
Chapter 3



He drove over to his mansion and tucked her in his bed,he removed her boots and covered her up with the duvet(blankets)he was about to leave when she grabbed him and pulled him down causing him to loose his balance and fall on the bed,she suddenly rolled over and her knee brushed pass his groin making him stiffen in shock,he could feel it getting hard under her leg but she suddenly laid her head on his chest and her palm rested on his neck.thankfully Vampires were good in controlling their sexual urge unlike the werewolves but now she was making him loose his mind...she looked so damn seductive right now.as he kept thinking and brainstorming he also drifted into sleep.

Ariana woke up first the next day.her head was hurting and she was having a migraine,she was about to stand up when she noticed something heavy weighing her down.she frowned and tilted her head slightly to see who it was and when she saw Eric spooning her the world came to a halt,she was frozen In place and her mind stopped functioning.she looked around when she finally regain her composure and she noticed this was not she and Maggie's room.

Her eyes widened in realization as memories from last night flashed in her head ,her cheeks turned red at the fact that she had actually indirectly confessed her feelings to him and at the same time fought him.She looked under the duvet and sighed in relief when she saw that her clothes were still on her.she admired his handsome features before slowly removing his hand from her waist,as she was about to climb off the bed a hand gripped her wrist causing her body to jolt in shock,like a third that was caught red handed.

"Where are you going?"He asked peeking through the strands of hair that fell on his face.

"I...I thank you for taking care of me yesterday,I need to go now or my parents will freak out"I said smiling dryly.

"I thought you and Margret are roommates?"he asked and I stiffen even more .'How did he know that?'i wondered knowing that Eric had just figured out I was lying.

"Did ...did anything weird happened between us last night?"I asked despite knowing the answer I just wanted to clear the awkward silence.Eric sat up as the blanket dropped on his lower body revealing his upper body and perfect torso,his chest l, muscles and damn does abs so alluring...I gulped hard and as he moved closer, i subconsciously stepped back until my back hit something that I was guessing was the closet door.

"What,you mean between us?"He asked with a smirk and stretched his hand taking a shirt from his closet.

"Oh yes...you were like a sexy lioness last night,you really know how to..."he whispered in her ears and it sent a tingling sensation down my spine,he didn't complete his words because I pulled away and went at the edge of the stairs.

"Stop teasing me...whoooa"I exclaimed as I was falling backwards but a hand circled around my waist preventing me from falling...it was Eric,'how did he get here so fast' I asked my inwardly.

we were in that position for a moment and then he ruined the whole thing.

"Can you cook, I'm hungry."Eric said and I glared at him.

"Are you serious?this is your house"I scolded my boss while trailing behind him to the kitchen.

"Sure but I'm hungry, there's nothing in the refrigerator "he said pointing at the refrigerator and I went to check it out,it was true the refrigerator was so empty that even spider webs could be seen in there as if it hasn't been used for years.

"What, don't you go grocery shopping?or at least send someone to do it when ure busy"I said folding my arms and looking at him with a frown,he just sat down and picked up his laptop and ignored me.

"urgh...as your secretary I have access to your credit card and I'm going to use it for grocery shopping"I grunted in frustration but a smirk was plastered on my face hoping that what I said will get to him but he was concentrated on his laptop and didn't even look fazed.

"Do what you want"I heard him say,I went back Into his room to freshen up.

Eric's POV

I watched as she looked at me in a grumpy way and the frustration evident in her voice,she looked really cute,she went back in my room as I stared at her departing sexy ass and chuckled before returning my gaze to the laptop,I guess she went to freshen up.

Minutes later Ariana came out wearing my t-shirt it was a little oversize for her and it stopped at her thigh,her red hair was tied in a messy bun and she was wearing a cute bunny indoor slippers... she looked pretty seductive right now that I felt the urge to grab her and cuddle her tight in my arms.she went out the door and my mind was instantly functioning again.he wanted to go with her but he changed his mind after remembering what had happened yesterday.

Truth be told he was a little scared of her after what he witnessed last night.l,so he knew she could take care of herself,she even wore his clothes like it was nothing.

Ariana went to to the closest superstore,she bought the groceries ignoring all the stares,she knew she was not properly dressed and she was also used to all the stares.she heard murmurs and gossip about her but she paid no attention,some were nice compliments and some where hate speech "who does she think she is barging in here like shes the most beautiful girl in the world" she heard some jealous ladies say but she just smiled.On her way out,she bumped into an old lady.

"Oh,I'm sorry ma'am"she said and bent to pick up the old lady's groceries she mistakenly waste.

"Your Time is almost here Princess,the dragon will soon be awoken from Hybernation(deep sleep)get back your powers and defeat the dragon...Do not change fate"the old lady said and when she looked up ,there was no one there,even the groceries she had picked suddenly vanished.'Was she seeing things?'she asked herself.

Eric Waited and wondered why she was taking too long,was She In trouble?did those thugs come back to harass her?! just as he was about to step out to go look for her,Ariana came in literally covered with groceries bags.

