
The Traveler

Fighting her whole life and leaving behind the ones she loved. Fate had her travel to another world, where she hopes to find the peace she was yearning for her whole life. But even in this new world she has to fight for what she desires the most.

Mariska_K · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
95 Chs

The truth may hurt, but I change my fate and future

'While I love to stay and chat some more I need to leave for the human world.'

"Why do you need to go there for?"

'Well a clan of The World of Light wanted to meet with me.'

"Don't over work yourself."

'Well that's something I just have to do as The Guardian of The 3 Worlds.'

Marika left the room with a shocked look on Arthur's and Clause's face

"Did I hear that right?"

Arthur nodded

"What the hell is going on!?!?!"

Marika laughed while leaving her castle.

When she came outside William was already waiting for her with Rex.

He opened a portal "Did you mess with Clause mind?"

'Just a little.'

'After you send me off I need you to go to the ruins and pick up 3 guest for me and….'

"I will."

Marika then stepped through the portal.

[Human world]

Marika arrived at the main house with Rex and were greeted by Ivy and Alex.

Marika informed her brother that there would be guest coming over.

'Alex after my business with the guests I have to talk to you about Rex.'

"Alright sis."

Marika went up to the meeting room and sat down.

Ivy came into the room and brought over some tea and snacks.

'Ivy what are your plans for the future?'

'I don't know yet, because I haven't really thought about it because I figured that I wouldn't live that long because of the 8 stages.'

'Well… your still young so take your time and think about it.'

'I will Marika'

'But why do you sound like you're going to disappear?'

'Well…I'm just curious, because even if I disappear I know that you and everybody will live good life's and that eases my mind.'

Ivy gave her a hug 'Marika if you do disappear from us, I know you will find your way back to us, because knowing you, you would hate the fact that you being separated from us and your husband.'

'My little niece is such a wise girl.'

'Then take good care of your father, uncle's and brother, if I do disappear.'

Ivy nodded.

There was a knock on the door and Ivy stood up to open it.

Marika stood up and saw Luce and the head of The Oriens Clan.

'Welcome to The Founding Green Dragon Clan.'

Marika walked over to the two of them and greeted Luce as a friend.

She then turned to the head of The Oriens Clan.

"I greet Her Majesty Queen Yumaria of Virtus et Caeruleus Viridi and head of The Founding Green Dragon Clan."

"My name is Lucesco and I'm the head of The Oriens Clan."

'Luce you did tell him he doesn't need to be overly formal with me.'

"I did but he considers it disrespectful if he did."

'Alright then.'

Marika then turned to Lucesco 'I prefer you treat me as you would a friend, what happened in the past and what your ancestors did is something that I can't and will not hold against the current generation. Because I believe that the descendants should not suffer for their stupidity.'

'If by chance the current generation will cling to the believes of the past then I will hold it against them.'

'The incident that happened in The world of Night may indeed be descendant of your clan, but it was not your clan that attacked.'

'So please do not think you are to blame.'

"I thank Her Majesty for her forgiveness, but still I need to apologize to Her Majesty because at the end of the day it were still descendants of our clan that cause this.'

Marika sighed a little 'I accept your apology, so please don't linger on this too long.

'After all you are aware of my history with The Sun Kingdom. But look at us now, after all the hardships we went through we came to the conclusion that this vicious cycle need to end and thanks to the reckless action the princes took to come to my aid and the princess reaching out to me and forgave me for killing their father and sister, we started to pave the road for peace and friendship.'

'And since The Oriens Clan is part of The Sun Kingdom I also wish for us to walk on this road together.'

"Thank you Your Majesty."

Lucesco fallow me and I'll show you something nice.

Marika went up to her cave on the mountain behind the main house.

When they arrived on of the pups came out the cave and started to attack Marika, Marika smiled and dodged the pup and grabbed him.

"Your Majesty are you alright?" Lucesco asked in a panic.

'Nice try Levis but your still too young to beat me.'

Levis barked and wagged his tail.

The others also came out of the cave and they all pounced at Marika

'Really now you guys…' Marika laughed as she was nuzzled and liked all over her face.

Lucesco sighed a sighed in relieve.

'Alright you guys and girls settle down, I brought over a visitor, who is a distant family member of yours.'

