
The Trembling World {Enemies Forever}

A warrior Princess sent to another world to defeat the Dragon but on her way bothered with an accident that made her loose the memories of her past and her powers She grew up as a normal adult who fell in love with the wealthiest CEO and her boss at the ROBOTICS TECH COMPANY (RTC)but was shocked to find out that the people she thought she knew were not actually what they seem to be. She had to journey to a mysterious place to regain her powers but what happens when she falls in love with the Enemy. Would her love be her downfall or would her love prevail? PROPHECY-The ancestral powers of the princess will be used to destroy the rules of darkness and the Dragon will destroy the rules of Light If a flower doesn't bloom, death will descend on both races and there shall be nothing left,but if a flower does bloom darkness will be conquered by something more powerful than the the dragon and pheonix.

Liam_Virgoking · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter Two Badass girl 2


"Excuse me... Pardon me "Ariana said running in her heels trying to dodge the crowds.She finally reached the entrance and as expected Mageret her best friend was there ready to nag the destiny out of her.

"Where have you been, we're late do you know how long I waited?!"Maggie said walking towards her at fast pace.

"I'm so sorry Maggie I got stuck in traffic I had to walk here"Ariana said taking the water Maggie handed to her as she gulped in one go.

"Ari...I don't think the boss will get angry at us for being tardy"Maggie said with a wink.

"Come on Maggie not this again...The boss doesn't like me in that way,he's just nice to me"Ariana said and Maggie rolled her eyes.

"Come on girl,who wouldn't like you, you're the epitome of beauty,I mean you're out of these world"Maggie said again.

Ariana was a very beautiful young lady, she was 22 years of age but still looked 18.

Ari had long blood red hair,if not redder, Her eyes were gleaming like two silver moons, her skin was fair and glowed especially under the sun, she had dimples that showed when she gave a slight smile,her lashes were long and curved, her lips were small and red as rose her face was oval shaped and she was blessed with the most perfect curves,thin waist and wide hips with gorgeous shaped chest...any man who spotted her will immediately start drooling and any girl who saw her instantly got jealous of her inner and outer beauty,no beauty was an understatement perfection was the right word to use.There was no flaw in her,she was obedient, respectful,hated injustice,beat grumpy men into a pulp and fierce don't let her innocent features deceive you.

" You're perfect,I'm sure he has something for you...in his heart"Maggie said with a smirk trying to annoy the ever so calm Ariana.

Maggie was also beautiful with short black hair,deep brown eyes and a cute baby face,she had long lashes perfect curves and pink lips although she was a little shorter than Ariana,she was what they would consider a pretty little thing.

They Arrived at the entrance of the boss's office and with deep breaths they knocked.

"come in"they heard the boss's voice on the other side of the door.

"Good morning Mr.Eric I'm so sorry we're late ,it's all my fault,I got stuck in traffic and..."

"Ariana Stone"Eric stood up and walked towards them .

"I'm so glad you're here, don't worry about being late you should know by now I'll always pardon you"Eric said holding Ari's hand and gazing deep in her eyes.

"uhm...So can we get the keys to our offices?"Maggie asked while clearing her throat to interrupt their lovey dovey session,as soon as she got the keys she immediately ran out of the office in swift move it'd be weird if they make out right Infront of her,she thought.

Ari immediately pulled away from his grip and tried to look everywhere but his eyes.Those crystal blue alluring orbs were just too enticing,He was just to handsome for his own good, His blond hair fell on his face and his face was sculpted perfectly.He was every girl's dream,he was tall,well built,smart,and he had good qualities,he was 25 years old but he still looked like a college boy.

Ari had always had this soft spot for him and the biggest crush ever, Maggie noticed it and told her to tell him how she felt but Ari would always say she doesn't want to mistake his kindness for love, that it might actually ruin their friendship.

"Uhm...Mr.Eric the diagram for the project is done sir"Ari said giving him a file folder filled with papers.

"Thanks Ariana, haven't I told you not to be so formal with me, Please call me Eric In private"Eric said,Ari nodded slightly and tucked the stray strand of hair falling on her face behind her ear, earning a lustful gaze from Eric.

