

A few hours after travelling and seeing many beautiful places, the prince along with the girl arrived at a kingdom called Arcadia. Before they entered the guards wanted know where they came from and why they came to Arcadia, " he is the prince of Silven" Octavia said, the guard apologized and carry the prince to the palace, there they met the Royal Family. Octavia was nervous because she had no idea that they will be staying in the royal palace, she touched the prince on his shoulder "I had no idea that we will be staying here" she said, " just enjoy your stay and be careful" he replied, the prince and the girl then walked into the throne with the king and queen.

The king name was Ronald and the queen name was Caria, the king had a brother by the name of Christoff, he was about the same age as Cassius and handsome too, the king and queen introduced Octavia to the prince, Christoff smiled at her and hugged Cassius "it has been a long time since I lost saw you Cassius" he said, "yeah, been a long time" the prince replied, "who is this beautiful young lady?" he asked, "she is my caretaker" Cassius replied, he looked at the girl in a strange way, the servants showed both of them to their respective rooms.

But then the prince decided to let the girl stay in the same room with him "she will be staying with me in this room" Cassius said, "but I thought she was just your caretaker" the other prince said, Octavia did not like the way the prince looked at her, she felt uncomfortable, the prince noticed the way his friend was staring at the girl so he grabbed onto her waist saying " come on let's go to the dining hall with the king and queen to have lunch", the girl was amazed at what he did and went quietly with him.

Everyone sat at the table, the other boy sat near the young girl as the maid served them, Octavia felt unsafe in Arcadia, "so what brings you here?" the king asked, "well we were on a little journey so" the prince replied after they finished eating Octavia went to tour the kingdom alone and without the prince permission.

She went to the baker in the kingdom and ordered his famous chocolate croissant. She enjoyed it, it was not hard for her to make friends there.

The people were friendly and kind, even though she was a complete stranger.

Later that day when the prince came back to the castle, he looked for Octavia because he wanted to start her training but she was nowhere to be found, he got a little worried for she was now responsible, " God's where could she have gone? " he said to himself. The prince then went to the queen and asked if she had seen Octavia but no one did, it had started to get pretty late so he got onto his horse and rode off in search of the girl.

While he was searching, the girl was taking a little hike up in the beautiful mountain. She picked a rose and sniffed it, "this place is peaceful" she said to herself, she looked in the sky and saw that the sun was going down, "oh god I completely forgot the time" she said, the girl rushed down the mountain and tripped on a log, she fell and hit her head, the girl was bleeding.

The sun went down and the prince gathered some of the guards and kept looking for her, a little while later he decided to go up the mountain after she hit her head and it started to bleed she tore a little piece of her clothes and wrapped it around her head, she looked up and saw how dark it was, "gods i hope that wolf is not here" she said, the girl then heard growling from a distance.

She got up, picked up a branch and held it in front of her, she saw blue glowing eyes moving towards, she ran but could not find a safe place to hide, the prince called out to her as he came up the mountain, he knew she was no one to him but yet got worried. He got off his horse and saw a little bit of blood on a branch, "oh no she is bleeding this could be bad" he said to one of the guards.

The prince took out his sword as the guards lit a torch, he followed the broken branches hoping it would lead him to her, as for the girl she started to cry in fear, the wolf came at her but she dogged him, well he did manage to make a scratch on her hand, which was only weakening her as she goes, Octavia ran as fast as she could but, the wolf jumped on her, the werewolf tried to bite her but failed to do so, she managed to push him off and pulled herself to a waterfall that led down the mountain, she was scared.

Cassius kept looking for her most of the night, "she was your responsibility" said Christoff from behind, the prince turned around "do not test my patience right now" he replied, Christoff smiled saying "how about we just focus on finding her as fast as possible, you know what is out there".

The prince sighed "let's not waste time, come on" he replied, they kept looking for her, almost all night, the prince got tired but did not stop, as for the girl she was about to be dinner to a wolf, she was weak and could not help herself, she gave up as he was going to take the shot, just then a big white wolf jumped in front of her and hit the other one, the hit was so hard that it sent the wolf flying, the white wolf turned and looked at her with his beady red eyes, she was shocked and fainted.