
Where Am I?


He was laying under a tree, blood splattered everywhere. His stomach had been ripped open. The tree he was laying under was enormous and beautiful, the forest surrounding glistened under the sunset.

Kai was laying down, listening to his surroundings, making sure his escape had been successful. The bush's around him rustled as the soft wind swept over the forest.

His hands wrapped around his stomach, he gathered the strength and stood up, the pain prickling like a thousand needles shoved into his skin.


Kai fell, paralyzed from the piercing pain. His head was spewing out blood, like a faucet. Kai's head slopped over, resting on the side of the tree. Dazed, he stopped, thinking about his situation.

Before all this happened Kai was in his world. His mother died when he was young, so his father had to take care of him. He had handsome black hair and bright blue eyes that would glow in the dazzling sunlight.

He was even muscular, doing daily workouts at the gym, and life was good. That changed when Kai's father died when he was 14 from cancer. Kai moved to his grandparents house and lived there for awhile. They were the only family members he had left.

Other than that Kai had a perfectly ordinary life. He went to school, did daily exercises, and came home. But there was something that Kai had always found fascinating.

Now you see, in his world there were many myth's and legends passed down by the generations, speaking of ancient magical creatures that ruled the world and magical beings that defeated these horrid beasts.

Most didn't believe it was true, but if you think about the accomplishments of people you'd be surprised. There were people with inhuman strength, and some people even had to ability to control their body heat.

These discoveries didn't affect the community though, for most didn't believe. The idea of controlling your body heat was just to ridiculous to be true, yet it fascinated Kai like a wild fire.

He had always loved exploring, discovering, and understanding why things were the way they were. He had always had an adventurous spirit, wanting to learn and discover things.

Kai found these ancient myths and legends something worth exploring. So, he headed out at the age of 15, to an apparent "Haunted Cave," Where many children and teens went missing.

He simply wanted to know if it was truly haunted, so he got his backpack, filled with snacks, a flashlight, and a pocket knife, just in case.

The thought of going to a "Haunted Cave," Didn't scare Kai, but rather excited him. He loved reading fictional stories about people with supernatural ability's and whatnot.

He headed out around 5:00pm to the Haunted Cave. The Haunted Cave was best known for people never returning from it. Apparently, some police officers searched the cave to never be seen again.

That was until, the hand one of the officers, was found by some teens that wanted to explore the cave, to prove to his friends that he was brave.

The hand was completely torn off, laying in the sunlight outside the cave. The teens reported it and the Police Department did a raid on the cave, to find nothing but blood splattered over the walls, and signs of struggle.

Kai grabbed his pocket knife and flashlight. He lifted the flashlight and lit it towards the cave. He walked towards it, the inside completely black even with the flashlight on.

Kai speculated it was the sun, so he got closer to the cave in hopes it would light the cave up more.

He walked into the cave.

Immediately when he entered Kai felt a like something was watching him, spooked, he lifted the pocket knife. The knife was small but extremely sharp, sharp enough to pierce through someones skin like paper.

As Kai walked further through the cave, his body was giving off signals to run the opposite direction. But he wouldn't budge, his curiosity taking over the fear, he walked.

Kai only now looked around, realizing how odd the cave was. He had a black jacket on, blue pants, and a white shirt with words from a band he had never heard of.

The cave was cold, extremely cold. The cave was like a deformed area, rocks in odd places that didn't look right, it was abnormal. Moss grew on the walls, giving off a very spooky vibe.


Kai jumped back in the air, petrified. What the hell was that, he backed away from the cave, knife held high.


He felt a hand on his shoulder, the cave suddenly became colder, like icicles. Kai's eyes spread open, wide in shock and fear. He looked over his shoulder and without hesitation got his knife and attempted to stab the person behind him.


He thrusted his pocket knife forward, only to see pure darkness. Kai fell through the darkness, the acceleration from him thrusting his knife forward making him fall through.

It was as if he closed his eyes, but darker. Like a blind person Kai fell, completely confused and in pain. He opened his eyes, which he closed previously once he hit the cold cave floor.

Sticking out of his stomach was the pocket knife, Kai looked in horror and stood up, looking around. He fell almost instantly to the floor and screamed in pain.

But as he fell the pocket knife went further into his ribs, injuring Kai even more. He lay there for minutes, thinking about how much he regretted coming to this cave. But most of all, he suddenly thought, "What grabbed my shoulder.."

Kai jumped up, ignoring the pain in his side and look around. He opened his backpack for the med kit he had previously packed for this very situation, or any situation in which he would get hurt.

He scrambled to grab all the bandages he could and medicine. He looked at the knife and started applying bandages around it. Kai had learned to never take out the object if it's already inside you.

Kai looked around at the cave, and lit his flashlight. just now seeing...


He ran, the opposite direction completely ignoring the pain, he had grabbed his backpack and flashlight and ran. What he saw was mind boggling.

Staring.. in the corner of the cave was a figure, completely absorbed in the darkness, watching Kai in pain from his own knife wound.

It had been watching Kai screaming in agony in enjoyment. It's eyes were red, completely red. The veins in it's eyes could clearly be seen from a mile away, as they were seemingly popping out of socket, looking crazily at Kai.

