
The training system

a man named dan cruele saw a kid crossing the road and then a bus almost hit the kid and dan ran towards the kid to save him and he push the kid and then dan die dan wakes up and he was in a fantasy world as a teenage boy named Carlon carsome then a notification come up" training system enabled"

Andika_Anindyaguna_8835 · Action
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18 Chs

New weapon

In school, he goes to his dorm room feeling tired because of the fighting he did in the forest back then he opened his dorm room door and goes straight to bed to take a short nap he then lays in the bed in a matter of seconds he falls asleep

30 minutes later he then wakes up then he gets out of bed then stretches a little. He then he out of his dorm room he goes to the bathroom to wash his face and pee after doing that he goes to his dorm room again

He then checks his stats xp 300/700 to 4510, and he then decides to spend his points on a new weapon he then opened the system shops, and he searches "gauntlets" he then scrolled and he found a good one but he decided not to buy it, so he just kept searching and searching until 30 minutes passed and he finally finds the perfect gauntlet

Ancient metal knight gauntlets

Description: able to harden your fist by 100% and able block any magic attack

Price 2000

Stats: 10 strength, 14 agility, and 8 defense

He then buys it and in a matter of seconds a package is already at his front door he then goes out to get his package he then opened it and he sees two pairs of gauntlets with the colors golden and black with excitement he uses the two pairs of gauntlets and started punching the air

And he wanted to buy skills with his leftover which is 2510 tp he then opened his skill tree and he buys the skill martial arts for 2000 and air jump for 500 and with 10 left

Martial arts

Description: able to make you stronger by meditating

Air jump

Description: make you able to jump in the air 10 times