
Pearl In The Mud part 2

Ron was waiting in the Plaza ,the eagerness to see Miss Lissana was all over his face. He had heard about Miss Lissana beauty via a person from capital city. By the news he had gathered ,Ron concluded that Miss Lissana is a goddess who lost her way to heaven , and fallen to the Harot.

However, there was a small sense of fear with in his mind regarding Miss Lissana as there were positive comments about her there were negative once as well .It said that her beauty is exaggerated to make more profit in reality she is only as beautiful as Princess Maria's maid.Hoping for the latter not to be true he joined his hands .Excitement and anxiousness was shown in his face time to time.

In the stage, a young maiden in her mid twenties stepped up, and without turning to the audience she set up an magic circle around the stage.The magic circle was dark purple in color , people with understanding over magic identified that it is wave related circle to magnify the sound with in it .She then turned towards the audience and started to give an introductory speech.

"I ,Hannah The Manager of today's grand event, welcome everyone to be a witness of first drama in history of Soyari city " with her hand wide and smile that could seduce anyone in her lips she announced proudly to the crowd.

"I extend my warm greetings to the guest of honor ,The Honorable Minister Samuel and the elites of Soraya for gracing us with your presence .Since we are constrained by time I will directly jump towards the story .This story is about the Princess of a country waiting for her fated love and almost ended in destroying her country. I will not reveal the end of the story ,I don't want your curiosity to die."She spoke these word with her womanly charm captivating the entire crowd.

Then she signaled the start of the event and got down the stage. Four people with face covered with

black hood stepped towards the fore corners of the stage and raised there arms creating a 3D image of a expensive room with bed and furniture's with it.

"Was it the same dream again ? That man I saw,he looked to good to be true." A young maiden wearing a white gown got down from the bed throwing away her bed sheet while saying those words.

Entire crowd Her expression and scene setting with the 3D room made the audience to forget that they are watching a drama in the Plaza.The appearance of the young maiden flabbergasted everyone .People pinched themselves to make sure there are still in planet Harot ,because such beauty should only be in Heaven.

Her hair should have been painted with the color offered by moonless night,her eyes should have been made by god of wine , a single look from it is enough to make people unconsciousness with its beauty , the beauty of her nose would make the tall, beautiful and magnificent mountains that are emerged from the ground to bury themselves into the ground once again in shame, her lips was should have been carved form the worlds sweetest stone which gave an urge to taste them at least once before death embraces , her teeth was more perfect then the most precious pearls which are gifted by the deepest oceans in Harot.

Her skin was naturally tan and silky, with such a smooth skin even water will flow down without embarrassing with an attempt to wet it. Her body should be have been carded out with the highest grade jade know only to the supreme being.She was more then perfect and with beauty for exceeding the imagining capabilities of the great artists.

After being stunned by the beauty and regaining the consciousness , people identified that the young maiden is none other than The Beauty Queen Lissana. Everyone's eyes were attracted by her grace.The expression given by her all through the scene made the crowd to forget there own Princess Maria and sub consciously made everyone to recognize her has there Princess.

Ron with in the crowd was thanking the Universal Tree and Supreme God Oxon for giving him the chance to live his life. By witnessing such a great beauty he had satisfactions that he had completed his motive .If someone given a knife in his hand and commanded him to die ,he would have sacrificed his life without second thought.Need not to say that the fear he had previously ran to some corner without leaving behind any trace.

Drama was continuing without any interruption from the crowd. Whenever, Lissana played her part crowd will get energize her by giving huge round of applause resulting in a small shake through the Plaza .

The story of the play was moving everyone with it, people forgot how long they have been watching the play.Young women in the crowd started to laugh for happiness and cry for sadness along with Lissana , they saw themselves as Lissana with the flow of time.


Rages who was tasting the delicacies in the food stall ,found himself immersing in endless pleasure

provided by the delicacies. He couldn't control is urge to taste all of them in the stall. Out of all the dishes he tried , the most attractive one was "Pulisadam". The taste of the food was unparalleled int he world for him.The texture , aroma and simplicity of the dish took Rages sub consciously to another world where the forgot ,who he was and the reason he came to the Plaza.

He only woke up from his unconscious state after hearing a sound of huge applause. After his mood to taste the dishes was distributed by the sound he decided to head towards his seat and enjoy the play .Before, heading back he begged the stall owner to provide him the recipe of unparalleled dish

"Pulisadam" . After, lot of coaxing and bargaining with stall owner he brought the recipe for 20 silver coins.Even though, cost of the recipe was higher that the ticket price he was going to pay , it gave him greater satisfaction.

Pearl in the mud series may take couple more parts before reaching completion

Jayanharicreators' thoughts