"You... You're looking quite gorgeous as always, would you like to go out and eat later?"

Eric asked with a blush and Ari was also blushing.

She nodded and hastily turned to leave before Eric notices her reddened face.

"Yes!!"Eric exclaimed in excitement as soon as the door was shut behind her.

"What was that about...I told you he likes you"Maggie said.

"Cut it out Maggie"Ari said still blushing.

"Oh my gosh Ari you're blushing real hard,tell me did you two kiss, French kiss? lips lock?huh?" Maggie asked in excitement.


"Then what happened?"Maggie asked, obviously loosing patience.

" He asked if we could get lunch later today"

Ari said.

"OMG!!He asked you on a date?!!"Maggie subconsciously yelled to the hearing of everyone present.

"Shhhh, Maggie?"Ariana said glaring daggers at her,Maggie was sure if looks could kill she'd be long gone already.

"Oops, sorry"

"Besides it wasn't a date,he just asked of we could eat somewhere"Ari said trying to justify his actions to Maggie....Maggie rushed to stand Infront of her blocking her way.

"Tell me,did he compliment your beauty before he asked?"She asked.

"Hmmm...yes, how'd you know?"

" Then it's a date Ari,don't be too naive deep down u know he likes you but u're not very sure that's why u come up with all sorts of things to justify him"Maggie said holding her hands.

"Now come on,let's get you something to wear"Maggie said again and dragged Ari away before she could protest.They went to the mall and Maggie literally made Ari try all the clothes in the mall she was like a persistent grandma making every means possible for her granddaughter to find love.

"How's this?"Maggie picked out clothes as if she was the one going on a date with Eric.Ariana just stood absent minded staring at the dress Maggie picked "This dress could almost expose your nakedness"Ari said.

"Yea ...that's how you seduce a man?"Maggie said with a wink.

"I'm not trying to seduce him, it's just lunch and besides we've been here for hours...we still have work to do"Ari said nagging Margret.

"Oh come on Ari would you stop being a workaholic?have fun... you're about to go on a date with Eric Sylvester the renowned king of the business world,you need to look good and loosen up a little,now get out of those secretary suits and look sexy"Maggie said and gave Ari a slight push in the dressing room.

Ari came out minutes later with a croc top and wide legs jeans and white heels "This?"

she asked Maggie and she immediately pushed Ari back in the room indicating a big 'NO'

After several tries Ari finally came out with something manageable.she looked like a hot superstar in her multi colored armless short dress that stopped at her thighs,she wore a long black knee high boots and a black leather jacket hanging at her shoulders.

Maggie fell in daze and not only her but the customers and employees too,she looked like a 'queen just arrived' right now.

"Perfect Ari,so perfectly perfect"Maggie said smiling ear to ear.

"Just one thing"Maggie said then pulled the band that held Ari's extremely long red hair in a ponytail as it fell in waves,all eyes in the mall were on Ari, wondering if she was an angel or a superstar.

"Oh my goodness she's so gorgeous"

"How could someone be this beautiful?!"were the murmurs that broke out in the mall as if a star from the heavens had crash landed on them.it went to the extent that the owner of the mall came down to her and offered her a job to become one of their models without a registration,and they would pay her twice the price,but she politely refused.

it was getting late and Eric was probably waiting for her now,no matter how much she thought about having lunch with Eric,Maggie always twists it around and call their simple meeting a date,sure she knew she was pretty and beautiful she herself couldn't deny...but she didn't want to make the mistake of assuming things.

"Let's go"Margaret said, crushing her train of thoughts,Ari had a car so they both drove to the address Eric had sent.

"Whoa...this is the most fancy restaurant in town "Maggie said in delight and astonishment.

I didn't expect him to bring me to De la Cruze restaurant,I was very shocked,well he was filthy rich so maybe this was a normal daily schedule for him to bring girls to expensive restaurants.i stepped out of the car and walked over to the entrance while Maggie baled her goodbye and left with my car to God knows where.

immediately the guards saw me they looked lost in daze and subconsciously opened the door without even seeing an ID.

"Thanks boys"I said in the most sweetest voice and flashed a very sweet smile,that was enough for the guys to loose their minds as their eyes shown with stars and they started drooling.

