
The Traveling Evil God Of Creation

Damon is an Evil God Of Creation that loves Traveling to different universes and multiverse. His favorite multiverse is the anime's and manga's and Novel's ones. So come and join him and his son Little Evil's Journey to different universes and multiverse. Arc 1-Solo Leveling Damon." You can only blow up a planet Ha! I can destroy the whole Multiverse if I feel like it and rebuild it and destroy again!" Little Evil." Daddy a big meanie said I was small so I destroyed his whole universe its ok right?" Damon." Yes, it's ok. Whoever said my only son was small, his whole Multiverse should have been erased since the existence of time." Damon." Did I destroy your Multiverse? Ah! Then it must when I was fuck some Goddess hahaha sorry but don't worried I can make another Multiverse!" I am a beginner writer, so, please don't mind if there are some basic mistakes especially some grammar and sentence structure. Ps: I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. This is just a fanfiction:) I don't own the book cover, so if anyone has issues about it let me know :)

SniperHunter2003 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter- 1 When A Evil God Of Creation Is Bored It Will Allways End Bad!

In a dark endless Void, a person sitting in a Lotus position with a God-like appearance that's looks around 18 and is 6 foot 3 in height. He has long white hair and bright gold eyes and really perfect White skin wearing a white Cultivator robe with golden outlines.

This is Damon an Evil God Of Creation that made what Evil is today. He made the demon and Devil's. You get it right? He made whatever you call Evil as he's the All-father of Evil itself. Evil is basically his child.

But Damon loves traveling so in the most mythology books they called him the •The Traveling God Damon• and prayed to him every time they got to travel.

When Damon was looking at the Void, he suddenly said without emotions." I am Bored."

As Damon was thinking about what to do, the Void opened up and showed a little cute girl in a pure white dress around 12 years old with white Flawless smooth skin With jet long black hair and jade Black eyes walking to Damon and jumped on his back saying in a childish sweet voice." Damon, what are you up to?"

Damon." Notting much I just thinking about what to do because I am Bored. But what are you doing here Sarah?" He said with his hand on his under his chin.

Sarah said pouting while pushing up her cheeks." Damon how can you forget I'm the Goddess Of The Void And Time. Where you asleep again?"

Damon said pure in innocence." No, I only took a nap around 20 billion years."(Author Note-That's A Nap!?!😱)

Sarah had a shook face when she looked at Damon and said." That's a Nap for you! That's a long time for even me to sleep for." After said Sarah said that she sat in Damon's lap playing with his beautiful white hair but then said like she forgot something." Hey! Demon. A new Goddes Of Love took a liking to you but then got in a fight with Hel(Or Hela)the Goddess of Death and another Goddess Of Death Hecate."

Damon almost puked blood when he heard that and thought out loud." Is something wrong with me? Because most of the Goddess Of Death's are trying to get in my pants."

When Sarah heard that she laughed hugging Damon and said in his chest." Hahahahahahah! no, nothing is wrong with you but I believe that they like you is because You're an Evil God Of Creation and are thinking if they have a kid with you, it will be powerful."

Damon just shook his head and said while patting Sarah's head." That's why I will never have kids except for Little Evil."

When Damon said 'Little Evil' a little version of himself around 12 years old came out of his body and jumped on Damon's back yelling." Daddy did you call for me!?! Am I in trouble again?"

Damon laughed and said." No Little Evil, daddy is not mad at you. I am just saying that I will never another kid except you."

Little Evil said yelling in sadness." NO! Daddy, you need to have more kids because I still want a mommy. Daddy, you should talk to Hel because I think she really loves you."

Damon." Hahaha ok, Daddy will try. You Know Little Evil you will make the perfect wingman for all those single Gods."

Little Evil shook his head and said in pure innocence. just like father like son." Nope! I don't like them they look at me like when Hel looks at you."

Damon" Wait what!?! she looks at me like that *Shiver* that just made me shiver. Ok new plan let's go to a different universe just me and you ok?"

Little Evil nodded his head with a big smile and said." Ok let's go to one of those Anime Universe you and I watched."

Sarah who was all forgotten about, fell asleep in Damon's lap while resting her head on his chest with a big childish smile.

Damon." Little Evil what Universe should we to go to?"

Little Evil got off Damon's and sat then said with one hand on his under his chin much like his father." Mmmm Oh! Ok, let go to the Solo Leveling Universe."

After some thinking, Damon said patting Little Evil's head making him smile." Ok, it's Not the anime Universe but its A Light Novel and Manga Universe so it's good for me."

Damon." Sarah get up and go back home because I leaving for another Universe." He said patting her head.

Sarah." Mm? I was not asleep and I heard you guys talking. Just come back home Safe and bring back yummy snacks for me." She said kissing Damon's forehead and disappearing.

Damon rubbed his forehead and smiled then said" This girl loves me too much."

Little Evil." New Mommy candidate found!" Little Evil said with stars in his eyes looking at Sarah's leave.

When Damon heard his son. He almost smacked him upside the head but thought to himself and said with some mystery." Will see about that."

Little Evil looked at his father with a smile that was barely hiding his excitement but his mind had a totally different story yelling." I am going to get a Mommy! YES! Father, I help you in this Dangerous Mission as that is my Duty as You only child and as your best wingman.(Author Note-Ahhh😭 I hope if I have a son he will be like this. Please just grant me this one wish.😇)

Damon got up and stretch and took a deep breath and let it out making him feel much better.

Damon." Little Evil come on let's go see your Uncle Odin." He said squatting down in front of Little Evil.

When Little Evil heard 'Uncle Odin' he smiled in happiness yelling and got on Damon's back" Yay! let's go see Uncle Odin. I want to play with the big serpent Jörm Jörm!"

Gods and Goddess alike suddenly started to shiver uncontrollably and a current Big Serpent in Ragnarok shivered and looked all around for the little monster that has been trying to ride it.

Damon thought." Aw, that's a lovely name for an overgrown snake that has the title 'World Serpent'."

Damon." Ready Little Evil?" He said looking at looking Little Evil over his right shoulders.

Little Evil yelled patting Damon's shoulders." YES! I am ready now let's get going!"

Damon nodded and waved his right hand and a big White hole like a portal opened up in front of him.

Damon." Now let go see what our friendly Gods and Goddesses are up to." He smiled and said then walked through the white portal.

(Word Count- 1126)

Hi, It's the Author I hope you like what your reading and find it readable because I'm new at the hole being an author thing.

I always wanted to write a Father and son traveling the Multiverse and universes so here is make take on it.

I always wanted to write a Solo Leveling FanFic so here is my take on it.

Question 1-Give me some Goddess ideas for Damon to try to get together with.

~Author Out Weebs

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