
The Tropical Villain

The least we need to do is survive, however possible. The story revolves around a woman who half-transmigrates in another world and could later get chance to have rebirth. How her survival is always in jeopardy and like her, a lot many others face same situation. But they all win against the odds. Till when though, is a question? The protagonist is overpowered certainly but she is not invincible. Nature is fair, that it never lets one side to overpower other. Everything has a weakness and so do the Marsil, our protagonist. Spoiler: MC dies at the end.

mahindra_volks · Fantasy
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Chapter 1 - The Past

In year of 2589: UNSOoS, i.e., United Nations Scientist Organization of Space was able to locate another planet which like Earth was able to sustain life. The organization's aim was only searching another earth for sustenance of homo sapiens.

Due to high temperature living on earth surface became more and more difficult. Lands got converted into deserts continuously. Extinction of species one after another was happening. The change in temperature from negative 50 to 50 degrees in celsius was so abrupt that it was hard to adapt, no wonder that living beings were seeing a fall in their numbers. It seemed that humans too would cease to exist. But people had already taken measures and started living underground to counter heat and cold. Science had developed enough to let humans live as much as they want, in any environment. If one needs to compare, then they were like bacteria, able to live anywhere. To be exact they turned environment around them adapt rather than them adapting.

By 2800, many such planets were found. New species which were living on other planets and resources came into knowledge of Earthlings. Wars for space and planets began one after another for them too. Unbeknownst to them, other planets and their residents were already aware and had their fair share of wars. But by end of 3000, much of the new world gained stability, albeit superficially, for earthlings.

What was per se interesting was that all the planets were scientifically developed and no magic like novels existed. So new collaborations and organisation started forming and slowly the universe, no multiverse, now was accessible to all Earthlings. But as the outreach grew so the concept of individual planets vanished.

But all this was more or less gradual changes to which people with time adopted at all planets. It can be said that just development happened that way. So, it did not mean much to inhabitants as they were already byzantine in wars even before wars with other planets.

The actual discovery that messed everything happened in 4725. Kuldeva proved to people that axis of time exists and can actually be traversed, as proven later. The discovery was bane or boon is still a topic of debate, even after centuries. This led to beginning of serious and vast research on time, a physical entity now. But the real significance of discovery appeared in 4785, when existence of soul was finally was proved by science. A never-ending scientific topic amongst research community. But it was surprising to find that such a seemingly impossible thing was discovered so soon after the Time axis discovery.

The reason behind such fast progress was the reason why discovery being fortunate, or unfortunate is debatable. Of course, but for only 1000 people over in quattuordecillions of people all over multiverses. The number was so small that people in beginning ignored it. But soon the consequences became unbearable for people. Because these 1000 people if acted together were capable of destroying the entire of known multiverses in minutes and could destroy universes single handedly while coming out without a scratch on their nail.

They were none other than people having 'Hypbract disorder', i.e., hyper brain activity disorder. The only people capable of traversing along time axis, confirmed later on. Yes, this was the disorder which suddenly occurred among people- a repercussion for playing with time.

The total number of people affected by Hypbract disorder never changed in number, not atleast till now. They are 1000 at any point of time. They are called geniuses by others. But as the saying goes that nature is unbiased. It never favours one over others. And so was the case for everybody. Though geniuses had powerful brains and strength, they lacked the most important thing, a long life. Their average lifespan till now is only 30 years, though it was 20 initially, while average for others is 473, another consequence of discovery was long life span for all others. They die due to their brain and strength. But these geniuses mature very early, about in 1 year, all due to their intelligence and circumstance.

Another thing that was peculiar was that all geniuses came from dire circumstances. None happy with people and are said to have anti-social personalities. A common trait which became fact. A fortunate fact, as it did not lead to more wars after much sought stability. Because they just kept themselves to them. Not even once did they interfere, even when asked. This created a natural deterrence for wars amongst natioplans (nation-planets).

Well, it was obvious, they had such short life, would anyone want to spend it in threat of their lives which was already in threat? A logical consequence rather than natural, if observed.

But emergence of hypbract led to mass hypobract i.e., slow brain activity. All other than geniuses started having lower intelligence. Even people, who were famous for their intelligence and intellect, were found to have lower IQ than before. But a pretty fact was that EQ of masses got raised instead, of course opposite was true for geniuses. An insurmountable rift was formed hence between geniuses and others due to this, where rifts were already far and wide.

This all happened between 4700 - 4800.

But as hypbract affected very small number of people and that too who were beings who were geniuses amongst geniuses, a big research project for curing their short life began. But like nature answering back in the banter, they realised that they are further shortening their lives. The reason was simple. Hypbract directly affected brain cells and soul.

According to various conjectures, soul was able to absorb energy surrounding the body. But in case of geniuses, their souls became powerful after they go through a circumstance. They called it catalyst circumstance. It made their souls strength higher which in turn increased their body strength and brain activities. These conjectures finally resulted in the discovery and proof of soul being a physical entity. The conjecture later called as "Theory of Truth". That is which gave people idea that hypbract came into existence as soon as discovery of time axis, albeit remained unknown.

But then came the reality of situation in genius' case. They live such short life due to this energy absorption itself. As soul absorbed large amount of energies, they grew initially but after sometime the soul absorption rate starts outmatching the body strength. As the gaps widens, body starts showing signs of inevitable. And finally, when body is unable to carry the burden of such powerful soul, it breaks and so the genius dies. The death of geniuses was what actually became problem for others and governments. When geniuses die, their soul becomes free and emits vast amount of uncontrolled energy. This energy becomes detrimental for normal civilians. As the soul energy is contaminated energy, it makes people who absorb it mad. The environment and space become unstable. At start planets got destroyed one after another. People died in large numbers. The threat became much more severe if by chance another genius came into contact of dead genius's soul energy. Their own soul becomes unstable, and they die too, creating a further catastrophe exponentially bigger than previous one.

The situation between natioplans changed drastically. It was too big of a problem and a counter was needed urgently. All forces came together, they acted and slowly turned the situation better. Now being a genius is no more a contempt at all, and rather are like taken as heroes by commoners.

Do you think that you got Interstellar feel in start? Actually it was what inspired me to write the start that way. But this actually doesn't mean much as book is not for interstellar times but centuries after. And I know too much information for only being the first chapter, but I had no other idea about how to make it into story so I thought dumping info first and then story.

I hope you enjoy the revamped version.

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