As soon as Eric spotted me he immediately stood up hitting the glass of water making it flash on his suit,his face flushed red and his already pale skin turned even paler at his clumsiness he looked embarrassed,I rushed to him, grabbed a napkin and wiped the water of his suit.

"Oh y...you shouldn't have done that I'm so fucking clumsy "he said innocently and I could tell he was shy,as weird as it may sound,it was actually my first date, shocking enough I had never been with a man,I just admire them from a distance but never said how I felt,I started having suitors since I was 15 and my wealthy foster parents will always turn them down stating I was too young and I appreciate that.i was sent to earth for a mission but when I got here I lost my memories back then I was just 8,I was found and adopted into a wealthy family and went to the best school and graduated with honor as time went by I regained my memories through dreams,but I still couldn't remember my mission nor parents but I knew I was not of this world,I also knew I had lost my powers along with my memories so my plate was full there was no time to have fun with guys.

"Uhm you look... perfect as always Ariana"Eric complemented, gazing deep in my eyes and me into his.

"Thank you Mr...I mean Eric"I said when I suddenly felt a chilling aura from Eric and a cold glare when I attached the Mr. to his name,she has always noticed this strange Aura around him and no matter how he tries to hide it there was always a trace of it.

"So I see u dressed up for me "Eric said with a smirk.

"Hey! I didn't,Maggie insisted I dress up"I said with a pout.

"What would you like to order sir?"A waitress interrupted our conversation.

"I'll take anything she she orders"Eric said gesturing to me.

"Okay...so romantic,so what would you like to order ma'am?"The waitress said with a smile and I returned it with a sweet smile also.

"Ok then, I'll take the steaks and some fries."I said looking at the menu not noticing Eric's gaze on me.

"Ok ma'am would you like anything to drink with that?"The waitress asked again.

"Oh yea,Maggie was bragging about a new drink that came out recently and she said it was really soothing,I think it's called Hamsel Vodka...I really want to try it, would you try it with me please?!!"I said doing a cute puppy eyes and a little pout hoping he'll heed to my request.

"How could I refuse"He said looking directly at my face and I smiled in excitement.

"Yay, we'll take that one miss."I said with a smile.

"Are you sure miss,that's an alcoholic drink with over 50% vol,can you handle it?"the waitress asked out of concern.

"Oh that's right,I have to go back home."I said as the stars in my eyes died down, seeing this Eric nodded at the waitress and she brought the Hamsel Vodka drink I desperately wanted and the stars that died down instantly came back to life.

"Thanks so much Eric"I said completely forgetting about the fact that I had to go home.we both ate,laughed and drink it was not as bad as I thought it would be we actually loosened up to each other telling each other our secrets and stuffs Eric had high tolerance to liquor but me...not so much I got drunk and was acting like the real Ariana Grande singing and hitting vocal notes, dancing and all over the place although I fell multiple times while dancing I still got up and kept on dancing.

Eric just kept laughing and admiring her performance,not only him everyone was awed by her unexpected performance.

"Attention, Attention"I said in my drunken state my mind wasn't in it's correct place.

The music stopped and the others dancing with me also stopped to here what I wanted to say.

I suddenly got emotional and I started crying over the mic,"why is it that the people you like doesn't seem to notice you?why is it that they never seen to consider your feelings and just play with your emotions...I like you so,so,so,so much Eric...but u never seem to notice me,so from now on learn to like me back...or I will...I will break ur fingers"I said with a pout as my eyes kept deceiving me I was actually pointing to an old man not Eric but I still called his name so he would know I was referring to him I felt so embarrassed what if he had someone else or worse a fiancee how would it look to me?

Eric's POV

My brain was In turmoil and I was very confused,'Was she serious?did she actually like me?'those were the thought s rampaging my mind,but before I could make a move she suddenly ran out of the bar in tears.

I followed her out but when I came out of the bar she was nowhere to be found. I was a master at tracking people but when it came to Ariana I just couldn't no matter how hard I try, which I knew was not normal.


Ari stood behind the restaurant crying when she heard some noises,she went to the source and saw 6 men harassing a young lady .

