

A young orphan boy is abducted by two men and taken to a geezer who claims to be his father. Jeffrey finds it strange for a father to have so many children. After learning the motive of the geezer, he plans to escape with his friends, and Lucian, the Prince of the Beast bloodline also has a tale to tell. A few years after the death of his parents, he is determined to find out what happened.

Rhut2022 · Fantasy
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Chapter 8: Lost

It was the beast that cut the rope. My heart was racing as I continue to look at it. Elvis was not looking good either, he turned pale at the sight of it. The beast growled before grabbing Elvis by the leg and pulling him down to the sea. I snapped out of my thoughts and dived deep into seeing the hands of the beast on Elvis' neck. If I do not act he will die.

"Now to end this stupid transformation. " The beast said gruffly. I reacted quickly and retrieved a sharp pointy wood and struck it at the back of the beast. The beast finally howled in pain letting loose Elvis as I grabbed him and brought him to the surface of the water while clinging onto a board.

By the time I turned back, the ship was far ahead of us. We were left alone in the middle of the sea. Not long after a huge wave approached us.



"I left him in your care and what happened you let him go? You geezer!" Daffodil was furious. She continued to rage on about how Albert left her brother. I was still traumatized from what happened. The last part I saw was that Elvis was dragged by the beast into the sea. Fear gripped me while I wondered what had become of them.

"Calm down. I'm sure he is still alive." Albert replied. "Besides he has two lives left."

My eyes were filled with tears as I looked down to see Jin still unconscious. Why did this happen?

"There you are," Blake said approaching the four of us alongside Father.

"Hmmm... You said four are missing. But I learned Lucian was not in his room either. I only see two. Where are the others?" I have never seen Father look so agitated before.

"You go to the infirmary and hand him over to the nurse," Albert ordered me before I nodded my head and left. Daffodil was still gritting her teeth and walked away out of anger.

By the time I got to the infirmary, I saw two girls. One was a few years older than me I knew her though while the other I believed to be my age. The older one wore a red polo shirt and blue skinny jeans with sneakers to go along with it. She also had long brunette hair which complimented her olive skin. She also had hazelnut eyes and wore dark-rimmed glasses.

The other girl was also a blonde like Elvis and Jeffrey with bangs that were tied to a ponytail. She had these blue innocent eyes and little freckles on her cheeks. She wore a black pleated knee-length skirt and a long-sleeved grey shirt. She reminded me of the boys and I started to tear up.

"Anastasia, what's wrong?" Madison asked. "What happened to Jin?" I continued to sob until the other girl approached us.

"May I have a look at him?" She inquired. I raised my eyebrow at the girl. Who was she? I've never seen her here before.

"She works with the nurse who isn't available right now. Maybe she could check Jin for you." Madison said to me. I handed Jin over to her as she maintained a poker expression and walked away.

"Now what is wrong?" I told Madison everything. How Jeffrey informed us about the beast stuff and everything else. She listened quietly and I loved that about her.

"It's gonna be fine Ana. I'm sure that everything will turn out well in the end." Sometimes I wonder if Elvis and Madison are related. She acted as if nothing happened and kept a smile glued on her face.

"You said something about a beast evolution?" Madison inquired. I felt like I was being questioned by interrogating officers or was it just me? I haven't felt like myself since Jin was knocked out.

"Yeah. Jeffrey mentioned it and Elvis confirmed that he heard about it." Madison began to ask more questions. Soon, she began to look uneasy. Why did she not feel uneasy before when I told her about her cousin? Something feels odd. Was she hiding something?

"I also learned about those creatures but I never thought they were real. " She said with much zeal. The other girl came in and told us that Jin was awake.

"How did I get here?" Jin asked as he studied his environment." Wait! What..." Before he could continue, Madison shushed him.

"Madison? What happened while I was out?" Jin looked at me.


"Wake up!" A voice shouted. Finally, I gently opened my eyes to see Elvis right beside me. Then I saw the bright sunlight.

"Ah! My eyes." Feeling dazed from what happened a few moments ago. "Where are we?"

"It appears that we are stranded on an Island," Elvis answered as he sat on the sand.

"At least we do not have to see Lucian again." I felt relieved.

"Yeah but that means we won't see the others again," Elvis said sadly but in a calm tone. My happiness soon faded and was replaced by gloominess." I hope they come after us. In the meantime, let's wait and fend for ourselves."

We glanced at the sea as the water splashed on the shore. It was calm. The noises of animals on the island got louder until Elvis dived into me. I wanted to scold him and hit him on the head for that.

"Shh! Someone is watching." I stared at him. Yep! Elvis was going crazy.

"Are you sure it's not from the panic you had last night? Or maybe you are being delusional? You know it's fine to go crazy being in this situation. I mean just look around..." Yeah, I was also quite talkative. I never truly realized it till he told me one time.

He shook his head. He got up from me and lifted me before sitting down on the sand as if nothing happened.

He was already confirming my doubts. He has lost it. I mean we were stranded on a lost island so who could blame him? He wasn't panicking unlike me who kept pacing up and down frantically racking my head on how to get out of there or how we'd survive.

Shortly after what happened, I heard my stomach growl. It did not take time for me to process that I was hungry.

"I spotted a banana tree when I woke up. Let's go check. " I said.

"We should be careful. There are wild animals in the forest." Elvis said. Okay, I had dealt with a lot of wild animals in my past so I know what I'm doing. I think. We finally got to a banana tree and I scaled it with a bunch of bananas before crawling back down.

To my shock, I found Elvis lying unconscious on the earth.

"Elvis!" I tried shaking him awake but all efforts were in vain. My eyes felt blurry soon after and I realized my body just connected to the Earth. I was sweating profusely as I looked up and saw a figure above me.

"Who are you?"

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