
The Tribe: By Ty Hernandez

TyroneHerndon · Fantasy
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On the island of Gohto lived 2 tribes. The Amino tribe and the Octo tribe. The Amino creatures were made up of demonic-looking creatures with bat-like wings, and fangs that could rip flesh. They could pick up a scent of an enemy up to a mile away. Drex is the Amino tribe's leader and is the biggest Amino creature in the tribe. Drex's claws contain a poison that could stun his opponent for several minutes. His wings a so powerful, that they could create a tornado that could tear down a whole village. The Amino creatures didn't get along with most tribes, but still needed them for trade, so they kept civil. They lived on the south side of the island and stayed out people's way mostly to avoid contact with other creatures.

The Octo tribe was made up of these massive, scaley, cyclops creatures, that have long tails with either a sharp tip or a boulder-like rock tip. One could either cut or crush an enemy if needed. Some of the strongest Octo creatures have spikes that could shoot from their bodies, and could be regrown in minutes. The Octo creatures are very powerful, but are ussually slower than other creatures.

Octomon is a young member of the Octo tribe, and is the son of the chief of the Octo tribe, Octongly. Octomon is a big creature for his age, although he still hasnt fully matured for an Octo creature. He has dozens of scaled spikes that he can shoot out from his spine when threated.Octomon has a unique trait, that no other Octo creature has had before. His eye posses the power to put an enemy into a paralyzed state.

Octomons father, and the chief of the Octo tribe, Octongly, is a massive creature. He has a long hammer like tail that could fall a dozen trees in minutes. He was a well respected warrior before he became a chief, and is one of the most decorated members of the Octo tribes army. Octongly and Octomons mother, Octavia, have been married since they came of age 20 years ago. Octavia has been by Octongly's side through all the battles, and all the politics that come along with being chief. Octavia has many jobs, but none more important to her then being Octomons mother.

Seven years ago, the Octo tribe was forced into a battle with the Amino tribe, when Drex, broke a peace treaty set forth by the ancestors that came before them. The treaty stated that no one tribe could take more than needed from the island. When the Octo tribe found out that Drex was breaking the treaty they asked him to leave. Instead of leaving Drex and the Amino tribe fought to take control of the island.

The battles had gone on for seven years, and as the years gone on, so did the deaths. There soon wouldn't be any more warriors to fight for the Octo tribe. Octongly and his family were some of the last members alive on the island, and they were growing worried. Octongly knew Drex and some of the amino creatures would come to finish them off. But they weren't hiding. They weren't going to leave their family farm. Not alive at least. He was ready to finish this off once and for all.Octongly knew danger was coming any day now. He sent Octomon to a nearby hill and told him to bury himself, to hide the scent from The Aminos. Octomon did as his father had asked and ran as fast as he could to the top of the hill and bury himself down. He left a small opening on the top so he could still peak out and watch what was happening down below. The sun was setting and Octongly could hear something in the distance. It was Drex and his warriors coming to meet Octongly on their farm. Octongly and Octavia were easily outmatched 8 to 2, but that wasn't going to stop them from fighting. As the Aminos approached, Octongly scanned the enemy warriors, planning on who he was going to take out first. "You can't win this Octongly." Drex said, "If you give up now, your wife and child will die a quick death."

"You come to my home, and threaten my family? You will die today Drex, and and I can guarantee you this, it will not be quick." Octongly yelled up to his foes.

Drex looked over to three of his Amino warriors with a evil smirk on his face. "Finish them." He said.

The three Aminos rushes Octongly, but he was rushing right back at them. The first Amino was met by a swing of Octonglys hammer tail, and thrown 50 feet back into the air. Before he could fully recover from the swing, Octongly was met by an Amino hanging onto his back. Bad mistake. With a loud burst of energy Octongly shot off the spikes along his spine, killing him instantly. The last Amino went straight for Octavia. He rammed her, knocking her to the ground. He jumped on Octavia and stuck his fangs deep into her neck.

"Octavia!" Onctongly screamed out.

Octongly ran towards them, and struck the Amino. As the Amino got up, he went straight towards Octongly's tail, and started biting it ferociously. Octongly swung his arm and knocked the Amino off of him.

"Is this all you have Drex?" Octongly shouted. "You let your peasant warriors do your dirty work for you?"

