

BBB pov

After having one of the best sleep seen coming to this reality I woke up to a new day but today was different because today I start making mary mine.

And how exactly am I going to do such a thing you ask well simple enough I am about to do a cliché that's right something so stupid can be used to make someone do what you want because remembers the best way to manipulate a person is to let them think whatever choice you want them to make I one hundred percent their own idea and of free will.

After getting up taking a shower putting my clothes on and start going to school like I do almost every day.

After I came to school, I didn't stay to wait for mary so we could talk I just went inside and instead of sitting by her like I usually do I sit by a 'friend' which honestly is only a 'friend' I made for the exact situation well not really but I knew I would need some sacrificial pawns so I made some 'friends' because it is always good to have pawns no matter how little or big.

And soon enough fp1(friend pawn 1) came and was surprised to see me and started talking to me then mary and Susan came and mary was looking for me and when she found me she came to my desk.

"Hey Eugene what happened you dint wait for me and how come you are sitting here?" she said looking with a face that showed a brief sadness then turning to a questioning one.

"oh something came up I had to take care of it but I didn't have enough time to wait for you so I just came here sorry and I just sitting here just cause I thought I would do something different today," I said showing signs on my face that I was lying.

And it looks like she got that I'm lying but she doesn't rat me out.

"oh okay later then," she said leaving with a sad face trying to figure why I was acting like this.

And so the day went as it would go but with me fiding really bad excuse to stay away from mary she still tried figuring it out even asking Susan but she got noting so the day ended and I left before mary could ask me anything I didn't even go to hangout with johnny and told him something came up and I couldn't come.

I did this for about four days and in those four days, mary got angrier each day well till today Friday after class ended before I could leave again she dragged me to an empty classroom.


"what are you talking about nothing is wrong with me and I'm sorry for lying but the reason I'm staying away from you is personal," I said looking away.

"too personal to tell me I mean are we even friends" she looking sad.

"of course we are," I said looking at her.

"okay if we're friends tell me what's wrong or else ill just take the hint," she said looking serious.

I said nothing and just look down so she left while I think she was crying so I just stayed in the class waiting for the last class to begging.

'sigh the first part of the plan is going well don't worry mary you'll find out why I'm staying away from you soon' I thought.

After staying in the empty class for a while I went to my next class and started plan two which was to stare at Mary the whole time which she ignored probably because she was angry at me but I continued till class was about to end.

"Trixie execute plan cliché," I said quietly to Trixie which she responded by activating a chip in another pawn which was the teacher making her have a suggestive thought to have only Mary stay after school for a few minutes which I knew worked when she looked at Mary and then she activated the chip in fp1 giving him suggestive thought about asking me about mary.

So class ended Mary was held back but Susan left and I went to another hallway close by and started talking to fp1 about various stuff till eventually, Trixie set the chip to max forcing him to say what I want him to think.

"so hey I got to ask what's with you and mary what happened with you guys," he said perfectly not even showing any signs of him being mind-controlled.

I sighed" you know her sister Susan right," I said and he nodded" yeah you know I like was in love with her and got a little bit crazy and tried to do some stupid stuff," I said and he nodded" well I think I'm starting to fall in love with mary but this time it's harder then her sister and I don't want her to hate me because she might think I just like her to get close to her sister but I really like the way she talks and makes me fell plus she just adorable but I just kinda fell she gonna reject me if I ask her out so I started staying away from her to try to forget my feelings but it's not working and it seems I'm just hurting her so over the weekend ill think of some way for me not to hurt her and stop loving her," I said with a sad smile.

"wow that sucks man," fp1 said

"yeah but it's for the best," I said about to start leaving when I hear what seems to be another person running away from us.

"did you hear something,"fp1 said.

"must have been a teacher getting something," I said then started leaving.

"later," I said to fp1

He said later then left and after going outside and riding my hoverboard far enough I pulled out advanced binoculars and look in front of the school just in time to see a blushing Mary coming walking very slow while mumbling about something.

"checkmate," I said smiling then going home.


this is a discord server I made because I have an idea of what I want my next fanfiction to so you wanna help you can come here or just come chat I could always use new friends but be warned I have not edited the server so it's just plain.

Kinsoscreators' thoughts