
The Traveling Scoundrel- Living anew

(A/N: I obviously do not own the rights to content within this novel with the exception of the Mc and possibly later added characters if i make some ocs, i also do not own the cover art so if it is desired for me to take it down i will do so) this includes traveling between worlds/multiverse, there will be some dark moments if I'm in the mode to write them, the same with R18 content. Later worlds will be up for reccomendation, obviously i'd have to research and stuff but majority votes will win in such cases. 1st world: Danmachi

GremlinWriter · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 7

(A/N: switching name, so chapter(s) today were a bit later because I'm going back and updating the name in previous chapters. I did a random number generator out of the ones people reccomended and got Wilhelm.)

About a month later-

Wilheim Gets out of bed like usual with quite the grand smile. God Miach agreed to his partnership after all, and his products have been selling out usually faster then the family can remake them due to their nature. He's making a significant amount of money off the 10%, to add that onto the amount he's made in the dungeon for a couple years, he has roughly 20 million valis, oh how good it feels to be rich.

With a smile he walks out of the in and begins walking the streets of Orario, Being that he can join in a sense just any of the future notable familias considering the standing in the present, he decides to go for the Loki familia and ensure a relationship with the Hephaestus familia develops sooner.

After making his way to the guild and giving having help with his application, he goes to the Hostess of Fertility for lunch. Over the years, being that this has been the one of the only place he goes to eat. (A/N: he doesn't need to considering he cant starve, and his body's state will never regress because of the regeneration, he eats because he likes the food and because he enjoys making friends with the girls present.) While eating, he usually makes small talk with others present, be it the employees which he's become friends with many of, or the other patrons and customers.

"Mama Mia?! Give me a discount tonight please?!" shouts an alcoholic Goddess from her seat eagerly.

"No Loki." with a grin Mia Grand responds "You never stop going for my alcohol, if you don't want to pay for it now, you could always take on a debt and give me some collateral until you pay it off though."

Wilhelm observes the standard interaction between the two with a chuckle of amusement causing the trickster goddess to confront him with annoyance in her voice as she stands, trying to be to be intimidating despite looking up at him from his chest and with a comparatively more fragile looking figure. "Tsk- you laughing at me boy?"

Taking on a smile to respond, "No goddess Loki, I'm merely excited that the familia I wish to join seems to have such character and would likely be fun to be around." Wilhellm responds.

"Such a slick tongue on this boy," Loki rolls her eyes while sitting back down. "Tell you what- if you foot my bill for today then, I'll grant you a interview in your favor for tomorrow." Loki stating her deal before taking another swig of her alcohol.

"It seems we have a deal, I'll help you home as well considering it looks like your familia is likely in the dungeon again." Wilhelm says politely, seeing that she's present alone, he sits down at the same table with a provocative smile. "You can consider it one of my future duties if you will."

"Tsk- fine, consider your interview started now then!" Loki responds with a challenging grin upon her face. While from the kitchen Mia Grand looks upon the interaction with a grin knowing Loki will be spending excessively tonight as Loki places more orders for her beloved alcohol.

Chuckling a bit to himself a bit he leans back in his chair as he while he watches with others as Loki gets gradually more and more drunk, eventually getting bold enough to try and fondle the servers out of a notion of envy towards their bodies causing Mia to serve the bill, giving the notion she's kicking Loki out for attempting moves on the employees she views as her kids.

Wilhelm forks out the valis, paying for the bill as he stands and picks up a desperate, depraved and drunken Loki in his arms because she's to drunk to stand by herself. "Hey! Hey! Put me down you rascal!" Shouting in disdain at the man who's taking her away from the view of well endowed waitresses and her alcohol.

"You're to drunk and Mia kick you out as she does every time you start making moves in her pub anyway." He states in a matter of factly voice.

"Tsk- damn brat, to think I'm possibly letting you join my familia." Loki responds with extreme annoyance in her voice.

As they reach the twilight manor to be (still under construction and such to become what it is in present cannon as it's only been 3 years since the Loki familia rose to power, and I'm assuming they weren't able to buy a mansion that big, I'm assuming they built it over the years.) Wilhelm walks through the gates with the permission of the goddess he's carrying. Entering the mansion he follows the same drowsy goddess's directives to arrive at her room before laying her down on the bed. "You going to sleep now or is there something else you need to talk to me about so you had me take you all the way into your room?" Wilhelm questions the devious goddess and awaits for a response.

"mmm- come closer." Loki says in her drunken stupor while Wilhelm complies stepping closer to the goddess that's barely sitting up on her bed before wrapping her hands around the man infront of herself with the intention of satisfying her touchy drunk personality and holds him close to herself as she falls down on the bed with a struggled groan of annoyance at the effort of having to pull him with herself.

"eh?" Wilhelm questions rather confused by her intents but plays along not caring.

"Shut up and sleep, you helped stop me from touching those girls, so you owe me!" Loki states while slurring a couple words of her own before passing out as if adhering to her own demand. While Wilhelm sighs quietly to himself and shifts around trying to get comfy despite the weird position he's in.

With one of Loki's legs wrapped around him and Loki's arms wrapped around his neck while her face is pressed into his chest, he forcefully ignores where his own crotch is pressed against and forces himself into sleep using his computerized mind.

The following morning~

A drowsy goddess wakes up with a painful groan at the hangover she's been forced to go through as she slowly opens her eyes and sees the chest of a naked man with a lean muscular build she's mostly wrapped around (Wilhelm took off all clothes from both of them with his storage magic with the exception of undergarments and left them around the room).

"You finally awake?" Wilhelm seeming to mimic a shy voice while forcing a faint blush on his face, "T-to think y-you forced yo-yourself on me like th-that while drunk... y-you should ta-take r-responsibility..."

Loki seemingly dumbfounded by the mans facade, uses one of her hand to massage her forehead before responding, "Please... don't continue this little act of yours against me... just- roll over on your back and I'll start the ceremony... sigh~ men who have monsters like you between their legs should never be allowed to claim being the victim." Loki finishes her little banter while shifting her body a bit away from his.

With a chuckle and his entire demeanor changing in that moment as he grins a bit, he complies and rolls completely out of the goddess's grasp with his back facing up as she sits on his waist and takes a nearby tool to begin inscribing her familia sigil into his back and completes it with a drop of blood, she begins reading his status as well, becoming slack-jawed as she keeps reading.

"W-what the fuck am I looking at!?" Loki Exclaims in utter surprise.

"hmm-? oh, tsk-" clicking his tongue in annoyance at his own predicament due to him forgetting how far he is from the 'norm' despite it being highly inefficient for example, he managed to level up to two in these past three years without the assistance of a divine being or falna.

(A/N: he cannot control when he 'levels up' without falna or a blessing from a god, he merely manipulated the excelia with the assistance of computerized mind to take affect on his 'status' and when he maxed out, the excelia 'piled up' until it forced a level up. I got this idea kind of from another fanfic where the mc is believed to be a demigod due to his abilities, but he's not one {at the time} but still his status gradually increases as he does things.)

Taking a deep breath before continuing, "I believed you weren't ever in a familia? so how are you in-fact level two?" Before letting him answer Loki continues, "And what are these ablities?! what level two has this many innate abilities at such high tiers?!" Getting off his back and dropping the paper on Wilhelm with a groan as she sits down on the other side of the bed from him, again massaging her forehead.

Rolling over on the bed, Wilhelm sits up as he grabs the piece of paper, deciding to read how much a god can analyze before coming up with what he believes a proportional explaination for the time being while he smirks.