The pups were sitting down in a line and looked at Lucesco.

'Levis, Dux, Zen, Shanna, Luan, Selina, meet Lucesco he is the leader of The Oriens Clan and a relative of you.

Levis was the first to walk over to Lucesco and sniffed him, Levis indeed smelled a familiar sent and started jump up to him and the others joined in.

Lucesco looked the energetic pups as if they were his grandchildren.

After a few minutes they settled down and were playing amongst themselves, while Lucesco and Marika were watching over them.

"Why did Levis attack you like that Your Majesty."

'I only tell you if you stop it with the Your Majesty, didn't I tell you to treat me as you would a friend.'

"Yes Queen Yumaria."

'Much better.' Marika smiled.

'As to the answer of your question, Levis wants to become the Alpha of his current pack. I told him that I am the Alpha op The Dire Wolf Clan back in The World of Night, I also told him that he needs to train hard and try to defeat me in order to gain that title.'

'Well of course there is no chance for him to defeat me even if he is an adult, but if I deem he is strong enough to do so then I will grant him that title.'

'The sad part of all of this is, that these pups can never go The World of Light even if they spend decades here their body can't with stand the light intensity.'

'But I wish that at least their descendant will be able to return there.'

Lucesco looked at the pups "Their fate is cruel, but the moment they were saved by you Queen Yumaria they're destiny changed."

"There are two more wolf clans in The World of Light and thanks to these little once the gene pool can be even refreshed."

"I'll talk with the other clan heads, and see what they think about breading with them."

Marika smiled at Lucesco.

'Thank you Lucesco that would be great.'

Marika then gave him a stone and put it around his neck.

'If you want to visit them, with that pendant you can come whenever you want.'

'Thank you Queen Yumaria.'

Suddenly the pups perked up and started to bark and howl.

"What's the matter?"

'Apparently their teacher is here.'

Lucesco saw Lady Rory coming up.

"Lady Rory…It's an honor to meet you."

'Clan head Lucesco, what a pleasant surprise to see you here.'

Lady Rory saw Marika 'Did Levis by chance try to attack you?'

Marika giggle 'He did, but he lost.'

'How is his leadership skills coming along?'

'Hum… well it still need some work, but he really has the neck for it.'

'But I do wish there were a few wolf pups who could challenge him for that. So he better understand what he is learning.'

"Queen Yumaria if you grand me the permission is it alright for a few pups of The Oriens Clan to come here and help with that?"

Marika nodded.

'Anything that can help these little once is a blessing for us.'

'Levis, Dux, Zen, Shanna, Luan, Selina, come and say goodbye to Lucesco!'

They all ran up to them and wagged there tail and whined a little.

'Don't worry, Lucesco can come and visit you any time he want's and bring some pups with him so you can play with them.'

'Ah I almost forgot…your hunting teacher is also back, so work hard.'

Marika and Lucesco went down the mountain.

"Queen Yumaria, do those little once live in that cave?"

'Well they are allowed to live in the main house till they are adolescent, but then Rex showed the cave and they didn't want to leave, and only come down for food.'

'I told Rex and Lady Rory, that if that is what they want, then let them be and just check in on them every day.'

While they were walking down Marika asked 'Are you familiar with The Blue Dragon clan?'

"Yes I am, but don't they live in The World of Night?"

Marika shook her head. 'I did recently found a blue dragon in The World of Night, but he is the only one.'

"That's strange…"

'How so?'

Well according to our records of the great war, The Blue Dragon Clan was moved to The World of Night."

'Who moved them there and why?'

"Well if I remember correctly it was written that both The Light World and The Night world were holding their war in the human world and The Blue Dragon can was moved to The Night World by The Moon Clan that resides in The Night World, the name of that clan is Astrum."

"While The Moon Clan that lives on the moon of the human world also known as Lumen didn't interfere with the war, they got suspicious because The Blue Clan was gone, and when they found out what happened after the war it was already too late and The Brown and Blue Dragon Clan had disappeared."

'Is that so…'

'Well they didn't disappeared, they are held captive somewhere in The World of Night, and can't get out of that place because they are held by a barrier, and it seems that no magic can break it, not even a sword can deal damage.'

