
The Trembling World {Enemies Forever}

A warrior Princess sent to another world to defeat the Dragon but on her way bothered with an accident that made her loose the memories of her past and her powers She grew up as a normal adult who fell in love with the wealthiest CEO and her boss at the ROBOTICS TECH COMPANY (RTC)but was shocked to find out that the people she thought she knew were not actually what they seem to be. She had to journey to a mysterious place to regain her powers but what happens when she falls in love with the Enemy. Would her love be her downfall or would her love prevail? PROPHECY-The ancestral powers of the princess will be used to destroy the rules of darkness and the Dragon will destroy the rules of Light If a flower doesn't bloom, death will descend on both races and there shall be nothing left,but if a flower does bloom darkness will be conquered by something more powerful than the the dragon and pheonix.

Liam_Virgoking · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 12 I read minds


Ellen was fed up with the silence and awkward situation in the room so she decided to act,she sat on the floor and touched the wooden floor,this time the room turned cold and the room temperature rose to the extent that they were now shivering except for Ellen who was the cause.

"Ellen...what...what the hell are you doing?!"Maggie asked while shivering.

"Stop this El...Ellen or I swear... you'll be the first person I roast when I ge...get my powers"Ari said giving her a death stare,she was also feeling the extreme cold.

"you can burn me to ashes later,but now sort things out with each other or you both will freeze"Ellen said stating a fact.

"No"Maggie said, feigning ignorance,Ellen chuckled and that was a very surprising moment that was the first time they've seen a smile on her lips but it wasn't out of anything but Mischief,that was a mischievous chuckle and they both knew it,Ellen clenched her fists and frosts began to appear on the window bars and on the wooden floor also on the wall and on their clothes."This is...is getting to intense and just in the name of sorting things out, we're not criminals or bandits for goodness sake"Ari said and noticed the cold vapor already coming out of her mouth when she speaks.

"Sort things out, c'mon I know what you guys feel you obviously want to reconcile so bad but your pride is getting the better of you "She said briefly and the girls both sighed.

it was true what Ellen said they really wanted to talk to each other very much but they wanted to see who apologized first apparently it was Ari but Maggie pushed her away now her conscience was dealing with her so bad but also she didn't want to be the one to apologize.The same goes with Ari after Maggie pushed her she wanted to go and ask for forgiveness one more time maybe she'll finally understand,but she didn't want to belittle herself and be embarrassed for no reason,their pride was getting the better of then and they needed to settle this now.Ellen brought down the room temperature so they could speak freely without stuttering from the cold.

"(sigh)Am sorry Ari,I should have known you were just looking out for me,I acted rashly and stupidly please forgive me."Maggie said finally letting the words caged in her heart out of her mouth.

"I am also sorry for getting angry at you,I should have been more patient with you"Ari simply said and gave her best friend a nice warm hug.Ellen didn't realize she was smiling and she started having flashbacks about when her friends and the guy she ever loved betrayed her when they found out she was a blood witch they left her and alerted the village,she was chased around and nearly stoned to death,that was when she realized she didn't have any friends apart from Gab and Stephan but they don't behave like friends, more like bodyguards instead.

"Come here"Ari called out to her, causing her trains of thought to crumble.she walked over to them and when she reached where they were seated they suddenly pulled her down and enveloped her in a warm tight hug,this strange feeling called warmth seeped into her chest and started causing the ice wall she built around her heart to melt within a matter of seconds,then she hugged them back.

That night the guys were already getting along just fine, although Gab was still weary of Eric he didn't seem like a bad person,even Stephan who was the observant one was already free and had loosened up to him. "So tell us,you like Princess Annalise right?"Stephan asked with a wink,the quiet boy wasn't so. quite right now,maybe it was because it was nice to finally have another male on the team.Eric chuckled shyly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"C'mon we know you do,I mean she's hot,the most beautiful girl I've laid my eyes on,sexy and fiesty,she's just perfect "Stephan said again with stars in his eyes.Gab hit his head and because of Gabs strength he was sent flying to the ground and landed with a thud.

"Don't tell me you've started having feelings for the princess"Gab said.

"it's just a crush,I believe I'm free to crush whoever I want"Stephan said and rubbed the back of his neck also,he fell pretty bad.

"I see,that's why ur cheeks turns pinkish when you're talking to her you turn all bashful"Gab said with a smirk.

"Don't say that!!"Stephan said.

"why?!!"Gab said, the smirk was still plastered on his face.

"it's not manly,I don't blush"Stephan said trying to act tough.Eric was lost in thoughts and was just staring at them absentmindedly.

"What are you thinking about?"Gab asked after throwing a pillow at him.

"He's thinking about Maggie?!"Stephan said and Eric gaze flew to Stephan.

"How did you know that?"Eric asked in shock.

staring straight in his blue eyes,it was a battle of blue eyes to blue eyes.

" I'm a Goblin,I read minds."Stephan said and Eric stood up and in the blink of an eye using his superhuman speed and grabbed unto his collar.

"Next time you try that shit,I swear I'll rip your bones out bit by bit."Eric said with anger in his eyes he wasn't the Eric from a minute ago and both guys were surprised at why he suddenly got angry.

"Whoa man chill,it won't happen again"Stephan said.

"Good "Eric said and straighten Stephan's shirt as if he just realized what he did.

"i told you that was annoying Stephan "Gab said not paying attention to both guys and filling his claws. "But why were you thinking about Margret?"he asked.

"I was just shocked,I didn't know she was an ORM in the other realm,I mean I've known them for two years,and now here she was almost drove a stick in my heart."Eric said with disbelieving eyes,now he has to try and control his thoughts, especially now he was among someone who could read minds,he might spoil all his plans for the future.