
The Traverler of Isekai Worlds

Staring off the series in something as hard like Overlord. Tsk Tsk Author. Welp, the situation between the reader and the Author is abysmal, but hey, don't shoot the messenger! So to sum everything up, i've inserted somewhat of a 'mini-me' into several universes and would learn to live in it and travel between them as it pleases! Like Isekai Quartet exept not.

OwOtheEternalowo · Book&Literature
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Oportunity of a lifetime (2)

If one were to find themselves in a different body or state, than the one that they were used to, that person would be in a very alarmed state, freaked out even. This was not the case for the reader. Rather, the reader, who found its self in the body of a slime, was ecstatic, such so that their clear and round body was shivering with excitement.

If the reader had vocal chords, it would be definitely yelling words of utter happiness.

HOLY SHIT. I am a slime. Though, wouldn't this technically be copying another certain... never mind. I got to think of a plan. In a way, the reader was going into this world a bit blindly. It did not know when in the series it had arrived in. It could have arrived at the end of the web novel or even when the anime finished off. Hell, it could even be in the Web novel! Though, that's unlikely.

A world without most of the guardians... no Mare, Victim, or Albedo.

It was not favorable.

Well, for now it looked like it was in the middle of nowhere and there was nothing in sight. Hehe, this is almost how it was for Ainz and the others. Except, I don't have subordinates that can spy for me, nor a form of teleportation.

The reader was in a rut. For one, the reader was limited in time. The events in the novel could be progressing and the reader didn't know when was a good time to enter Nazarick.

Especially at the beginning of the series where everyone was freaking out. I also don't want them to rely on me either if I show up with the knowledge of the "future" because that might change it as a result.

Secondly, it was not adjusted to this body. Unlike Ainz, it did not spend years in a body that was a grotesque. Though, this wouldn't pose too much of a problem.

If I remember correctly, in Overlord, Someone described actions as a slime as just like wearing a large skirt.

For now, I have to head north-west. If my thinking is correct, I'm in the Katze plains. Based off of that assumption, I have two options. To head towards Carne Village or a small Village near that. There was one, I think. So, LETS-A GO!

With a plan in mind, the reader trudges onward. At great speeds of... well actually, kind of like when you give a kid to much candy, very fast. Since a slime doesn't have lungs, it is safe to assume that the reader can keep this pace and reach any signs of civilization... soon.


After what seems like an eternity, the reader stops for a break. During it's time moving forward, the reader had learned three things.

One, the reader concluded that it could be called the reader so many times before running out of sanity. So it is now being known as Rea, for bot Rea's sake and the authors'. Although Rea is gender less, it will be known as a he, only because he is tired of hearing the author say "it".

Secondly, he discovered that he could move any part of his body, as long as he has the body mass for it. This was painfully obvious since he is a slime but it was a good discovery at the most.

Finally, things you see in a video game such as your 'status' don't exist. The only thing that does however is a screen to see your level and your skills. Of course, Rea had only one level so far, crushing his dreams of being level 100 at the start.

'It complicated things a bit but with my pre-chosen skills, It should be easier to level. Well, compared to humans of the New World anyways. Speaking of skills, I have one new skill available, [Acid Shot]. Which is a basic lvl 1 slimes' skills...'

After finishing his inner monologue, Rea went on to see where he was. He was in a small forest and with no signs of anything, it makes it easier to get lost.

So using his abilities, Rea extended an 'arm' and grabbed on to a branch, then pulling himself up the hardest he could, launching his body up in the air.

He saw some semblance of a village close by, although it might not even be Carne Village since this village is surrounded by the forest and not near the forest instead.

'It would be better to gather info, like Ainz did, but...' Haaaaa. This is going to be harder than I thought. Between me not knowing where I am, to the insane POV changes within this chapter, to even not having a body or vocal chords to talk to someone, the stress is killing me!