Drex was offended. With a great deal of power he started to flap is monstrous wings in a circular motion, creating a massive dust storm.  Within seconds Octongly and Octavia couldn't see each other, but knew they were only feet away from each other.

"Octavia, take my hand! Don't let go, and when I tell you to do so, release all of your spikes! They're going to try and split us up, but we can't let them happens, do you understand me?"

Before Octavia could even reply, An Amino grabbed her by her shoulders with his long claws.

"Ahh!" Octavia screamed out.

"Now!" Octongly screamed, and at that moment they both shot out all their spikes. They knew they got at least one Amino from his scream alone.

"I can't see a thing" Octavia yelled, trying to shield her eye from debris.

"Just be ready for anything!" Octongly said.

There was a loud silence for a few seconds as they waited for them to attack. Then Octavia screamed out with great sound of pain.

"My Back!" Octavia screamed out.

Octongly could feel that Octavia was getting lifted into the air by something. This Amino was especially strong.

Drex had dug his claws into Octavia's back, and started to fly up with her.

"It's Drex!" Octavia screamed out. "Let go of my hand or he'll take us both up with him!"

"I'm not letting you go!" Octongly shouted back. Octongly was struggling to keep his feet on the ground as the storm kept raging on. Drex was using all of his power to lift the 2 creatures, but they were heavy, even to a strong Amino. Octongly's feet started to bleed from scraping off the dirt.

The other 3 Amino's were to scared to jump in and help their leader. They had just seen what the Octo creatures were capable of.

"Can you release your spikes get?" Octongly shouted up to Octavia.

"No they haven't regrown yet!" Octavia replied.

By this time Drex had got both creatures off the grown. He was still struggling to fly up with them, but he was gaining elevation. Drex began to release his poison into Octavia from his claws. She could feel the poison start to flow through her body.

"I can't.. I can't hold on to you much longer." She said down to Octongly weakly.

"No!" Octongly begged. He could feel she was losing her grip. Octongly felt Octavia's stiff body slipping through his fingers. Octongly dropped 30 feet to the hard ground. As the storm was starting to let up, he could see Drex carrying his wife away helplessly.

Octongly got up as fast as he could, and started running towards the cliffs, he could see Drex was clearly taking her. The 3 other cowardly Aminos started to follow Octongly. They tried to each take turns taking cheap shots at Octongly. Octongly was waving his hammer tail back and forth trying to shoo them away from him.

"Hang on Octavia! I'm coming for you!" Octongly yelled as loud as he could, hoping his wife was still coherent.

Drex turned to see his enemy catching up to him. Octongly was slow, but this sprint was fueled with anger and rage. Drex finally stopped and hovered once he got to the end of the cliffs. Below him say sharp rocks and the cold frigid water. Drex waited for Octongly to get close enough to see what he was going to do next. Octongly desperately then tried to beg for his wife's life.

"Drex please! I'm begging you." He said, "we will leave and never come back. You can have the island Drex, you win!"

"I can't take that chance." Drex replied. He flung Octavia from his claws as if she was a piece of litter.

"No!" Octongly cried, as he ran towards the edge of the cliff. He immediately jumped off into the water, and started to swim frantically. Octavia started to sink, and Octongly wasnt far behind. By this time, the three other Aminos were hovering above the water next to Drex.

"Make yourselves useful, and finish them off. " Drex said.

Drex looked on as the three other Aminos dove into the water. Octongly could see his wife getting closer to the bottom of the sea level. He knew she didn't have long. Just as Octongly was getting close to Octavia, he felt an Amino pulling up on his leg. The two creatures started to wrestle back and forth. Ocotngly finally gained control of the Amino, and swam him into the underwater rock. Running out of air, Octongly swam up to the surface as fast as he could. The other two Aminos were waiting for their right time to strike. This was their time. They both jumped on Octongly, grabbing him with their long claws and swimming down with him. They knew Octomgly was tired from his latest struggle. Octongly began to fight with the two Aminos, constantly looking down to see if his wife was still in sight. He couldnt see anything past the oceans darkness. Still looking onward, Drex was growing worrisome. He was scared to think he might have to take on Octongly by himself. He would have to make sure Octongly never came back up for air. No matter what it takes.