember you use to struggle with it."

Lucy looked over at me, she seemed quite embarrassed. She was blushing and could no longer look at me in the eyes. I then heard someone laughing from behind.

"You're right. Lucy still isn't the best cook, she wanted me to help her cook something since you finally returned."

The person who just outed Lucy was her sister, May.

"Is that so? I appreciate it then Lucy! The last home cooked meal I had was when I was still living with you guys."

"Does that mean I will be giving your first meal?" Lucy always had a sort of bored tone to her voice but I could tell that there was a hint of excitement this time.

"Yeah, but could you make enough for everyone else as well? I don't want to be eating alone." I was looking at the ingredients she had, there was enough to serve maybe two people only.

Lucy quickly gets back to cooking. I couldn't help but whisper to May who was already sitting next to me. "Was she really only going to cooking for me?" May just shrugged at me. "She's just excited to have you back."

I guess she's right. Lucy and I always got along really well. Even if she was soft spoken. She and I were like good friends. Jennie was the bratty little sister. May was the overprotective mother. Freeman… was the cool older brother.

While May and I were talking Jennie and Noel both came down at the same time. Noel smile when she saw me.

"Brother! My aunties are so cool!! They showed me some fighting moves last night!"

"Is that so? Are your aunties cooler than me?"

"Hmph! Of course not! You are way cooler."

I couldn't help but be a bit smug. I look over at Jennie and I could see she was annoyed. HAHAHA! I love teasing her. Jennie saw me looking at her. She suddenly proposed something.

"Why don't we spare after this Atlas? Show me how strong you are now."

"Let's do it!"

After that, May had helped Lucy finish cooking and we all sat down to eat. Once we finished, Noel ushered us all outside. She couldn't hold back on her excitement.




Third Person POV

Jennie wanted to fight Atlas first so the both of them were standing at a distance from each other. May, beforehand, had told Atlas that she talked to Lucy and Jennie last night about his time and what he experienced. She didn't tell them about his ability to use all four elements. She also wanted him to explain how he appeared out of thin air in front of Jennie and Lucy last night. Atlas had forgotten that he didn't tell them about his shadow magic or teleportation. He made a promise to explain it after.

Jennie was standing at a distance. She had a short sword in her hand. Her mana has already been circulating around her, prepared to fire off spells when needed. Atlas stood their unarmed. He only held onto Lily's dagger for Noel, he had no plans to ever use it.

"No weapon? You sure are confident."

"I am. There's no need to add more parts to something that is already complete."


Jennie tried shaking Atlas up but he was unaffected. May walked forward to give the signal. With her hand raised, "I will stop the match if I deem it too dangerous. Now begin!"

On her signal, Jennie ran forward. She wanted to test out his physically capabilities first. She held onto her short sword and came in with a slice. Atlas didn't care about her sword though. His mana armor was solid enough to withstand most regular human weapons. Just like he expected, the sword hit his armor and bounced off, which surprised Jennie since she couldn't see or sense his mana armor.

With Jennie caught off guard for a moment, Atlas came in with a strong right punch that was aimed for her stomach. Before the hit connected, Atlas could sense her mana move to cover her stomach. When he hit the mana, it wasn't as strong as his own but it could still protect her from a physical attack.

'I see, so that circulating mana around her is her own version of the mana armor. It moves to block off any attack that is coming at her. But can it protect her from multiple attacks at once?'

Atlas jumped back as he created spears that were about his arm length. He created four and shot it at Jennie at different intervals. He wanted to see if her armor could move fast enough. Jennie couldn't sense mana as well as Atlas but she had something else going for her. Her instincts as an A rank adventurer.

Years of dangerous quests has given her the ability to sense danger even if she couldn't understand why she felt that way. Jennie tried to expand her mana so it would cover more of her body. She moved her mana around to points where she felt danger approaching. Atlas was happy to see what happened.

Jennie had successfully blocked all four of his spears. It looks like she has great reaction time. Jennie felt happy when she saw that Atlas was impressed with her defense.

"Are we going to keep doing this or will you come at me again Atlas?"

"If you want me to then I can Jennie."

