
The Transmigration of Aizen Sōsuke

When a mysterious phenomenon caused by the Hogyoku transports Aizen Sōsuke, the cunning and manipulative former captain of the Soul Society, from the world of Bleach to the Naruto universe, the balance of power is disrupted. As he awakens in an unfamiliar environment, Aizen realizes he must adapt to this new world and find a way to achieve his goals amidst unfamiliar faces and potential dangers. ... This is my first time writing, I'd appreciate if you leave a review. I don't own anything, except OC characters. Aizen in this fic is a bit less reliant on the Hogyoku and Kyoka Suigetsu, and I also decided to use his TYBW arc personality.

moonmirror · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


As Aizen woke up from his slumber, he found himself lying in bed, his mind already occupied with thoughts of his next move.

Rising from the bed, Aizen walked to the window, gazing out at the village of Konoha bathed in the morning sunlight.

He pondered the best course of actions, and he suddenly had a strange glint in his eyes as he saw a few children playing. He looked at Mira, who was still sleeping, and began to wake her up.

"Mira, wake up," Aizen gently shook Mira, his voice calm and soft.

Mira stirred from her sleep, her eyes slowly opening to meet Aizen's gaze. She blinked, still groggy from her slumber, and sat up in bed.

"Ah, good morning, dear." Mira said, as dry drool could be seen on her mouth. "Is something wrong?"

"Good morning, Mira," Aizen replied, his voice filled with warmth. "There's something I'd like to discuss with you."

Mira yawned and stretched, fully waking up and giving her full attention to Aizen.

"What is it, Takemichi?" Mira asked, her voice soft and filled with curiosity. "What's on your mind?"

"Mira, I've been thinking," Aizen began, his voice steady. "We have a stable and loving relationship, and we have so much love to give. I believe it's time we consider expanding our family."

Her eyes widened in surprise, and she was dumbfounded. "Ah, I see, I must be dreaming"

Aizen frowned slightly, sensing Mira's confusion and disbelief. He reached out and gently took her hand in his, trying to reassure her.

"No, Mira, this is not a dream," Aizen said softly, his voice filled with sincerity. "I truly believe that the time is right for us to start a family."

Mira looked into Aizen's eyes, searching for any signs of jest or deception. But all she saw was earnestness and a glimmer of hope.

"But... how?" Mira stammered, her voice filled with uncertainty. "We can't have children... I thought we accepted that."

Aizen's grip on Mira's hand tightened slightly, his gaze unwavering. "Yes, it's true that we cannot have children of our own biologically. But there are other options available to us. We can explore adoption."

Her eyes widened once again, this time with a mixture of surprise and realization. The idea of adoption had crossed her mind before, but she had never seriously considered it. Now, with Aizen bringing it up, it felt like a glimmer of hope in their quest to start a family.

"You mean... we can adopt a child?" Mira asked, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and disbelief.

Aizen nodded, a small smile forming on his lips. "Yes, Mira. We can open our hearts and our home to a child who needs love and care. We can provide them with a family, a sense of belonging, and a future filled with happiness."

Mira's heart swelled with emotion, the idea of becoming parents in a different way suddenly seeming more tangible and real. She leaned closer to Aizen, her eyes shining with determination.

"I'm in! I will give the child unconditional love, even if we're not blood-related! Let's go to the adoption center right now!"

Just as she was about to turn around and prepare, she heard her husband's voice.

"Ah, about that, Mira." As Aizen said these words, Mira turned around to meet his gaze. "I already have someone in mind to adopt."

Her brows furrowed in confusion, her eyes searching Aizen's face for an explanation. She couldn't fathom why he would bring up the idea of adoption and then already have someone in mind.

"Someone in mind?" Mira asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Who do you mean, Aizen?"

Aizen's gaze remained steady, his expression unwavering. "There's a young boy in this village, Naruto Uzumaki. He's been orphaned and has faced many hardships in his young life."

Mira's eyes widened, and a mix of emotions surged through her. She felt a pang of fear and disgust at the mention of Naruto Uzumaki. She knew the rumors and stories surrounding him—the boy who was the Nine-Tails. The thought of bringing such a powerful and unpredictable force into their lives terrified her.

"Naruto Uzumaki?" Mira's voice trembled, her eyes darting around as if expecting danger to lurk in the shadows. "Takemichi, that thing destroyed our village and killed so many of us. How can we possibly consider adopting someone like him?"

"Mira, I know the history and the pain that surrounds Naruto," Aizen said gently, his voice filled with empathy. "But we cannot judge him solely based on his past or the power he carries. Naruto not the Nine-Tails. He is a child who has endured unimaginable hardships, and he deserves a chance at a better life."

After this, Aizen managed to convince Mira to adopt Naruto, and she began to look at him in a new light. Adopting Naruto was an easy task, the Third Hokage willingy granted them custody and officially made them Naruto's legal guardians. Mira's initial fear and hesitation gradually transformed into compassion and a determination to give Naruto the love and care he deserved.

As Naruto listened to the Third Hokage's words, his emotions swirled within him. The news of being adopted by Takemichi and Mira caught him off guard, and he couldn't help but feel a mixture of confusion, gratitude, and a hint of hope. He had grown up as an orphan, feeling the weight of loneliness and rejection. The idea of having a family, people who would accept and love him, seemed like an impossible dream.

"Is this for real, Grandpa?" Naruto asked, his voice trembling with both excitement and apprehension. "Are Takemichi-san and Mira-san really willing to adopt me?"

The Third Hokage smiled warmly at Naruto, his eyes filled with kindness. "Yes, Naruto. Takemichi-san and Mira-san have expressed their genuine desire to give you a loving home, to be your family. They see the potential within you, beyond the hardships you've faced. It is a wonderful opportunity for you to find the love and support you deserve."

Naruto's eyes welled up with tears as he took in the Hokage's words. This was a chance for him to finally have a family, to feel the warmth of a home and the love of parents. It was something he had longed for his entire life.

"I... I don't know what to say," Naruto muttered, his voice choked with emotions. "I've never had a family before. I've always felt alone. But if Takemichi-san and Mira-san are willing to give me a chance, then I want to accept. I want to be a part of their family."

The Third Hokage nodded approvingly, his eyes shimmering with pride. "That is a brave and wise decision, Naruto. I believe that this is the beginning of a new chapter in your life, filled with love and happiness. Cherish this opportunity and embrace it with an open heart."

With those encouraging words, the Third Hokage dismissed Naruto, allowing him to process the life-changing news and make his way towards his new home. Naruto stepped out of the Hokage's office, his mind racing with a mix of excitement, nervousness, and hope.

As Naruto approached the house where Takemichi and Mira resided, he couldn't help but feel a wave of anticipation. He stood at the front door, his heart pounding in his chest, and hesitated for a moment before summoning the courage to knock.

The door opened, and Naruto was met with the warm smiles of Aizen and Mira. Aizen's eyes held a glint of determination, while Mira's were filled with kindness and compassion. They stood side by side, radiating an aura of acceptance and love.

I feel like story became slow-paced and a bit boring, or is it just me?

moonmirrorcreators' thoughts