
The Traversing Silhouette

In the era when the Multiverse breathed with vitality, where the very fabric of reality was etched into existence... From the fringes of conceptual reality, arises a solitary enigma, fueled by an insatiable curiosity for all it contacts, yearning to uncover the secrets within... It observes... It absorbs... It imitates... It senses... Yet, the most chilling aspect... It defies description, lurking beyond comprehension... ______________________________________ Hello, im the author of this book and this is my first novel that i truly want to create of, out of imagination and boundless possibilities that can ignite the aspect of adventure and appreciation of beauty on life and curiosity towards the stories that may unfold based on perspectives and fantasy. Also criticism was acceptable as i was still learning to create a story :), as English was my 2nd language there will be some flaws and a little bit of off grammar (if so let me know). The story will sometimes had time skips and slow pacing story in which i try to detail some surrounding world/universal concept and also don't forget to add EPIC BGM to it, and what i mean BGM is to recommend music to play in the background to add an mini immersion of it (depends on your taste whether you like it cause i really love epic music) to form an ambience :) Anyways thats enough for me to drag long the synopsis :D Enjoy! _______________________________________ [Disclaimer] : please don't compare this to any logic or any relations towards to our reality and universe cause this story will be bound to such ridiculous amount of insanity and out of concept reality. There will be plotholes that i may not see and may passed by, it may had a little bit of cliché when needed to apply to or i didn't even realize it _______________________________________ #Multiverse #Creation #Fantasy #Sliceoflife #LittleComedy #God #Idontknowwhatimhashtaggingfor #RealityBending _______________________________________ [The cover for the novel is not mine, if its yours please message me if you want to take it down]

TheTravelerReader · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: The Alliance

As the meeting commences, started by veruld. he started for the introduction of the discussion.

"We have gathered here today to talk about the impending catastrophe, and we are doing so because fate and destiny have brought us together to do so. We must place a high priority on our pursuit for safety and the preservation of our dynasties' glory. let us put aside our grievances and animosity on one another as for our whole entire lives is at stake if we continue to prolong much longer."

"We now need to start thinking about the resources we will need to spend on transporting our citizens to safety. and I suggest sending them to a different region of habitable cluster of planets where no alien extraterrestrial civilization can impose itself on their daily life or even threaten them with plunder due to the wealth of resources and knowledge we had prepared for them."

A sovereign that has 4 eyes with humane features, that has 2 tusks protruding in his mouth; with a skin color of purple hue. ask for the addressed question.

"Your eminence veruld, but may I inquire as to where that would be situated? I have my doubts about just how far it would go since it would take an entire civilizations to evacuate, and if another galactic civilization discovered them, it may result in a full-scale conflict because we might intrude on their territory. it may even cause a misunderstanding as the scale of proportion of the convoy span an entire solar system which in out of the perspective may look like an invasion of an middle size-super intergalactic hegemony. after all we are consist of 112 of civilization if compiled to a fleet."

"I understand your concerns, Kurh'kae. In order to prevent them from running into any border patrol armadas that could warn the neighboring or foreign areas, our AI technology had already paved a way for them. and it will follow the path of the Genor constellation, which is above."

The Genor constellation route is infamous for having a complex pattern of ways that one could get lost among the cluster of nebulas that is constantly changing, making it difficult for those who travel far away on maneuvering normal space fleets. This also acts as another geopolitical barrier that prevents any alien civilization, whether it be from the lower-upper to middle-upper cosmic federations or higher confederations of civilizations, from stopping them from conquering their galaxy's lower cluster. Therefore, only those who inhabit the same solar system, such as Averonia and Meqar empire, could navigate between inside of its interior.

as Veruld answered the question of Kurh'kae, another alien leader addressed a question; a bald, grumpy alien, that has a white beard, which has a skin color of light green, while its eyes were dark green, and has no nose but its nostrils can be located at the forehead.

"Veruld, let's determine the vessel count required for a robust defense against pirates and foreign foes. This is vital to safeguard our exceptional heirs and promising successors, ensuring the continuation of our legacy. By equipping them with fleets and our advanced tech, they can not only defend themselves but also utilize confidential devices to bolster the colony's foundation. This guarantees their survival and paves the way for generations to thrive."

"I hear your worries, Baurmir. Regarding the weaponry for our fleet, I'm requesting each of you to provide a minimum of two battle-class spacecraft. This allocation will guarantee comprehensive coverage for each subgroup. Additionally, I encourage you to contribute as many medium and lower class battle ships as possible, including scout starships. This strategy will enable early detection and awareness as they navigate the expansive cosmos."

Baurmir was known for being an austere and shrewd king when it comes to such royal bloodlines, he despises the weak and incompetent birth origin towards to his other brethren's, hence why he puts values regards to those who has potential in his family but also to show transparency in currying favor for the other allied leaders that they're families and relatives had a chance on getting an diplomatic interests in the far future when things finally settles in.

As everyone nods in agreement with Veruld's decision, as they cannot even rebuke him because he is the most powerful among them in terms of individual power, fighting techniques and national/technological resources, the meeting and plan proceeded smoothly, concocting many ways that they can think of; however, some feared for their lives and even considered escaping and joining the fleet of evacuates, but Veruld silence and even threatens those who will back out and only preserve their own selfish lives. After the warning to those who had thoughts of escaping, Veruld proposed a designated spot for everyone to congregate, which was the exact center of their outer solar system.

Every individual ruler participated in the plan as it was being discussed, but it hasn't come to a conclusion where it will be put into action by using all of their resources to prevent being engulfed by the ever-present darkness that will lead to their destruction. It took them around 20 minutes to talk, and when the meeting is finally over, there are now just 30 minutes left until the desolation of darkness enters upon their outer solar system. Veruld delivers a speech to boost everyone's spirits before they all exit from the blue panel screen.

"Today, we gather to honor the achievements of our diverse races. Through the crucible of evolution, we transcended our physical boundaries to ensure survival. With unwavering determination, we extended our grasp to the stars, embarking on a voyage across the cosmic expanse. Guided by a yearning for grandeur, we've labored to build magnificent empires, a testament to our collective spirit. Our forebears lit the path for us, igniting our journey toward their aspirations. Fueled by boundless curiosity, our pursuit of the unknown has led us here. Yet, as fate would have it, our pursuit has unveiled truths that demand our introspection."

"Today, we prepare for our ultimate stand, a testament of unwavering valor that shall echo through the annals of time, illuminating the path to future greatness for our civilizations. May this moment forever remind generations yet to come that we stood resolute, offering our final measure of defense to safeguard their legacy."

"May the tides of destiny graciously favor their path..."

As Veruld concluded his speech, every monarch and esteemed high-ranking official from various titles executed their unique, race-specific salute. Alongside Veruld, these sovereign figures adorned the panel, each offering their distinctive gesture. In the research chamber, a poignant wave of emotion swept through, resulting in tears streaming down the faces of those gathered. Even from the distant panels, the faint echoes of rulers' sorrowful weeping resonated—a testament that this moment transcended boundaries. The profound significance of this scene etched it indelibly into their shared history, a poignant memory of an interstellar alliance united against an enigmatic adversary in their final stand.