
The Transmigrator is Tired

After living four lives, Gem has finally settled in a quiet, peaceful world where although devoid of parents, was still satisfying. And he fulfilled his dream as an author, also ocassionaly making art that reminded him of his previous lives. It was all going well, until a sudden knock on the door broke it all down. "Excuse me sir, we are from the Reincarnation Program Team no.333005. And we would like you to fix your previous world since there were a few misfortunes that grew within it. And it 'was' our job to fix it, but upon further analysis, it was only YOU, that could balance it again." Said the woman in black, and handed him rather thick folder and smiled. "Well, then farewell, and good luck." And with that she disappeared. Gem:............ "Wtf."

Shrimps_34 · Fantasy
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4 Chs


"Why are you doing this?"

Achroite said through gritted teeth, as he tried to pry apart the bars that separated them. Noone else could see it but there were tears in his eyes, his voice trembled as he grasped Gem's sleeve.

In a quiet voice, he whispered to him. "I still need you."

Gem smiled, and slowly removed his hand.

He stepped back and looked into Achroite's eyes, "I'm sorry."

And with that, he threw himself backwards to the mouth of the flames of hell. He heared the shouts of despair of his companions before the flames burned him, and the pain quieted down before the darkness and silence took over.

On his fourth death, Gem felt quite used to the darkness and silence already. But it would still not quiet the pain in his heart.

It hurts.

It really hurts.

Why does it hurt this much?

He knew this would eventually happen, so why?

Will he reincarnate again and experience pain like this again?

Did he do something in his past life which led his soul this suffering?

Was he cursed to repeat life after life after life?

Was he supposed to die again and again in a world until the time came where he would move into another, just like his two previous lives?

Was he bound into seeing his friends die in his arms?

Was he always destined to see and feel their cold motionless bodies forever?

Or maybe one day, he will stay in this quiet and desolate space forever until he lose his mind and shatter?

Where was it? How did he get here? Was this his destiny?

Where? How? Why? Why me? Why? Why? Why?

It hurts.

It hurts.

It hurts.

No, I don't want this.

It really hurts.

I don't want to die again.

I don't want to live again.

I don't want to fall in love again.

I don't want these feelings, it hurts.

Gem didn't know how long it has been, but he suddenly felt like a force is pulling him.

'Ah, no. Not this again.'

He thought before he felt heavy fatigue and fell into a deep sleep.


"Waaahhh... waaahhhh....waaahhh"

Waaahhhh!!! Why am I alive again!!!


But where are my parents?

Shouldn't they already respond to their child's cry by now?

Considering that I still have problems with my vision, I shouldn't be older than about three months. Ah, maybe four? I forgot about babies' growth.

Why is it so hot?


The smell of smoke and gasoline!!

Don't tell me-

Due to my thoughts I instinctively cried even more.


This... this-!!!

This can't be happening!!!

A car accident!!!

And I'm still inside!!!


I have just been born! Why am I dying again?!