Atlas now rushed at Jennie. A fist fight broke out between the two. Atlas starts off with a right swing. Jennie blocked it and threw a kick aimed for Atlas' left side, around his ribs. Atlas took the kick after he strengthen the mana around the area. Jennie was surprised by how strong it was but that moment gave Atlas the chance to counter. He went in a left swing, this time it connected and Jennie ended up backing up a bit. The right side of her face had a slight bruise but no blood.

"That's it Atlas!"

Jennie shouted in excitement; it looks like she might be a battle junkie. She then vanished in front of Atlas' eyes. Atlas sensed her reappearing behind him but he couldn't react at all. She jumped up and kicked Atlas from behind, aiming at his head as well. Atlas ended up flying away after such a strong kick. He landed a good 6 feet away (1.8 meters).

Atlas could hear Noel cry out to him but he got up to show her that he was okay.

"Atlas! Jennie uses wind magic! She's the fastest person in the kingdom!"

"Tch, that isn't fair May! I don't even know what Atlas can use!"

Atlas understood now. If she has a wind affinity then that would explain why she moves so fast. Her understanding of the wind element was better than Atlas since she could focus more of her training time on it. Since Atlas had four elements, he couldn't put in the same amount of training time that she does. It wouldn't be shocking to say that she was a better wind user than Atlas. It's not surprising that she created a spell to move much faster than Atlas could perceive.

"Don't worry about that Jennie. I will show you now since you are using your elements."

Jennie prepared herself. She was ready to call out any spells that could counter what Atlas was going to throw at her. Sadly, she didn't know Atlas could use all four elements.

Atlas gathered a huge amount of mana in the air. He decided to show off a bit. He wanted to impress his little sister, who was seeing him fight like this for the first time.

[Water Torpedo]

The mana he gathered turned to one giant water ball that floated above his head. The ball then began to shoot at torpedoes made of water at Jennie. Jennie was shocked by the size of the water ball but also the speed at which the torpedoes came out.

[Mud Wall]

Jennie revealed her other affinity. The earth element. She created a wall to protect her from the water torpedoes. Atlas kept shooting them at her wall. He wanted to see what she would do next. Jennie knew the wall wouldn't hold for long so she prepared her next move. Jennie destroyed the top half of her mud wall and shot it into the air by using her wind spell. She then launched herself into the air as well, using the mud wall to protect herself from incoming attacks as she came down.

Atlas slowed down his attack as Jennie came down. He should have kept going. Jennie put more of her mana into the mud wall and casted her next spell.

[Kunai Barrage]

Kunai began to form on the wall and they shot out at Atlas, it wasn't just a few either. It was hundreds that came at the same time. They showed no signs of stopping either.

[Golem Hand]

The ground jumped onto his arm and formed a huge hand that blocked the kunai from hitting him. Jennie saw this and couldn't help but be impressed. She didn't think that Atlas could be such a quick thinker in a fast-paced fight.

Since Atlas was distracted by the constant kunai attacks, Jennie prepared one more attack. She carefully split the mud wall into two pieces. One piece stayed in the air and kept shooting the kunai out while the other piece was used for her final attack. She slowly floated downwards with the other wall. She split the wall into many bits and formed them into many spikes.

[Magnetic Dance]

This spell utilizes both elements she had. She used her earth element to create many spikes. She then uses her wind element to have the spikes dance around her opponent and shoot at them at different time intervals. The spikes would always connect with the opponents since Jennie would surround the entire area with her mana, having complete control of how fast and accurate the spikes will be.

This was one of her trump cards. It was a one time use though since it also used up a lot of her mana. She had to have complete concentration on all the mana she released to control the spikes. So, she usually wouldn't be able to use this unless she had someone protecting her.

"Let's end this sparing match, Atlas!"

Jennie released as much mana as she could without endangering herself. She fused the mana with the wind and began shooting the spikes at Atlas.

Thanks for reading this chapter of The True Dreamer! I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to comment down what you liked and disliked about the chapter. If you really like the book feel free to rate it and leave a review so others will know what you think. You can also add it to your library so that you will never miss an update.

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