
Chapter 1

"Today is the fourth day since I set off." The old traveler stares at me. His cold gaze sends chills down my spine, I can't help but stare back.

"Today is the fourth. See, there were countless days in my journey, but I only count four." The old man continues, pointing his callous finger in some direction, "the first day I was born. The second day, I met a squirrel. The third day, I burned my house. The fourth day, I reached my destination."

"I know you're looking for a new beginning. A glorious path to a legendary adventure. But do you know how your story ends?" He pauses to pass me his beer as he says this.

"After all, we're all heading to our ends." I look away from him again, my body feels heavy and numb, I want to move, I want to run, but I can't. It feels like someone has wrapped an iron fist around my throat, restricting my breathing. All I can hear are the whispers of other travelers who have tried to talk about their stories. They'll always end up talking about themselves too much, like they've made a pact with whoever is on that god forsaken ferry.

"But there will never be any more journeys, unless we make it ours by ourselves." I whisper to myself before taking another sip of my drink. My fingers feel slightly numb from being gripped too hard around the cup. I take another swig, not even trying to hide the bitterness of the beer this time, and swallow quickly.

"So that's where you're headed?" The stranger asks after I finish my drink. He takes the cup from me once he knows I don't need it anymore. He turns his head towards the window where the rain falls gently onto the glass. It reflects his face into the world outside, making everything seem ethereal and dreamlike, like something out of a novel.

"Yes." I reply, standing up from the bench. It takes me a few seconds to realise that I am now towering over the old man. He doesn't look scared though, instead, he smiles softly at me. It doesn't seem fake, almost kind, and for a moment, I wonder if he's seen the real thing. If he saw a hero, or maybe even a king. Something about that thought makes me feel uneasy, it feels like he is seeing inside my soul and knows what's truly going through mine. I suddenly feel self conscious, the stranger's penetrating gaze is making the hairs on my neck stand. Before I can stop myself, I take a step backward and walk past him. My feet hit the cold floor beneath me, causing my bones to vibrate with the impact. He stands up and grabs my arm tightly.

His hands are surprisingly warm and soft. When I turn around to say something, words won't leave my mouth. This stranger isn't like anyone else I've ever met. There's a sense of familiarity when I stare at him, even though I'm sure I haven't seen him before. Like he is somehow familiar yet I can't quite place my finger on where I've seen him before.

The stranger looks at me for what feels like forever before slowly letting go of my arm and taking a step backwards. He nods and gives me a small smile before walking away, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I didn't expect him to touch me so casually.

A gust of wind hits me harshly in the face as I watch him walk out the doorway. It doesn't surprise me at all because I've become used to these storms; they come from nowhere. Usually, I avoid going anywhere near the ocean, especially during stormy weather, the water reminds me too much of home.

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