"The only way to break that type of an barrier is by using the blood of the caster or it's descendants, or somebody with portal magic can make a portal and get them out but the price for that is losing your memories."

'Just one more question is there a possibility for a person just walk through something like that by accident?'

"No that should not be possible, the only way is if the person has blood of the caster on him."

'Humm…but then how do you break it with the blood of the caster?'

"By using an object that has the blood of the caster and use a tremendous amount of force."

Marika then stopped in her tracks.

"Queen Yumaria?"

'Lucesco…is anybody capable of doing that?'

"Well…The Guardian of the 3 Worlds is the one who holds the most power, but after the Guardian I would say the current Azure Dragon King should also be capable of pulling it off."

'Is that so…'

'Lucesco thank you for sharing this with me, I start to understand things a little better.'

'Oh one more thing, if you are worry about the 4 adolescent wolfs or want to visit them let me or Duke Aron Virens know, either one of us will bring you to them for a visit. I think Rufus, Serena, Stella, Rudy would like it. They live near a village and they are protecting people that are living there.'

"Is that alright? I mean…"

'Well the villagers build their new home and they met with all the villagers of every age, and they seemed to be very careful around baby's, so it should be fine.'

"I'm very grateful that out of this very bad incident something good came out of it."

Marika knelt down and hugged Lucesco 'You are not to blame and you should not blame yourself either.'

'If you don't attack me I won't attack you and those 10 children didn't attack me nor did they kill anybody in front of my eyes so they deserve a chance to life a good life.'

"Thank you Queen Yumaria."

'You are a great leader, a wise wolf, a great father, and a dear friend.'

"Your praise me too much Queen Yumaria."

'I only spoke the truth, I could tell by our conversation and by how you interacted with the pup's you wanted the best for them even if they can't go back to The World of Light.'

'And the reason you wanted to apologize is mainly because of the little victims. Well to set your mind at ease, they are still at Moon Castle and there recovering greatly.'

'His Majesty Lunam has already found 6 parents of the 24 babies, so they can go home soon.'

'But if we can't find the parent of the rest of them they can be adopted by people and if there are still some left who don't have a home they will be going to be raised at my palace in Virtus et Caeruleus Viridi.'

"Queen Yumaria really is a kind and warm person."

'Thank you, you also possess a warm heart and kindness.'

As they finally arrived Luce was waiting for them and he could see that after only a few hours the two of them had formed a bond of friendship.

"It's time for us to leave, I hope Queen Yumaria will forgive us that we can't stay any longer."

'That's quit alright Luce, I have more visitors coming soon anyway.'

'I'll give you a call when I have the time so you can give me a report on how everything is going with people in your Kingdom.'

'Since it has been so hectic ever since the banquet I hope King Luce could forgive me for not sending over the body of your brother sooner but tomorrow somebody will bring his body so you can give him a proper burial.'

"Thank you Queen Yumaria and we do understand for this delay."

Marika then saw them off and went back inside.

She informed Alex, Rex and Ivy that she gave Lucesco permission to come and visit the pups any time.

Ivy gave Marika a glass of water, 'Marika are you feeling alright? You look a little feverish.'

'Don't worry, it will go away in a few minutes.'

After Marika drank two glasses of water her feverish look also disappeared.

'It's a small side effect that I get when I get to close to beings of The Light.'

'Alright, but the moment you don't feel well tell me right away.'

'I will, don't worry.'

When Ivy opened the door she saw 3 visitors standing there

'Aunt Marika did you expect more visitors?'

'I do, you can let them in.'

Ivy saw a little dragon and then told them to hurry in side.

'If my brother sees him, he won't survive,'

Marika saw Ivy pushing them in side and close the door in a hurry behind them.

"What was that about?"

'Well if my nephew Rex sees cute things he will hug them to death.'

Marika then walk over 'Lux, you look as cute as ever. But seeing your size… have you been practicing that little trick I told you?'

Lux nodded 'It works very well and every time I do it I only regress to the body of a 14 year old.'

"That is still the body of a child."

"Oh shut up, at least I'm less vulnerable in a body of a 14 year old." Lux pouted.

Marika looked at the young man next to Carl.

'So you are the other White Dragon, I sensed last time.'

'Well it was actually the second time I sensed your presence, the first time was when I visited the ruins with my husband.'