"How much groceries did you buy?"he asked.

"Pretty much"She said with a smile while Eric just blinked,he checked his balance and indeed she used almost all the money in his credit card for groceries.

"This is enough to last you for two months,the rest are in the store room"Ari said stocking the refrigerator up.he groaned and laid back in the chair covering his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Relax, you're rich.you should look after yourself first before any other thing."she said lighting the gas and slicing the ingredients as Eric watched with interest,turns out she was good with knives too.

"Do you need help?"Eric asked.

"Huh?yea sure"Ariana said taking an apron and putting it on him not realizing how close her face was to his.

"Do you actually plan to steal a kiss?"Eric asked and Ariana raised her face to meet Eric's gaze that was when she realized that their faces were really close her nose was brushing against his lips slightly because of her height thank goodness she was a little shorter because if not she would have actually kissed him.

Ariana's POV

I quickly pulled away and cleared my throat,my face was red out of embarrassment and I started sweating, trying to get rid of the awkward silence.

"(scoff)you wish"I said and went back to slicing the ingredients.

Eric was confused at what to do,he wasn't actually someone who could cook for the many years he had lived,he was just not good at it.He took the eggs and placed it in the blender, turning it on and creating a huge mess.

"What the heck are you doing"I scolded rushing to where he was as he stood innocently.He looked shocked and confused.

" You don't even know how to cook, how could you put eggs in a blender even a mad person can't make that kind of mistake?!!"I scolded and he lowered his head slightly in embarrassment.

"I was just trying to help."he said with a cute pout that made Ari nearly burst out In laughter he looked like a little boy that had disappointed his mother and he was so cute while pouting.'How could he be so cute'i said inwardly as I was drawn to his embarrassed expression.

"Look...tell me how do you eat before going to work cause I can see you don't have workers"I asked in curiosity,he obviously could not cook and he also didn't have workers so how does he eat?

"I never had to do these I always eat at a restaurant"Eric said with a cute expression,he was obviously still embarrassed.I grabbed his hands and dragged him towards the couch,I removed the apron and made him sit.

"wait here until am done"I said strictly and went back to the kitchen he was the boss of the company but right now I was the boss of the kitchen.

In less than an hour,the sweet fragrance of food swept pass Eric's nose he found his legs moving towards the dining area subconsciously where Ariana was arranging and dishing up the food.

"Oh I was just about to call you"Ari said with that heart stopping smile.Eric was already drooling and obviously couldn't wait any longer as he took his sit and started stuffing it in his mouth,it has been so long since he had home made food.it was really good,much better than the restaurants he went to.

"Hurry and eat remember you have a meeting today by 12:30pm"Ariana said doing her job as a secretary.

"What's the appointment again?"He asked her while stuffing the pancakes in his mouth.

"Partnership with the Electrical corb company and it's very important,we do need their high level electrical outlet"Ari said and Eric sighed.

"Can't I just spend the day with you today?"He said in a low tone.

"Huh,what was that?"Ari asked cause she didn't hear him quite well.

"I said could you please passe the sauce?"He lied and Ariana passed the sauce to him with a big smile.

"Looks like you're really enjoying my food Eric"She said.

"Hmmm... your food tastes better than all the restaurant food I've ate"He said with sincerity in his eyes,while devouring the food.

Time passed and Ariana was back at the apartment where she and Maggie stayed,Eric had dropped her off on the way to his meeting.

Maggie immediately dragged her in and literally pounced on her to spit out everything that happened and so she begun explaining, leaving aside the time the strange old lady appeared to her.

"Did you guys sleep together?"Maggie asked and Ariana nodded.

"OMG...you guys slept together my Ari's not a Virgin anymo..."

"Hey...shhh,we didn't sleep together in that way ,we just shared the same bed"Ari said cutting Maggie off and covering her big mouth with her hands.

"Ohh,pffts.Thats no fun"Maggie said with a hiss and Ari rolled her eyes at her.

Maggie went to their room and changed into a more comfortable cloth.

She wore a white jean trousers.with a white T-shirt,then a black sandal and released her red hair, brushing it in waves.Her features were already perfect so she didn't need make up,she looked at herself in the mirror and blew a kiss she always did that.

So what are your plans today?Maggie asked.

"Plans?I just wanted to have fun with you.Come on let's go to the park."Ari said with a bright smile and pulled Maggie out of the house she was feeling very happy for some reason.

Maggie and Ari had lots of fun at the park, trying all the rides and spraying each other with water, wearing costumes and taking silly pictures.Suddenly Ari started feeling drowsy and her head start spin.

"What's wrong Ari?"Maggie asked but her voice was distorted to Ari,her temperature rose and she was burning up and she started hearing noises in her head ,they were in a dark hunted house in the park,the old lady appeared again for the second time that day causing Maggie to jolt in shock.

"Where...did... you come from"Maggie asked in shock at first she thought it was part of the hunted house trick but it was too real to ignore.