"if you don't pay what u owe us,you might as well pay with your body hun"The thug said eyeing the lady from head to toe as they all laughed like devils.

" Please I'll try to pay up,I just need some time" the woman said and they held her hair tight as she winced in pain then they slapped her causing her to fall on the floor with a thud.

"Shut the fuck up! you don't have a say in this !" They yelled.Ariana could not take any more of this is injustice anymore and she decided to intervine,she dragged her legs to to where the thugs were.

" Hey... don't you dare...touch a woman like that again sons of bitches"Ari said she was so drunk that her eyelids were still heavy.

"Ohhh what do we have here, look what the cat dragged in...what a beauty, she's so damn hot"The one who seemed to be the leader of the thugs said,he was so ugly and fat.He tucked the stray strands of hair behind her ear .Her eyelids were heavy but her instincts were still strong and sharp as she caught the man's wrist that attempted to touch her boobs.

"When I'm done with you all,you will never want to touch a woman again"she whispered in the man's ear and a devilish smirk appeared on her lips.she twisted his wrist in different directions and the man roared in pain as bones cracking were heard.the thugs attempted to attack her ,she caught one by his neck,she wasn't strong enough to lift him up but she knew some vital points to bring him to his knees as she clenched his throat and sunk her nails in his neck.

She looked like a killing machine not even letting out a single grunt as if she was born for this.

she attacked the next man kneeing him on his groin then punching him on his nose, causing his nose to dislocate and bleed due to the impact of the punch.

her eyes were still half closed but she was beating then up into a pulp.

The lady ran ever since the fight begun,she grabbed the other one by his shirt and turned around giving him a hot kick on the jaw with her heel boots.

Eric heard some noises coming from the back of the bar,it was late and the moon was out,he ran as fast as he could and witnessed Ariana beat the men into a pulp with skills he had never seen before and he knew she was drunk so how could this be?the skills she unleashed was that of a killing machine as if she was born to fight and destroy just as she was destroying their bones.

There was this cold and scary look in her drowsy eyes,bloodlust enveloped her like a heavy dark cloud,she looked like someone who was possessed by the devil.

He watched Ariana kicked the thug straight in the face,the next man received her gift in the mouth, breaking his teeth and making blood gush out.The thug who was about to grab her was elbowed on the chin,she threw her hands behind and caught another thug throwing him Infront as he landed with a loud thud and a groan as Eric eyes widened in amusement.

'Was she an ORM?'he asked inwardly,he suddenly imagined her beating him up like that when they eventually got married and he was behaving stubborn which made him let out a soft chuckle.

She kept dishing out powerful kicks and punches and badass skill and in no time they were all scattered on the floor with blood gushing out of their body parts as they groan in pain.

She turned her gaze to him and he jolted it was a death stare as she started walking seductively towards him making him subconsciously lick his lips and before he could say anything a quick kick landed on his face, slapping him hard with her foot.

'Did she just slap him,with her foot?!'he asked inwardly staring at her wide eyed and holding the place she kicked.she suddenly started throwing punches but his reflexes were damned fast and he didn't give her a chance to land a punch,he dodged inhumanly.As If predicting where he might dodge to left she stretch her hands to the left and grabbed his neck when he tried to avoid the punch coming to him from the right,she choked him making Eric eyes widened in shock,it was like she didn't remember him and the most shocking one of all was how could she touch him he was using his reflexes to dodge her attacks,it was almost like she predicted what he would do next.

Ariana glared at him coldly and then she suddenly went limp in his arms,she had finally reached her limit and had tire herself out,she needed rest.

Eric carried her princess style and walked towards his car.his mind was in chaos and it just start bringing silly thoughts upon thought s.

Was she an ORM, ORMS where humans but killing machines,their skills were top notch but they only vampire hunters they don't beat their fellow humans like that,it's against their code,was she a vampire?no that was impossible cause he would have known from the scent and heartbeat but everything was perfectly normal like a human.

Witch?no the witches only knew how to cast spells they weren't really good in fist fights.

Maybe she was just good in fist fight but how could she predict his move even in her drunken state,he was sure he was using inhuman speed back there.