
Adventure's Guild


While Noel and I were looking for an inn, a little boy, maybe 5 or 6 years old came up to the carriage.

"Excuse me sir, it seems like you just got into town. I can show you to my parent's inn. Its cheap and it isn't too far from here."

"Why aren't you well spoke for your age. Sure, please lead the way."

The boy skillful begins to lead the horse through the crowd.

"Brother, how big is this kingdom? This place seems to be the same size as the Beast Kingdom capital city."

"I think it is about the same size. I actually never knew the story behind the Nova Kingdom."

The boy who was listening, turned around to answer.

"I can tell you sir! The Nova Kingdom was once known as Nova Town. It was just one of the many towns around but this town was special. This town is the birth place of the Hero that saved humanity!"

"Is that right now? That's shocking to hear."

Did Kai send me here on purpose? That's way too much of a coincidence if he didn't do that. I should look around the city first. My reunion with the others can wait just a bit longer.

"The town was turned into a kingdom and it was decided that no one would ever attack it in honor of the Hero."

"Wow, that's interesting! Isn't it brother? Who knew that this small kingdom was where the Hero grew up?"

"It is interesting, I never heard of that story when I was living here."

The boy continues to lead us and eventually we come across a nice small inn.

"Welcome to our inn sir! Please let me take your carriage to the back. If you go inside, someone should be by the counter."

I hand the reins over to the boy and I walk towards the entrance. I let Noel go in first and I follow after. At the counter was an elf woman. She looks our way but then ignores us. Don't tell me?... I call out to her.

"Excuse me, do you have a room for two available?"

"No. We're fully booked."

The woman coldly answers me and pretends to be busy. Even though she was doing this I could see her side eyeing Noel.

This fucken bitch.

"Is that so? A little boy said that his parents' inn had a room. Are you saying he was lying?"

"A child said that to you? Are you a fool who just believes everything a child says?"

I remember the letter from Noel's parents saying that they were worried about discrimination because of being a half elf. I didn't want to believe it because Emilia never said anything and the boy earlier never said anything when they saw Noel.

"Come on Noel, lets go."

Noel was confused on why we were leaving but she follows behind. The boy was standing with another man next to our carriage.

"Will you buy the carriage from us?"

The boy looked confused. The man also looked confused but he answers me.

"We can sir, the carriage is in good condition and is well crafted. I can give you 10 gold for it."

"Perfect, I will take it."

The man hands me the gold and I ask if I can have the horse back. The boy detaches the horse and I take the reins. Ivory said the horse could find his way back home if I have no need for him, so I take off all the horse gear and tell the horse to head home. It looks at Noel and I one last time and trots off. I hold Noel's hand and begin to leave.

"Wait sir! I thought you were going to stay here?"

"That elf worker of yours said you guys were full. She also said I was a fool for following you here."

The little boy looks sadden by what I said to him, the man, I assumed to be his father just stands there. I address him next.

"Sir, you should hire workers that won't discriminate if you plan to last long."

I turn and leave with Noel. I hear the man grumble and he storms into the inn while yelling. I truly hope Noel doesn't have to face this sort of hate. It seems like its mainly elves that don't like half elves so it shouldn't be a huge issue while we live here since most humans this far north live here.

"Come on Noel, lets go to the adventure's guild. We can sell the extra meat I have to them."

"Yay! Let's go! Hopefully Mrs. Emilia is still there."




After asking around, we finally found directions to the adventure's guild. When we got near, it looked exactly how you would have thought. It was a tall red brick building with two floors. The first floor is where the adventures and other patrons go to accept quests, request help and where regular people can sell the animals they hunted. The second floor was the only available to guild workers. They also bought the land behind them, where they would butcher the meat that was brought in. It was also the busiest building, with a constant flow of people coming and going.

Noel rushes to my side, holding onto me. I guess the huge crowd scared her. The giant men with scars sitting around drinking outside probably added to that fear as well. I hold onto her hand as we walk pass the group outside.

The men looked at us, grunting and smirking as we walk by. I could hear some of the things they said too.

"Ha! Look at the little boy, walking in with a child. Does he think that this place is a daycare?"

"Just let them go, we can get a good laugh when they kick him out."