Once Kai flashed the light on the creature it smiled. The face was completely deformed and mutate, and the eyes popped out but still moved, making Kai almost throw up. It's smile was disgusting.

Rotten teeth was clearly visible as it smiled, it's crooked mouth sideways. It's mouth was so large and inhuman that most people would assume they're having a nightmare.

The rest of the body was pitch black, only showing the black head and long, thin arms.

Once Kai saw this he ran away immediately. There was no way in hell he was staying with that thing, not in a thousand years.


Kai looked behind him, his face filled with regret and horror. The creature went on all fours, it's long, creepy fingers scratching the ground as it ran like a wolf hunting down it's prey.

It was...drooling.


Kai fell, without any warning or anything, he fell. Confused Kai tried to move, but couldn't. He was completely paralyzed. Unable to move he stared in horror as the creature jumped on the cave walls, side to side like a beast.

He lay there, unable to defend himself and helpless. He regretted everything, coming to the cave, everything. Kai didn't want to die..not now. He was so young, only 15.


He couldn't help but ask himself as the creature started to slow down as it drew nearer. Only now did Kai realize how grateful it felt to be sitting on the couch, reading, or doing anything that made him happy.

But he was not there.

The creature was finally at Kai, now slowly crawling towards him on all fours. Now that it was closer Kai could see all of it's features.

It's nails were long and sharp, dark red like spoiled blood. One of it's eyes were completely popped out, but still moved up and down, staring down him like a hawk.

It's ribs were clearly visible under the pitch black body. It's arms were very thin but long. It's wrists were dislocated as it walked on all fours.

The creatures entire body was nothingness. Only able to be seen because of it's small body features and bloody nails and arms.

Every crawl the creature took, the colder the air felt around him. Almost as if the creature's body was as cold as ice.


Now, on all fours, the creatures face was staring directly at his face, very close together. Kai's back face the ceiling as his stomach lay on the cold rock floor, his head looking to the side.


This is true horror. He never felt so helpless, like he was going to die in his life. He never felt so disgusted and disturbed.. never so afraid.

The creature, still staring at Kai began to open it's mouth, drool dripping down it's mouth. It's razor sharp teeth were rotten and looked hungry.

His pocket knife that was sticking out of his stomach was now completely lodged into his stomach. The pain was immeasurable. It's mouth still open the creature flopped Kai over so that his chest faced the ceiling.

It then put it's mouth to Kai's heart and bit him with it's knife-like teeth.


Kai screamed in pain, as the creature began twisting it's head, cutting open his heart. It kept twisting it's head until it did a full circle. The neck was completely twisted and blood dropped all over him.

The rotten teeth left a brown, rusty color on Kai's skin as it was bit off and threw to the side. The creature continued to bite open his skin until finally, Kai's heart was there, pumping ferociously.

"How am I still alive!?"

He watched as the creature lifted it's long nailed and caressed his heart, looking in satisfaction. Finally, after a couple seconds it abruptly grabbed Kai's heart, squeezing it.


He yelled, but his brain began to shut down. He was going to die, by this... this... demon.

Kai's head dropped, the demon like creature looked up, seeing his head had fallen. The creature looked angry and let go of his heart.


Kai regained consciousness. He looked to his side and saw the demon there, staring and smiling at him. His chest was still cut open, but he was somehow still awake. He just wanted to die.

He couldn't speak, his voice died long ago. The creature stood up and grabbed his heart again, squeezing it even harder and Kai lost consciousness once again, only to wake up later and be greeted with the same thing over and over.

Every time he woke up, Kai noticed more and more blood being lost from his chest, but only to be back in place after the seconds squeeze.

After the 6th time of doing this Kai awoke. In the same spot, the demon staring at him with a sinister smile. But this smile was different.. it was bigger, and showing it's razor blade teeth.

It stood on four legs, but didn't squeeze his heart, but rather got it's long, disgusting nail and bit it, one step at a time, sharpening it like a stick.

With it's razor blade teeth it finished almost instantly and lifted it's fingers. The creature cut open Kai's heart, blood flowing out everywhere. It was like a blood bath.

The creature then cut open it's arm, and proceeded to take it's purple blood from it's own arm. Finally, the demon placed the purple blood on it's hand and placed it over Kai's heart, letting it fall inside the cut.

It then looked at Kai and smiled broadly, like he was a pitiful dog. The creature lifted it's arm and placed it through it's own heart, like it's body was nothingness, it easily cut open it's own heart out and pulled it out. The demons heart was pitch black, not even beating. It had purple blood everywhere, spewing over the floor and Kai's body.

The demon then pulled out Kai's heart and replaced it with his own. It then opened it's mouth and drooled. It's heartless body barely standing, it devoured his heart.

The pitch black heart was still inside of Kai, not beating. The demon had used it's long nails to cut everything that connected to his heart, removing it easily. He felt his body shake abruptly.

His entire body was shaking, without Kai even trying. He felt the demons heart start to grow and attach into his own chest.

The demons heart was turning into his own.

The demon looked at Kai, and grabbed the now rotten skin that previously sealed his chest and placed it on the heart, it started to connect and grow a bright purple. All his veins started to turn purple, it was taking over.

The demon then grabbed Kai's arm with it's long, skinny, bloody arm. It was dragging him further into the cave....