
"Still cares"

"Raiden do you really care for her?" Jack asked.

'I do and I know you do too and more than a friend" Raiden responded as the girls arrived at the cafe and took a seat. 

"I am sorry but in the past years my feeling for her changed, I realized that I don't want to be her friend but now that I... man... it's bad when a few or more than one guy likes one girl" Jack said. 

"I know, but you are not a bad person, I just don't know what to say to her" Raiden replied with a sigh. 

"Just say how you feel, good night Raiden," Jack said and he smiled. 

'Good night Jack" he replied then took his time and went to his room. 

Upon arriving in his room Raiden went to take a bath and mica along with the others order their all-time favorite milkshakes cookie and cream with extra oreo topping. 

"Emica you should talk to Raiden about you know your heart, don't know if you are going to get another chance," Cecile said then the girl sighed.