I just ignore them as we go by. I could see Noel trying to not let them bother her too. When we entered, the first thing that came to me was that this place was a tavern. There was a desk in view the moment you walked in. To the right of it were stairs leading to the second floor. To the left were a bunch of tables, filled with rowdy people drinking and eating. On the far left was a bar, a kitchen and a board filled with quests. After taking in the room, I get in line with Noel next to me.

"A child?! Is he stupid?"

"I hope the mercenaries don't see him. They love to pick on the weak."

"Someone should warn him. Who's going to do it?"

"Let's see if anything happens."

After hearing the whispers, I look around the room again and see that everyone seated close to the line was looking at us. The two tables close to the desk had 12 people. They were all men and they looked intimidating. They were drinking while staring me down.

'I really hope I can get through here without any trouble occurring.'

I reach into my pocket and put on a cheap ring. From what I hear, there are storage rings that are commonly used. I can use this ring and pretend that I'm taking out items from there when I'm really taking it from my shadow storage.

Finally, our turn came up. The pretty girl at the desk smiles and also waves at Noel.

"Hello sir. What can I help you with today?"

"Hi! I wanted to sell some items to the guild, will that be possible?"

"You can. Are you a part of the guild? If you are, we can buy it from you for a higher value. If you aren't then we would just buy it from you based off of the current value."

"I am not a part of the guild. Could I join right now and still receive the benefits after?"

"Of course, sir,"

The lady hands me a sheet of paper and a feathered pen.

"Please fill this out to the best of your ability. I will return with the Infinite Stone to test your elemental affinity."

'Ceto, can only two of you put your mana through the stone? I don't want the guild to know that I have all four elements.'

'Don't worry about it, sir! We will deal with that.'

After filling out the form. I wait for the girl to come back. When she does, she was holding onto a black stone that was about the size of her hand.

"Here we go sir. Please put your hand over the stone and release your mana through it."

I reach out and put my hand over it. I just wait for Ceto and the others to do their thing. After 10 seconds, nothing happened. Another 20 seconds passed, 40 seconds, 50 seconds and one minute later when nothing happened, I look at the girl to see if she understood what was wrong. She was also looking at me, but the pretty and happy girl was now looking at me with disgust.

'Sir! We have a problem! The stone that the humans have do not detect spirit mana! They will think that you have no affinity!'

Crap. That's not good. Maybe I should have just sold for the regular price? The girl was still looking at me with disgust. The group of men close by were laughing as well.

"You dirty bastard! You're just a Forsaken! Get your useless ass out of here! We will not accept you here!"

I was taken aback. The pretty and nice girl was now yelling at me and hurling insults to me. The men close by laughed even harder. More people in the building were looking our way now. Shit, maybe it's better to just leave but as I turn to go, someone yells at me.

"Hey man, don't leave yet. Why don't you sell that ring to us instead?"

I look in the direction of the voice. It came from the group of 12. I don't need the money but I do need to make room in my storage.

"How much are you going to give me?"

"How about 1 bronze coin for each item you pull out?"

The man was smirking while the group behind him was laughing. Does he think I'm stupid?

"You have to give me more than that. I worked hard for these kills."


The man marched forward and was now face to face with me.

"Just accept the deal you stupid Forsaken. No one will even give you a deal like this. If the money isn't enough for you, then sell me that little girl that's with you. She's a half elf, right? I'm sure there are plenty of nobles that would buy her."

What the fuck is he talking about? How can he talk like this in front of the guild workers? I look at the guild workers, they all had the same disgust on their face. None of them moved, none of them even attempted to defend Noel and I.

I look down because I could feel Noel shaking. YOU PIECE OF SHIT. YOU DARE SCARE NOEL LIKE THIS.

'Ceto, can you stay near Noel without getting detected?'

'I can sir. Go teach those bastards a lesson for scaring our sister.'

I pat Noel's head. I wrap her in my own mana armor to protect her. I whisper to her,

"Noel, stay here okay. Ceto will be close by and I will also protect you with my mana. If I tell you to close your eyes then please close them."

Noel had tears in her eyes and was still shaking. I hold both her hands and reassure once more.

"You know I'm strong. Don't worry about me. I won't let anyone take you from me."

"Alright brother. Go kick their butts!"

Noel walks over to the side while I confront the man.

Sorry for no chapters the last few days. Life has been busy. Take care of yourselves! :)

SamChang1creators' thoughts
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