"Queen Yumaria is indeed very sharp, My name is Lex Lumen, the one your holding is my little brother Lux Lumen."

'So what are you guy's doing in The World of Night? Lumen isn't the name of The White Dragon Clan that resides on the moon of The Night World.'

"That is correct, we infiltrated Astrum because of what happened in the past and try to figure out what they are up to this time, because there movements are suspicious."

Marika then looked at Carl 'And what is your role in all of this?'

'My Queen I know your suspicious of me and you have all the right to. But I assure you that I only want to find The Brown and Blue Dragon Clan.'


Carl showed his true color, "I am on of a very few Brown Dragons who are set on finding our clan members."

'Alright I get it...No need to explain any further.'

'But then there is still something bothering me…'

"And what may that be that My Queen?"

'Your explanation for not showing up at my first calling.'

"Ah that…I told the few clan members not to appear because I feared that if they were seen it would cause for more problems."

'Then what about the Lumen Clan?'

"Lex and Lux were told by the head of the Astrum not to show up, and when I was told that I informed The Lumen Clan to not go, because it could impair their safety and that there was a high possibility that Astrum would find something to attack them."

'Fine I'll accept this explanation.'

"Guardian Yumaria, how do you know of the names of the White Dragon Clans?"

'Well Lux not long ago the head of The Oriens Wolf Clan was here and since their ancestors were involved with the great war I was just wondering if they knew how it was possible for The Blue Dragon Clan to be in The Night World since they originally are from the human world.'

'He told me it was the Astrum who moved them to The World of Night and the rest fell in to place.'

'But something isn't adding up… Why wait for The Guardian of the 3 World when King Lunam holds enough power to set them free.'

"Lux tell her what you know and found out recently."

Lux looked sad "Because me and Lex are send down to spy on you."

Marika smiled at Lux, 'I won't get mad at you because I know very well how this game is played, and I won't get mad at The Lumen Clan either.'

"Well ever since your arrival at The World of Night and the thing you have been doing, The Astrum Clan got suspicious of you, so they send Lex down and keep an eye on you and he send the reports to me so I could relay what you were up to."

"So we told them you became a Queen of your own county and that you were possibly The Guardian of the 3 worlds, I also told them you are the fiancé of King Lunam ."

'Not bad…' Marika smirked

'So what do they want?'

"Well I overheard them talking that the daughter wants to marry King Lunam but I told him he was already engaged to Queen Yumaria, and they said causing friction wouldn't be much of a problem."

"Before my brother called me to come down and come here I overheard the clan head talking to somebody called Raphael and said he doesn't mind that you would set free the blue and the brown clan, but he want you be trapped down there and The Astrum Clan needed to place a new barrier."

"The clan head agreed to it because he find you The Guardian of the 3 World a nuisance anyway. And by you being trapped down there it could take decades before a new guardian will be born."

Marika started to laugh 'Really…Well as I always say; greed makes one stupid and short sighted.'

'Well since I already put everything in place for busting out the brown and blue clan I only need to adjust it a little so they won't get their way.'

'And since I acquired useful intel on the barrier that was given by The Oriens Clan I can make it work without a problem. The only trouble that is left is that b*tch that want's to steal what belongs to me. But I will deal with her later.'

'Lex, Lux just keep up the reports about me, if you are set to report soon tell them I'm now waiting for a declaration of war from the Sanguis.'

"But guardian with your current body and magic instability…"

'Lux that problem will be solved in a matter of days don't worry.'

Marika then called Richard 'Husband did you by chance captured or killed the man that was keeping an eye and Carl and his students?'

"He is dead."

"How am I going to explain this to the Clan head" Lux panicked.

"Well just tell him the truth, that you three were summoned by me and that I didn't tolerate a spy in my castle. And if this happens again he better gets his ass down here and explain himself."

'See nothing to worry about, but just in case you guys take this.'

'A pendant with a protection spell and some medicine that can cure you of all poisons.'

"When will you be home?"

'I'll come home together with these three so in a few minutes.'

"Alright see you in a few minutes."

Marika noticed Richard was cold and distant in his speech towards her, so she knew he was angry about something and he would probably scold her.

