
Mysterious woman

"It's already night, when will the guests leave?" she asked, 

"I do not know" Mary responded, 

"Okay, each of you stand here for me" she said as her hands glowed pink.

She placed her hand on each of them and the glowed pink, when she finished she smiled. 

"Done" she said, 

"What about you?" Liam asked, 

"Don't worry about me, i took care of myself" she responded, 

"Let's get back to the party then, come on" Augustus said, 

"Okay, you guys go ahead and i will catch up to you" she replied, 

"Are you serious?" Al asked, 

"Yeah i am, guys i will be fine, please go and have some fun, maybe Liam will be able to find himself a girlfriend" she responded and Liam laughed. 

"Okay just be careful" he said then they left.

"You know you are in danger and yet you let them leave" the person said, 

"It's better to protect them" she replied, 

"At the cost of your life?" the person asked,