

Synopsis “The Tra Grade S” is a book illustrating a story of the experience of a young boy, named Divine who grew up as a cypher and mystery solver. Divine was born in a family of twelve siblings. As the eleventh born, he has a supernatural endowment, which reflects in his gifts and talents. His endowment gives him the rare ability to decipher things and events even before they occur. The rare ability of Divine works in a way of aligning letters from words to form acronyms that communicate deeper thoughts. He does this by fetching out the encrypted thoughts to reveal deep secrets. The deciphering of Divine's inspiration often paints the bigger picture of knowledge hidden from the ordinary eye and the revelation of Divine will make him the most sought after. Dive in, as I take you on a swift trip into the heart of Divine’s world of unconventional knowledge. His experiences started as a dream that never looks like a dream... DISCLAIMER: This book is a work of Fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, happenings, locations, and occurrences either are the products of the writer’s mind's eye or used in a made-up manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or definite events is only coincidental. I have tried recreating events, locales and conversations from my memories of them. To maintain their anonymity in some instances, I have changed the names of individual and places, I may have changed some identifying characteristics and details such as physical properties, occupations and places of residence. discord link: Licensed by AnD entertainment. #TAG# #sci-fi#,#mystery solver#,#cipher#,#supernatural#,#faith-base#,#Anti-religion#,#system#,#mind control#,#AI and Robotic#,#Alien# This novel is ongoing....you will not regret reading this book. It will open your eyes to deep and alien knowledge of our present-day world. I solicit your supports. Your power stone votes, gifts and leave review feedback.Thanks

Pattyegah Ikwue · Sci-fi
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170 Chs


I woke up on 15 April 2017 been Saturday and it started drizzling. We were supposed to meet at 9:00 am to discuss a way forward with my committee of friends, to see how to put things in place for the refreshment of my white wedding, which was 16 April 2017. We could not meet at the stipulated time because of the rain, so they shifted the meeting time to 1: 00 am. At the meeting, I had a good turnout of friends, which I least expected, and my maternal cousins, Hogo and Leahcim attended. The discussion went well and in the course of the meeting, my friend who was my mate in the University came for the meeting and we both had some time to talk before the meeting started properly. We share our experiences trying to find something to do to earn living, while amid our discussion, Pastor Kcirtap who was my spiritual father called me to meet him up in his house in Queen’s clinic where he is a resident. Before I left my friends, Ugnna made a transfer of five thousand nairas to my account and this was the beginning of the miracle money. The alert started hitting my account none stop and I was amazed. When I went to see Pastor Kcirtap, he was very happy, he prayed with me and gave me five thousand nairas and I returned to the venue of our meeting where the arrangement was already ongoing. I kept receiving alerts of money transferred into my account from people I could not place their identity, so I did not even know whom to call to thank and express how grateful I am. The rate at which I was receiving alerts of money transferred into my account could only be a miracle because I have never thought swiftly things could happen instantly like that. In the course of this period, I also received an alert from my Pastor, John and Aunty Eihpos who is my colleague at my workplace, she made a transfer of twenty thousand nairas and this went a long way to boost my account. The response was very rapt and this cause a positive change and ignited my confidence to see clearly what the benevolent one was set to do which He had already promised me and I can already see myself entering into the dimension of receiving all for real what He has supplied for the success of my wedding. At the end of the discussion with my committee of friends, my friend Ugnna took responsibility for the water and my cousin Hogo took responsibility for the fruit juice. We were able to pay full for 15 crates of soft drinks to the coca-cola bottling company with extra pay for them to do the distribution to the venue and serve refreshment in the course of the reception.

To my greatest surprise, on the day of my wedding, in the course of the reception, they were a surplus of food and drinks, such that we had ten crates of soft drinks left that was returned to the coca-cola bottling company and I had thirteen thousand five hundred nairas refunded back to me. This can only be a clear miracle, even when I had not a dime; He supplied all I needed to the extent, I had surplus and balance in monetary form. Even when I did not spend my money from my pocket, I got money, not from my pocket, it is a miracle and this is what faith can do; it is very, very real.