'Alright now just keep doing the thing you would normally do and don't raise any suspicion, Lux since your up there most of the time I do worry about your safety, so if you feel that you're not safe there anymore come to The Moon Castle, if they try anything to you there, that b*tch can kiss her little fantasy goodbye for even so much as try to marry my husband because there is no change in hell he would reconcile with them.'

"I will Guardian Yumaria."

'Same goes for you two as well.'

Lex and Carl nodded.

'Well now that that is settle let me say goodbye to my family and we go back to Moon Castle.'

Marika and the others came out of the room and she went looking for Alex.


Alex came in to the room, "What is it sis?"

'Well there seems to be some trouble back at home so I need to go back, so I keep this brief, I want Rex to take the position of clan head together with Ivy. I'll explain the details later but that's how it is.'

Alex hug his sister, "That's fine you don't need to explain, but just do your brother a favor."

'What is it?'

"No matter how long it will take you, just come back save and sound."

'I will, don't worry.'

"And about the position of clan head I will discuss it with them."

'Thank you brother.'

'Could you give this to Rex, it's the 3rd and final move set.'

Alex nodded.

"Take care Marika."

As Marika had left Alex fell through his knees and cry softly. He felt he just sended his sister of to her death.

[Moon Castle]

Marika arrived back and saw Carl, Lex and Lux off.

Marika then walked over to Richard room and saw he was very angry with her.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?"

Marika understood his anger very well and she knew he had every reason to be angry at her. She let him rant at her and just stood there quietly.

"You promised me you would never leave me!"

"Why do you need to do everything by yourself and still let me stay in the dark?"

"Am I that unreliable to you, don't you trust me at all?"

"Tell me! Were you ever going to tell me what you are up to!?"

'Is everything out of you system now?'

Richard looked at her.

'Well since I have been all over the place these last few hour I understand why your angry, because I didn't come to find you and tell you myself.'

'I understand perfectly well your anger towards me, and I'm not going to say that your anger is unreasonable either.'

'I'm here to tell you what I was up to and that there are a few changes to what I original planned.'

'But for you to understand everything I asked Solis and Caelum to come over.'

'So would you please stay calm and listen to us?'

'And just for the record. I never thought you are unreliable, or that I won't trust you, and I was never planning to leave you in the dark.'

Marika was still perfectly calm.

Richard walk over to her and pulled her in his embrace, "Then why do you act like you never going to come back?"

'That because I want my enemies think, that I think that way.'

Solis and Caelum arrived and Marika placed a barrier on the room so nobody could listen in to them.

"Since when are you able to use that kind of magic?" Richard asked her.

'Since yesterday, Arthur taught me this spell. But is that even important right now?'

"No it's not." Richard smiled.

"So what are you up to?"

'Well Solis had told you I would live a long life right?'

Richard nodded.

'But he never said where that would be and if that included you. While you were a big part of my survival, up until the point I achieved my 8th stage Solis has seen. But there was a big black part in my future according to him, he couldn't see where I was and how many years had already past when I came back.'

"But everything started to change when Khai put half of his soul in her, and mom met with Lenis again."

'I know why there is a black patch in my future, it's because that there are too many variable out comes that that part of my future can't be seen.'

"Just so you know dad, if the changes that Khai and Lenis hadn't made, or hadn't occurred, mom would go to this war with her current state and in the end of it all your betrayal will leave her with a broken heart and she would die in solitude. So to put it cruelly you will be the reason why mom dies early."

Richard was shocked by what he heard.

"I would betray her? How?"

'Well…if you really want to know I tell you, but know this, I already know the exact persons who will be responsible for it, and those two will find there death either by your hands or mine.'

'You betrayed me by marrying another woman…When I returned from where I was held for god knows how long, I found you were already married and even though it was forced on you, I still felt betrayed and left for good, where nobody could find me except for the children.'

"But since I told mom about it…she is still determent to change that part of the future…even if it means to step out of our life's for a little while, she will catch them and make them pay for even trying to destroy her happiness."

'But today I learned how The Blue Dragon Clan ended up where they are now, and it is similar for The Brown Dragon Clan.'

'The head of The Oriens Clan told me how to get through the barrier and how to break it.'

'And one more thing, I also found out who is behind the cause of my absence for many years.'



