

THIS IS THE OLD VERSION. SEARCH FOR THE NEW ONE. Hello dear readers! This is an IMPORTANT announcement. Kindly read it carefully! This book THE TOXIC BOND has been successfully contracted under a NON-EXCLUSIVE contract. And that is why I have to reupload this book in a NEW LINK. This version (the old version) will now only have the first 30 chapters as sample chapters. The rest of the story will be uploaded in the new version of the book. *HOW TO GET A NEW VERSION? 1) Search the book title THE TOXIC BOND in the Webnovel app. 2) Go to my Webnovel profile. Click on 'Activity- rutujaP's original works- THE TOXIC BOND'. *How will the new version look? The cover of the book is the same. I uploaded 88 chapters in the old version and many of you must have read until then. The new version will have all those 88 chapters as it is and the NEW chapters will be uploaded through DAILY UPDATES. *How to support the book? 1) Add it to your library and reading lists and read it daily. 2) Leave a review for the book. It will help me to gain new readers. 3) Vote daily to get the book in the rankings. 4) You can send me the gifts if you like the book. 5) Unlock the locked chapters with coins and buy the privilege tiers to support the author. 6) Share it with your friends and family. *Still have doubts? You can always contact me on: Discord- #rutujaP2750 Instagram- @author_rutujap I am truly thankful to every one of you for your love and support. The encouraging fact was that even though there were no updates recently, many of you were voting daily and are patiently waiting for the new updates. I cannot thank you guys enough! YOU ARE THE BEST!!! So get the new version and let's continue with Bria and King's story! Happy reading!! ***** This is the second book of the 'TOXIC' series! The cover photo belongs to its 'rightful owner', and I have only used it for my book. If you want me to take it down, then please contact me, and I will do it immediately.

rutujaP · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs



Yes! You have guessed it wrong. The devil didn't find us getting comfortable with each other instead, something worse happened.

His enemies did!

They launched an attack on us with guns and only because of Cameron's presence of mind, did we manage to get in the car and were already on the road. He told me to contact the devil with his phone, but I was so scared that my dumb brain decided to act dumber at the wrong time, and I locked his phone after failing three attempts at opening its pattern lock.

I could only hear Cameron's curses and the loud bullet shots. And to top it all off, he got distracted by our argument and crashed us into a pole.

I must say that he was a skilled driver because before the attackers caught with us, we were again on the road.

"Where are we going?" I asked, clutching my hands to the seat.

"I don't know!"

"What the fuck you mean by you don't know?"

"It means I don't know, Bria! We can't get back to the mansion because they will follow us there and then they will know our place and-"

"Cameraaa... you, donkey! Just get your ass back to the mansion." I yelled in fear when two more vehicles joined the chase.

Cameron's phone blinked and vibrated in my lap. I fumbled with the phone but received the call.

"H-hello. Hello... Aaaahh..."

After five seconds of silence, I heard "Miss Maxwell? What are you doing with Cameron's phone?"

"Oh, it's you. Thank god it's you! Listen..." I was relieved that the devil called.

"You don't order me to listen, Miss Maxwell! I would like to talk to Cameron." He said calmly. All I wanted to do was punch his face through the phone.

"You arrogant jerk. Listen to me and listen very carefully."

"Briaa... hurry up."

"I am trying to put some sense into his thick skull here."

"This is not the right time. We are going to DIE!" Cameron shrieked in freight.

"Oh yeah. Right. Sorry" Cameron was right. I put the phone on speaker.

"What is happening, Miss Maxwell?"

"We are under an attack. That is what's happening. Help us!" I screamed in fear when a man pointed his gun in my direction from the other car.

"Bria... down!" I was barely able to duck the bullet, but it hit straight into Cameron's arm. Blood spurted out of his wound, tainting the leather seat.

"I don't have more bullets. King, we are near the mansion."


"Hello. Dickhead, you there?"

"You seriously going to call him that at this time?" Cameron asked me incredulously.

"Does he prefer a particular time for it?" I sassed.

"How much time you will take to get here?" His calmness was annoying me.

I hit my head again when Cameron broke through the main gate with a cry.

"We are already here," I answered him through the courtesy though he had already cut the call.

All of his men surrounded us, making a protective human wall between the attackers and the main door of the mansion. I opened the door of the car, but it fell to the ground with a thud.


"I didn't do it!" I looked at Cameron.

Surprisingly he didn't react to his car and stepped down it. He came to my side and dragged me out of it and towards the mansion. I panicked, looking at the blood oozing out of the wound on his hand.

I saw Gabriel rushing out of the main door with guns, though he was not completely recovered from the punishment his boss had given him to help me. Damn it!

I was about to march towards him to scold him when Cameron pulled me to the side by my waist and hid behind a large pillar on the vast front porch of the mansion.

We watched in shock as two more vehicles joined the previous ones and many men stepped out of them with the weapons that I had only seen in the movies.

Did they have dynamite too? Or maybe a hydrogen bomb or something?

I glanced back at where the devil and his men took their positions. The distance between us was long enough that if we tried to run in their way, then we would be dead halfway.

I looked around to see devil's men, who were my party given the circumstances, took their positions, hiding themselves securely except for two people- I and Cameron!

