

Mary pov

I am now running and rushing to class and why is that you may ask well my lovely sister kept me up muttering about her soon to be plan of getting Eugene out of her life again, but it only kept me up and I barely got a wink of sleep and she dint even wake me up she just left.

And so I woke up brushed my teeth took a shower ate breakfast really fast and started running as fast as I can but as I arrived in front of the school a weird thing happened at first I saw a bunch of lights and then I crashed into someone and fell on his back which was really firm.

He turned around and my hand landed on his stomach well more like his abs after felling his abs I almost forgot what I was doing till I heard him say "wow I didn't know you were so touchy miss test not that I mind but next time a warning" and with that sweet-sounding voice I finally recognized who this was Eugene Hamilton aka blin bling boy or just the cause of my sister discomfort.

"Uh... oh I'm so sorry I didn't see you," I said as I got up from him blushing.

"It's not your fault it would seem that a pesky ai dint see you coming and teleported me in front of you," he said getting up and blushing.

Oh I see his ai teleported him in front of me "WAIT WHAT AI, TELLEPORTED HOW"

He smiled again and chuckled" why don't we walk and talk we wouldn't want to be late especially since it's my second day," he said walking away and me following him.

"ok, but at least tell me what you mean by ai and teleport," I said.

"Why don't you say hi Trixie," he said holding his watch in front of my face.

[hello miss test nice to meet you my name is Trixie I am the ai created by Eugene to be his assistant and to answer your next question he said he wanted me to teleport him in front of the school since he dint want to be late but he never said anything else so I just did what I was told to do] a tiny hologram of a blue-skinned woman with black-haired appeared on his watch with a little sarcasm at the end said.

"Wow you made an ai and a teleporter and you're ai seems so human-like"

"yes I made Trixie a friend first and assistant second but as you can see I made her a bit too good and now she can be bit much sometimes but such is a curse of a genius," he said making a fake sad face.

I laughed and was about to say something, but we reached our class.

"It was nice to finally have a conversation with you miss test and I hope that we can continue this as its s, not every day that I get a chance to talk to a cute and smart girl, but I doubt your sister will let you talk with the enemy but if you do get a chance lets talk sometimes," he said entering the classroom and making me blush.

And as he said my sister would not let me say a word to him, she just kept staring at him and kept muttering.

Well, at least I may get a new friend out of this Eugene seem like he did change in a good hot way but still changed.

BBB pov

Well, today is really my lucky day not only did I get the projector, but I passed the first level with Mary now she will at least talk to me and not try to stay away from me.

Classes went by fast and nothing interesting happen that is until the end of the school day when something happened.

After class ended, I was about to leave school and was walking in an empty hallway when Susan test in all her glory steps in front of me looking at me with pure hatred.

"Eugene, I don't know what your plan is but I don't care It doesn't matter because it ends here," she said

"Ho really then how exactly is that going to happen"

"I know what you want if leave this school I promise to sit through a date with you that you desperately want," she said looking smug-like.

"hahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHa" I laughed at such a stupid offer.

"Why are you laughing this is what you want isn't it," she said looking like a cross between mad and smug.

I stopped laughing and looked at her with a serious face "I laughed because that was what you just said was hilarious, but you are somewhat right about something"

"And that is"

"It is what I want well was what I wanted 4 years ago but not anymore like I said this isn't a plan to get you to fall in love with me and I won't kidnap you I'm over that horrid stage of my life as long as you don't bother me, I won't bother you is that clear," I said looking into light blue eyes.

She was surprised at first but after staring into my eyes and seeing how serious I was she said.

"Fine it may not be what I wanted but at least it's something"

And with that, I smiled and pasted her and went outside called my hoverboard then went home.

'Good now both are at least some good terms with me know all I need to do is to wait a few days and then start operation next door to then reap the rewards' I thought as I was riding my hoverboard letting the wind hit my face.

This was one of the few good things about this universe I could do things that I could not normally do in mines and plus get to speak to cute and smart ginger which was a bonus I never thought I would like.

And with that, a few more days passed and liked promised I left Susan alone and she left me alone which allowed me to talk to Mary from time to time and I achieved what I wanted and became her friend which is why I can now start operation next door.

3rd pov

In a highly technologically advanced lab, there was a handsome boy sitting imitating an old man that loves to say excellent looking at a huge computer screen watching a family finish move in their new house smiled and said one sentence.

"Execute operation next door," he said to his ai smiling like a true villain.

[affirmative sir operation next door commencing now] the ai said making multiple screens pop up on the monitor making said boy give a truly calculating and spine-chilling laugh.