

"Well congrats prince Michael and your highness we will be going now it is getting late" the queen said, 

"Thank you your highness" Michael replied, 

"Okay your highness and i appreciate you standing up for me, thank you once again" she said, 

'You are most welcome, we women have to stick together, until next time" the queen replied then left along with the council members. 

'Congrats Michael" Cassius said, 

"Thank you i was really nervous" he replied, 

"You have earned it, i am glad" Liam said then patted him on the shoulder. 

"He is right, you have earned and proven yourself, now we need to clean up this mess, i have some things to take care of" she said, 

"What things your highness?" Michael asked, 

"It's personal now you guys get going with your duties and Cassius you need to return home, your kingdom needs their prince" she replied,