
Chapter 16

Harold was finding the conversation boring because Robert Louis is dumb, but he likes the fact that Robert will never say whatever he is saying to him to anyone.

Even though he is not permanently dumb, at least for a long time he might not he able to talk.

“The guy tried to escape from here.” Harold said to Robert Louis and started laughing again. Robert Louis was shocked when he heard what Harold said to him.

He couldn't believe that such strategic plan was found without succeeding he could feel the pain the person must have felt the day he was caught.

He looked at the drawing very well again and turned to look at Harold.

“He looks stupid but he is not.” Robert Louis said to himself when he realized that drawing us something that cannot be understood by a dumb person.

“I found out about his plans but I was mute, I didn't tell him anything until the day he was caught escaping.” Robert could feel shivers around his spine, he knew Harold was not telling him this as a story he was trying to tell him what he I capable of doing.

“This is not a story it's a warning.”Robert Louis said to himself and he turned to look at Harold.

Harold smiled the moment their eyes met. Harold could feel that Robert Louis already understood the message he was passing to him.

“What I hate the most is a very smart person,” Harold said to Robert Louis and smiled again. The atmosphere was changing it was already getting dark and Harold felt he has already passed the important message to Robert Louis.

“I need to leave now,” Harold said to Robert Louis and stood up from where he was sitting. Robert Louis was still trying to sink in what Harold just finished telling him.

“He was trying to pass a message to me.” Robert Louis said to himself and turned again to look at Harold while Harold was walking away from the Prison.

Harold turned back to look at Robert Louis and smiled.

The moment Harold got out of the prison he stood outside and turned back.

“I hope he gets the message,” Harold said to himself and walked back to his chambers. When he got back in he was shocked to see his daughter there.

“What are you doing here my dear,” Harold said to Isabella and fastened his walk closer to her.

He held her on her shoulder and smiled, Isabelle also faked a smile so that her dad will not sense she is about to say something he will not like to hear.

“Dad I am fine.” Isabella said to her dad reluctantly, her dad could sense that she was not fine from the way she sounded.

“Who offended you, tell me and let me gave the head of the person.” Harold said to Isabelle, he always forget that Isabelle us not the kind of daughter he wants her to be, she gates seeing people suffer she even stops him from killing some.

“Dad.” Isabelle said with a very low and displeased tone. Harold cleared his throat because he knew he already offended his daughter.

“What is it my princess.” Harold asked Isabelle. Isabelle sat down beside him which is where her seat is, she held her fathers hand and rested her head in his shoulder.

She was thinking of what to say that will lead to her bringing up Louis’s case.

“Daddy you no longer tell me what going on around.” Isabella said to her father in a sad tone.

Harold smiled when he heard what Isabelle said to him, he couldn't believe she is actually talking about politics.

“Have you forgotten you told me not to tell you anything about politics because you can never be interested?” Isabelle closer her eyes when she heard what her dad said, because she could remember vividly that her dad used to always tell her everything but one day she shut him up and told him she was no longer interested because her dad killed her best friend for breaking the rules.

“Dad that was then, I said that because I was very angry.” Isabelle said to her dad and raised her head to look at his face, she wanted to see if her dad is convinced by what she is telling him.

“Okay, I'll start telling you everything from tomorrow.” Harold said to Isabelle excitedly, because he has always wanted to involve his daughter in anything that concerns the politics.

“Dad, the heard an Intruder was caught earlier today.” Isabella said to her dad and raised sat down properly on the chair, this is the conversation she has been waiting for.

She wants to see how her dad will talk about the stranger, is he speaks good of him it means there is hope that he might spare his life.

Harold nodded his head when he heard what Isabelle said to him.

“He us not confirmed to be an intruder yet, we are still trying to know him better,” Harold explained to Isabelle.

Isabella couldn't stop looking at Harolds face, and from the look on his face he was not angry while talking about Robert Louis.

“What if he us really an intruder it he is lying to you?” Isabelle asked him, she wanted to try and tell him that Robert Louis is not deaf.

Harold turned to look at her and smiled.

“I'll hug him and whisper something in his ear.” When Isabelle heard this she was shocked. “Then I'll cut off his head.” Isabelle was shocked and used her hand to cover her mouth after hearing what Harold said to her.