We had no weapons, and Cameron was severely injured.

"Hey... hey. Look at me. I am fine. I am used to this. I have faced much worse, ok? Don't panic. You are safe. We are safe."

As he finished his last sentence, the plant that I placed to protect us was shot, and the reminiscence flew in the air. I gave Cameron an are-you-sure look to which he smiled sheepishly.

"Give me your handkerchief."

"Uuuh... I don't have one."

I looked at him in annoyance. "Seriously? You carry a gun with you but not a handkerchief?"

He just shrugged as if I just presented him with some alien theory that bounced off his brain.

Dang it!

With no other option, I tore the hem of my favourite Frozen-themed pyjama shirt and wrapped it tightly around Cameron's wound. But he had already lost so much blood, and as he had not eaten anything the whole day except the ice cream that I made him eat, he was too weak to defend himself or me.

"Bria... Briaaa... Bria..."

I turned to look at Gabriel. He somehow managed to get as near as he could.

"Bria. I am giving you a gun. Use it to protect yourself and get Cameron in from the window." He pointed to a window which was about twenty feet to the right of us.

"What? No. I can't touch a gun. No."

"Don't be stupid Bria. Cameron has lost a lot of blood. He is not in a situation to defend himself. You-" A bullet was fired near him, but he managed to get out of its way at the right time.

"You guys can't stay there any longer, it's dangerous for you."

"No fucking way. I am not going to touch it or use it. I am not a murderer. I - I can't!" I began crying hysterically.

How could I use a gun?

The feel of that cold metal against my palm still gave me chills after I used to shoot Gabriel with it when they threatened me with my Kids' lives.

I couldn't do it again! No!

"Bria... Briaaa... listen. I know you can do it. You have to do it for me, for Cameron... for you. I know you will not let him die. I trust you, butterfly." Gabriel said with faith in me.

A loud blast resonated, and a car flew up in the air.

I heard Cameron's muffled groans, as his eyes turned heavy and began drooping. I had to hurry!

Gabriel threw the gun that landed at my feet.

"Aim for limbs or sides. Take care, butterfly. You can do it!" With that said, he got engaged in the fighting.

I couldn't let Cameron die, not when I had just helped him to finally live his life!

I couldn't save Cody or Patrick Becker, but I was determined to save Cameron even though he was the reason for their deaths.

Because I was Bria Maxwell and Benjamin Lachat had given me the best upbringing!

My eyes shifted to see the devil fighting like the true mafia leader that he was. His goggle fell on the ground near him and as if sensing my gaze on him, he looked in my way. Pausing the fight for a split second, he held my gaze a little longer than the situation allowed before he nodded his head subtly.

As if he was telling me that I could do it!

I didn't realise why his mere nod encouraged me so much that Gabriel's words couldn't. But I took the gun and held it tightly in my hands, getting used to the foreign touch.

I turned to Cameron to see him smiling softly at me. "I trust you too Fire!"

I released a shaky breath with determination.

I helped him to put his hand around my shoulder and wrapped my free hand around his waist supporting him.

"Ok. Camera. On the mark of three-run as fast as you can. Don't stop until we reach the window. Nothing is gonna happen to us! And most importantly Camera, if I get shot tonight because of you then I will damage your 'lense' permanently." I warned, pointing at his lower body where his family jewel was.

"Got it!"

"Good!" I nodded before looking at the window. "1...2...3..."

We sprinted towards our destination while I faced the attackers in my way. I was careful to not harm any of them because I was not a killer!

Pushing Cameron inside the mansion, I turned to shoot a man in his leg and another in his arm before jumping inside through the window. I closed it behind me and saw Nora rushing towards Cameron with a medical kit in her hand.

I thought we were finally safe, but my delusion shattered with the sounds of breaking the windows. They were trying to get inside.

I signalled Nora to continue with Cameron's treatment and went to the place from where I heard the crashes. Before I could find anyone, I heard Nora's screams from the living room.

Rushing back there, I saw two men dressed in black with guns in their hands. One pointed it to Nora, and the other had it pointed to Cameron's head.

My heart churned seeing Cameron's sorry state.

"Don't move!" I yelled as confidently as I could, but my heart was in haywire.

"Or what? You gonna shoot us?" The one pointing the gun at Cameron laughed.

"I swear I will shoot you if you move!"

"I am actually surprised to see another woman than this old rag in King's house." The man tightened his grip on Nora.

"No... let her go."

"We never knew that King also has interests other than his business and killing. But I must say he has good taste." They both laughed like maniacs made my skin crawl.

"Just shut up or I will kill you!"

Who was I fooling? My hands shook, holding the gun.

"Really? Then I would like to see what tricks King has taught you outside the bedroom." And the two dogs burst out in laughter.

I clenched my eyes unable to take those insults, and my finger hovered over the trigger. I heard the shots fired, and when I opened my eyes, I saw their bodies falling to the ground.

I turned rapidly around to see the devil holding two guns in his hands.

Thank god, those bullets didn't belong to me!

"Nora, get him to my office and close the door. They called more of their men."

And Devils' those words were enough to make a shiver run down my spine!

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