
New guest

"Stop staring and give me an answer," Emica said.

"Is It my face alone you want to see?" she asked. 

'Yes" the girl responded then the girl took her hood off and Emica left staring as the girl smiled with her. 

She was fair in complexion, grey eyes, brown hair, pink lips, slim and beautiful. 

"Were you hiding your face because you are pretty?" Emica asked. 

'So you think I am pretty?, thanks and no" she responded then Emica laughed then they began eating their ice cream. 

While they ate Emica noticed the girl was looking at her and she smiled. 

'What's wrong?" Emica asked.

"Mix the three together and taste it, I dare you," she said. 

'Fine..." Emica replied then mixed it and placed it in her mouth while smiling.

"Well to be honest it's pretty good except it's sweeter" she responded then the girl smiled.