
The lake

The girl then decided to go find out what the prince problem was, little did she know that was the wrong idea, he was not in a good mood at all.

She knocked and walked into his room that afternoon, upon seeing her it pissed him off more, he grabbed the glass and threw it at her but Jacob appeared and pulled her out of the way, the boy took the hit and after the glass broke a few pieced were stuck in his hand and he was bleeding.

The prince turned and looked as his blood dripped on the floor, the princess saw and grabbed on to Jacob, she took him to the garden and there she took the glasses out of his hand and wrapped him up in bandage.

He looked at her smiling "what's wrong?" she asked,

"Nothing, thank you" he said,

She smiled "i am the one who should be thanking you, thanks for that" she replied,

"You are welcome, are you upset with me?" he asked,

She looked at him and sat down "why would i be?" she asked,

"Well because of what i told the prince earlier" he said,