

"klein, a highschool student, has has is live shattered by the brutal pairese organization. His parent was murdered, his sister location unknown, and he and some others were kidnap by the PAIRESE. The trauma of his past have left Klein burning with a deep desire for vengeance. With his awakening power yet to be discovered, Klein is driven by a single goal: to destroy the pairese and any other person involved in his family destruction. His rage and determination fuel his every move, as he navigate the treacherous world of "eldrid". Where darkness and water govern the force of nature. As Klein face off against the pairese and their empire. He must confront the darkness within himself learn to awaken his untapped abilities. Will his taste for vengeance consume him or will he find a way to channel his anger into a force for justice ? In a world were the strong prey on the weak, Klein taste of vengeance became the Hope for those seeking to challenge the status quo. But as the stakes grew higher. Klein must confront the ultimate question: will his desire for vengeance redeem him, or destroy everything he holds dear?" ................................................................................ You can find out if you give my book a try Also here is a link to my discord https://discord.com/invite/TZ3JCuww

snap2surplus · Fantasy
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The rebels salvation

Immediately Angelica saw his silhouette and heard the sound of vehicles from the back she knew they were saved, she may be brave but that doesn't mean she wasn't afraid for her life, so when she saw his silhouette she was filled with gratitude and thanks to the lord, but she was just wondering is how did he know that they were in danger, well it doesn't matter I will ask him when we escaped from here.

Silas look at the pest that disturb his fun, he then saw the self proclaimed emperor of the human town call la heira.

"What is the emperor of a soon to be destroyed kingdom doing here, oh don't tell me you are here for the rebels, are you?, Silas asked.

What if I am here for her what can you do, you are just a demon dog always seeking attention from the demon king, "Jacob retorted.

You fucking piece of shit, I will kill you all if it is even the last thing I do, we will see who is a dog at the end, "Silas spat out angrily.

Silas then brought out a whistle from his pocket, he then blew it, nobody heard anything so they just thought what ever he was planning didn't work, as they were about to focus on Silas fully the ground suddenly began to vibrate, two Chaltu (large snake like beast that lives underground, they are very sensitive to sunlight, they have darkness and earth attributes).

"Now you will regret ever demeaning me", "Silas said while laughing.

As he brought out the beast Jacob start regretting that he annoyed the psychopath, he just gave himself more work.

Jacob look at Angelica side and said are you going to be able to fight, if you can't you can sit down I and the rest of my guards will be able to deal with him own.

"What, are you looking down on me I would join you, infact I can defeat those two beast on my own if I still have more energy in me", Angelica quickly retorted.

"I know I was just asking, but if you can surely fight let's go", Jacob said.

Jacob, Angelica and some of his guard quickly surrounded Silas and the beasts. Jacob quickly form a fire bomb with his hand while dashing toward Silas, he was also followed by two guards while the rest stayed behind to fight beside the rebel queen.

The fight between Jacob and Silas quickly became very intense, different explosion was just happening in the background, you can see Jacob bombarding him with his fire bomb while being assisted by two of his guards whose name are Baxter and Trey (Baxter has plant and light attributes while Trey has lightning and decay attributes).

While Jacob keep bombarding Silas, Baxter will hold him down with his wood and light element while Trey was shocking his immune system causing Silas to have slow perception, as soon has Jacob saw the situation he quickly start bombarding him non stop, as they were fighting with Silas they have already defeated the chaltu body and then they stab them in his heart.

After killing the chaltu and silas Trey went toward the beast, he then brought out a dagger from his pocket digging a hole in the chaltu head, he then brought out an attribute crystal, he then went toward Silas and dug out his attribute crystal in his chest.

Trey kept it in his pocket because non of them has the attributes of the crystal, when he was done they saw that the rebel queen was already done with her fight, they saw her fighting with another demon with the other guards, they saw that the demons was overpowering her but with the help of the two guards she was able to continue fighting without any serious injury.

Jacob went to band together with his guards he went to all the place the rebels were fighting they fought together banding against all the demon killing them while saving the rebels.

Although they lost some rebels they gain a lot of attributes crystal in the process.

Demon p.o.v

"What are you saying, are you saying we lost to those pesky humans, we send general Silas and a bunch of others with him, so you are saying we lost Silas and over 50 demons, are you sure", Biliard said.

"Yes sir, I even saw his body with his attribute crystal removed", Aryk said.

"Well that sad, I can't say he didn't deserve It, I have told all of you to take the human serious, that they were not like how they used to be, they are no longer weak but did you take me serious, no, you all continue to underestimate them, now look at were that got him", the demon king said.

"Now the problem his to know whether we are going to be attacked or we are all going to keep this behind us", the demon king said.

While the demon king was talking he received a message that a human messenger was outside waiting for him, so he went towards the side of the human, when he reached their he quickly unleashed his aura on the human causing him to shiver.

As the human saw a demon with four horn and an horrifying aura surrounding him, he knew that he his in the presence of the demon king so he quickly cool himself down and put on a face like he was not intimidated by his aura, he then said his message.

"Jacob Armand the king of the new human kingdom said we won't retaliate, we only want the war to end and an alliance between our two nations, we want all this bloodshed and hate to end, it is not that we are weak we have form alliance with the demi-humans and the elves, and if you choose to continue this useless bloodshed we will all consider you demons as a common enemy and attack, and trust me when am saying we will bring you down, that was not a threat but just a warning, if you choose to ally with us we will be expecting a reply in a week time and if you choose to not we won't attack you, but if you now choose to start a war trust me when I say it won't end well for all of you, yours sincerely your friend or your enemy Jacob Armand.

When the messenger was reading the letter he saw the frown on the demon king face, his look made him sweat and thinking that he won't leave the demon kingdom today, so he was surprised that the demon king allowed him to leave without doing anything to him.

When he came out he quickly breath out a sight of relief out and stable his shaking leg, after that he dash towards were his vehicle was and drove off, while he was driving he was checking whether the demons were following him from the mirror.

Back in the human kingdom.

One week after.

Inside a large castle were the king and the rebels were staying, Jacob, Angelica and some of the rebels were speaking.

"Are you sure he his going to accept the alliance, this is the last day of the week yet no reply or message, yet it look like you are not even afraid, you are not prepared for war at all, do you want your kingdom and all of us to die Jacob? "Angelica said worriedly.

"Don't worry nothing will happen, and if he chose not to accept and attack us I have my way to protect my kingdom and the people, "Jacob said.

While they were talking a guard came in and spoke to Jacob here, when the guard was done Jacob smiled and told all of them that a demon messenger is outside waiting.

The demon messenger was outside surrounded by many human guards, then he saw the king coming with the rebel queen and her bands, he felt extreme hate towards her, he want to just go there and fight with the rebel queen, but what can he do his king only order him to relay his message, so he sunk his anger and hatred in.

"The demon king Anon Deleivro said we accept to ally with the humans under the condition that we would sign a contract.

The demon messenger brought out a contract and showed it to jacob.

Jacob saw the contract and read the terms, even though he was surprised to see the contract he acted unfazed, but he was surprised by the content of the contract.

The contract said if any of them break the contract the will loose their attributes and they will become normal, it was even worst for the demons, because of their innate power it said they will also loose it.

He quickly signed the contract, when he signed it all the human felt a connection to the contract, they felt that something surround their attribute core, he didn't have to ask whether the demon king have sign because he could already see feel his attribute signature and his blood on the paper.

That how the war end for a hundred years untill the people of Altier felt themselves at treat.

"We are the pairese surrender or die, "a pairese voice sounded in the whole Altier.






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