'Now for my original plan, I was going to wage a war and crack open the earth and destroy the barrier, but with the current intel I got, this would cause me to free the dragon clans but I would be trapped for many years alone. Because The White Dragons from the Astrum clan will place a new barrier.'

'In order to change that, I will wage a war crack open the earth kill a few of the Sanguis family and cover myself in their blood and go through that barrier. Of course I need to drag 1 or 2 down with me.'

'And when tremors start to appear it will be Arthur's duty to start spilling the blood of the Sanguis family and I will break it from the other side.'

"How long will it take you? How long will you be gone for?"

"Mom will be back after a year."

"And what do I need to do?"

'You my reliable husband are going to play the role of a grieving husband and fool those white dragons by marrying that little b*tch one year after the war.'

'I will come an crash her little happy and beautiful day.' Marika had a viscous smile on her face.

'Oh and don't worry about your body, I already arranged for very, very tight security.'

"I really don't like either of the plans, your altered version is better than your first one."

'Didn't I tell you before, no matter how far I am or how long it will takes me, I will fight and find my way back to you. And if I can't you better go search for me and bring me back home.'

'But I truly meant what I said on the night of the closing ceremony, on life with you will never be enough I will search for you, life after life because I will always yearn for you.'

'But first, I need my magic back and destroy those snakes.'

'Why don't you join me and Dante with the slaughter? Lenis can't fight and certainly doesn't have the heart to kill.'

"You let me come along?"

'Why not? But if you don't want to you can watch the show together wilt Canus, Cinis and Cillus, I'll make sure there will be snacks and drink.'

Richard gave her a kiss, "How can I just sit and watch when my wife invites me to a massacre."

"Sweetheart about me yelling at you and being angry at you, I'm sor…"

Marika stopped him and shook her head.

'You don't need to apologize, you had every right to be angry at me and yell at me.'

'But now you know how it feels to be kept in the dark about important things.'

'An eye for an eye.'

"This is your pay back form when you were struggling with your soul instability?"

Marika nodded.

Richard started to laugh "You're really something else sweetie."

"I should have known you would pull something like this on me someday, alright we're even now."

Marika gave him a kiss 'I'm so glad my husband is such an understanding man.'

'Solis, Caelum I have something to tell you guys.'

"And what is that mom?"

'You're going to become uncle's.'


Marika looked at Richard and whispered 'Why is he reacting like I'm telling him that he is becoming a father himself…'

Richard shrugged his shoulders "I have no clue, maybe the idea of becoming an uncle is the same to him as him becoming a father."

Marika sighed a little 'Honestly the thought train of our eldest…'

'I said your becoming an uncle not a father...'

'Your sister Luna is pregnant, well I don't know how long it will take her before she will give birth but if I had to guess she is in a pretty early stage pregnancy right now.'

'So you better go and visit her and congratulate her.'

"Your sister is very insecure right now about it, so by visiting you show her she has her brother support and can count on you two if she is in trouble, when your mom and I can't."

"Alright dad, we will go over to her and see how she is doing."

Marika hugged them 'Solis don't be to stern and Caelum please keep your excitement in check.'

"We will mom."

Marika smiled at them and saw them off.

Marika went back to Richard office where he was working.

She laid down on the couch and closed her eyes.

"Sweetie if your sleepy, why don't you go to my bedroom and sleep there?"

'Mmm…I thought…because of what you hear…you want me…'

Marika was sound asleep and Richard smiled.

"You really always seem to know what I'm thinking."

After a few hours Richard was done with his work and William came in to retrieve the paper work.

When he saw Marika sleeping on the couch, "Is it me or is she having a nightmare?"

"Well she had a lot to deal with and she probably heard a lot of things she didn't like."

"But I think the things that are coming is bother her the most."

Marika suddenly woke up and looked at William angrily.

William froze on the spot, because he never saw her behave like that before to him.

Richard kept a close eye on her and was ready to intercept her if she would charge at him. He didn't understand her current behavior, but she was certainly ready to lash out.

'William is that insolent little thing inside trying to come out?'

William looked at her, not really understanding her.

Richard then walked over to William and started to focus.

"Sweetie he is not trying to come out, but he wants to talk to the Guardian."

Marika sighed annoyed 'Fine…'

She was clearly irritate, but for William dragon to behave like this it could be important, enough so to make a risky move like this.