
Life and Death experience

Ezekel's heart pounded as he emerged from the darkness of an ancient underground cave, his torch flickering in the eerie silence. The air was thick with a sense of foreboding, and a shiver ran down his spine. He could feel the weight of the past pressing on him, a legacy of forgotten tales and hidden mysteries.

But his thoughts were abruptly shattered as two supernatural beings sprung from the shadows. Human bodies merged seamlessly with the majestic heads of lions, creating a jarring yet awe-inspiring sight. These yoki, as the legends called them, were protectors of ancient secrets, guardians of knowledge that had long been buried beneath the earth.

Ezekel's breath caught in his throat as the yoki lunged at him, their golden eyes burning with an otherworldly fire. Instinct kicked in, and he raised his arms to defend himself, but before he could even comprehend what was happening.

In a bright explosion of light, the mask emerged from under his skin and equpt itself on ezekel face which made a barrier of energy, a protective shield that enveloped Ezekel. The yoki's claws scraped against the shield, and sparks flew as their attacks were repelled. Ezekel could hardly believe his eyes; the mask had never demonstrated such power before.

Seizing the moment, Ezekel's surprise transformed into determination. He focused on the mask, willing it to guide him. To his astonishment, the energy shield shifted and reshaped itself into two lethal blades, each glinting with an iridescent glow. With newfound confidence, he charged at the yoki, the blades extending from the mask.

The battle raged on, a dance of danger and destiny. The yoki's roars echoed through the forest as Ezekel's blades met their ferocious onslaught. The forest tress seemed to tremble in response, as if the very earth held its breath. Time lost all meaning as the clash of forces continued, each strike a testament to Ezekel's newfound abilities power.

Despite the yoki's formidable strength, Ezekel's training pervaled with unwavering precision. His movements became a symphony of deadly grace, his strikes a dance of calculated power. With every swing of his blades, he drew upon the echoes of countless warriors who had come before him, their spirits standing beside him in this pivotal moment.

The battle reached its climax as Ezekel's blades found their mark, each stroke carving through the yoki's defenses. One by one, the lion heads fell, their roars silenced forever. And then, as quickly as it had begun, the silence returned. The forest seemed to exhale, the weight of the ages lifted.

Ezekel lowered his blades, his chest heaving as he caught his breath. The mask, its glow fading, returned to its dormant state under his skin,

Ezekel gazed at the fallen yoki, a mixture of awe and sorrow in his eyes. He had triumphed, but at a cost.

ding hp is at a critical level of [10/200]

As the dust settled, Ezekel made his way back to the entrance of the foreet making uneven strides. The torch's flicker cast dancing shadows on the forest tress, and he couldn't help but wonder about his mission that had led him here. What other secrets lay hidden beneath the earth, that i have not discovered? asked ezekel to himself.

With a final glance back at the forest mouth, Ezekel stepped into the fading light of day. His journey was far from over, his path uncertain, but one thing was clear: the mask had revealed some of its true power, and Ezekel was now bound to a the supernatural and regular reality.

Ezekel stumbled into his master's abode, his steps faltering and unsteady. Blood seeped from wounds that was the price he had to pay. His breath came in ragged gasps, and his vision blurred as he clung to consciousness. With the last of his strength, he managed to utter his master's name before collapsing to the ground, unconscious yet somehow still standing.

His master, keal rushed to Ezekel's side and tore off his clothes then muttered some introcate words. The room then was bathed in the soft glow of flickering candles, their warm light revealing the gravity of Ezekel's injuries. His master's hands moved with practiced precision, inspecting the wounds with a mix of concern and determination.

The wounds were severe, each one a testament to the price someon had to pay to use the maskpower for the first time Ezekel had faced. The deep gashes that oozed with dark ichor, a stark contrast against Ezekel's pale skin. His master's heart ached at the sight, for he had watched Ezekel grow from a curious apprentice into a warrior of remarkable skill.

With a heavy sigh, his master's gaze turned to a collection of ancient scrolls and artifacts, each containing knowledge passed down through generations. The time had come to unleash the secret arts that only a select few had ever mastered. With a whispered incantation, he began a complex ritual, channeling energy into Ezekel's body to halt the bleeding and mend the damaged flesh.

As the ritual unfolded, the room seemed to come alive with an otherworldly energy. A gentle, soothing aura enveloped Ezekel, radiating from the symbols etched into his skin with a precision that only the master could achieve. The wounds slowly closed, the skin knitting together in a dance of mystic healing. Yet even as the wounds closed, Ezekel's brow remained furrowed in a deep and restless slumber.

Hours turned into an eternity as the master's efforts continued, his hands never wavering, his focus unbroken. The candles burned low, their wax dripping in sync with the passage of time. Finally, as the first light of dawn crept through the window, Ezekel's breathing steadied, and color began to return to his cheeks. The ritual had succeeded; his life had been saved.

Ezekel's eyes fluttered open, his gaze meeting his master's. There was a profound understanding that passed between them, a connection forged through trials and triumphs. His master's eyes held both relief and pride, for Ezekel had surpassed even his own expectations.

Weakly, Ezekel raised a hand to his chest, his fingers tracing the now-healed wounds. The pain was a distant memory, replaced by a sense of renewal and purpose. The battle with the yoki had changed him, just as the secret arts had woven their magic into his very being.

Rest ezekel this is your first fight but not your last there are many more to come after this"said keal ezekel's master and close friend.

"Master," Ezekel rasped, his voice a mere whisper yet filled with gratitude.

His master nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Words were unnecessary; their bond spoke volumes. As the sun bathed the room in a gentle glow, Ezekel knew that his journey was far from over. The wounds may have healed, but the scars would forever remind him of the power that resided within him and the legacy he carried forward.

With newfound strength, Ezekel rose from his bed, his steps steady and resolute. The path ahead was uncertain, but he was no longer alone. With his master's teachings and the echoes of the yoki's roars in his memory, he would continue to forge his destiny, a warrior marked by the wounds that he sustained by unknowingly tape I ng into the mask boundless power.

Note:the backlash only happens once when the main character is using a skill for the first time but not all the skills have severe backlashes for using them for the first time.

Ezekels status

Name: Ezekel


HP: [200/200]

Strength: 20

Dexterity: 20

Agility: 20

Ability: energy manipulation Lv 1

comment:you have the power of a middle class yoki.