
25 Fight between Zeoticus Gremory Pt.2

When everyone in the room my announcement they were once again shocked Druella ( Why what happened son)? She asks me but I wasn't listening to her and was letting out my true powers not concealing it right at this moment. Which is causing the whole underworld to shake and the other realms back to the Phenox manner Zeoticus (where is that power coming from)? Lord Phenox ( I don't know but it seems to be coming from the underworld they stopped walking towards Yubelluna's room because of her familiar was found out but stopped in their tracks.

Back with William and the others

I had flown out of the Gremory estate leaving the others behind Crystal ( Daughter you didn't hear what he just said before he took off did you)? Druella ( what do you mean)? She asks with confusion on her face Kuroka (I know why she wasn't paying attention to what he was saying she was paying attention to something else Nya) with that remark every one in the room deadpan Venelana ( anyways someone had some bad intentions towards us ) Grayfia ( Who ever it was made a grave mistake to anger my nephew like that to unleash is full power like that) Sirzechs ( his strength is above mines) Lucille ( indeed) as they were having their own conversation about what just occurred I was making my way to the Phenox territory.

As I landed in front of the estate I kicked down the door with a big boom alerting everyone their William ( I'M ONLY GOING TO SAY THIS ONLY ONCE WHERE ARE THE TWO DUMBASSES WHO HAS A DEATH WISH) I got no response I start to walk inside searching for lord Phenox and Zeoticus Gremory.

As I was passing by a door I heard someone sobbing which I recognized the voice from the other side of the door.William ( Lady Phenox are you ok)? I asked but I got no response William ( ok I'm coming in) I told her as I broke the door down and saw something that pissed me off even more and what I scent coming off of her I helped her to her feet and helped her to the shower as I start to wash her off then after I handed her my shirt and start heading to where I sensed the two.

Layla I'll return to her as I continued to fuck up some one I saw them trying to barged into Yubelluna's room William ( I FINALLY FOUND Y'ALL) I said in chilling tone that made both of them go pale because of the killing intent that I sent towards them