

THIS IS THE OLD VERSION. SEARCH FOR THE NEW ONE. Hello dear readers! This is an IMPORTANT announcement. Kindly read it carefully! This book THE TOXIC BOND has been successfully contracted under a NON-EXCLUSIVE contract. And that is why I have to reupload this book in a NEW LINK. This version (the old version) will now only have the first 30 chapters as sample chapters. The rest of the story will be uploaded in the new version of the book. *HOW TO GET A NEW VERSION? 1) Search the book title THE TOXIC BOND in the Webnovel app. 2) Go to my Webnovel profile. Click on 'Activity- rutujaP's original works- THE TOXIC BOND'. *How will the new version look? The cover of the book is the same. I uploaded 88 chapters in the old version and many of you must have read until then. The new version will have all those 88 chapters as it is and the NEW chapters will be uploaded through DAILY UPDATES. *How to support the book? 1) Add it to your library and reading lists and read it daily. 2) Leave a review for the book. It will help me to gain new readers. 3) Vote daily to get the book in the rankings. 4) You can send me the gifts if you like the book. 5) Unlock the locked chapters with coins and buy the privilege tiers to support the author. 6) Share it with your friends and family. *Still have doubts? You can always contact me on: Discord- #rutujaP2750 Instagram- @author_rutujap I am truly thankful to every one of you for your love and support. The encouraging fact was that even though there were no updates recently, many of you were voting daily and are patiently waiting for the new updates. I cannot thank you guys enough! YOU ARE THE BEST!!! So get the new version and let's continue with Bria and King's story! Happy reading!! ***** This is the second book of the 'TOXIC' series! The cover photo belongs to its 'rightful owner', and I have only used it for my book. If you want me to take it down, then please contact me, and I will do it immediately.

rutujaP · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs



I plopped down in one of the chairs in the cafe after I was done cleaning all the tables after the afternoon rush. A factory had been set up about two kilometres from our house and thus many people visited the cafe while on their way or during the lunchtime.

It was good news for us as now we could make some more bucks.

"Hey kiddo! What happened? You look stressed." Benji came with two mugs of brewing hot coffee.

"You know what is my fuel."

He winked at me with a smile, and I gladly accepted one mug.

"Benji, I was thinking about something." I began after the first sip. The hot liquid burned the back of my throat, and it felt too good!

"About what?"

"Don't you think we need some more help in the cafe? I mean we are receiving more customers because of that new factory. And I don't want the studies of kids to get affected because of the work.

Juan will soon pass out and would like to go the college and for that, he needs a scholarship. We cannot make him help us instead of studying his ass off."

"Language Bria!" He warned out of habit.

I rolled my eyes at him, widening both my arms in the air. "Is there any kid listening to me?"

Benji sighed, shaking his head. "I think you are right. I was thinking the same. But who can come to this isolated place for work?"

I thought for about a minute. "The one who genuinely needs some money."

"Okay then I will ask some poeple I know in the market if they can suggest a name." He agreed.

I nodded my head and concentrated on the coffee, but Benji knew me too well to know something was still bothering me.

He stopped me from hiding my face behind the mug by holding my hand.


I sighed again. "I was thinking about that man. He told us to leave our home!"

"Bria, is he the first one we have dealt with? Without your parents and six kids to take care of, many people have tried to get this property from you, but you never gave up.

Then why are you so tensed now? We haven't heard from that man after that day. And I think your punch has taught him a good lesson!"

"Wasn't I great?"


I smiled brightly at his compliments. Only Benji could bring that smile to my face!

"I am not worried Benji but..."


"Juan... he is upset with what happened and suggested to file a report with the police."

I didn't understand why Benji's face hardened suddenly at that. "We are not filing any report. How many times I have told you to never involve the police in any of our matters??

If anything happens, then I am well capable of handling the issue. You don't worry, and I will speak to Juan."

But I was not convinced.

"Benji why do you get so tensed whenever the police comes into the picture? Sometimes it feels like you are some underground gangster hiding your true self for past twenty or so years!"

I just blurted it out without giving it much thought because my over-creative brain just came up with that scenario in my head, and it felt thrilling to imagine it.

But when I noticed the look on Benji's face, I instantly regretted even bringing up that topic.

"Benji... I..." I tried holding his hand, but he stood up before I continued and walked away.

I sighed for another time in such a short span of time. It was high time for me to stop watching those crime thrillers on YouTube!





I strode towards my office building- a tower with a big K on the top of it. It was a construction and real estate company, but only a few knew what was behind between those four walls.

The driver stopped the car near the private elevator and I was joined by Gabriel. I hit the button for the topmost floor where my office was.

Ten minutes later, I pushed open the door to my office and headed straight to the chair. I had a lot of work to do today. But first I need to know something.

"Where is Cameron?"

"He... is here." Before Gabriel completed his sentence he walked inside along with Kyle behind him.

"Good mor-"

"What happened about the property we are eyeing?"

I don't like to waste even a single minute of my time. Time is the most precious treasure we all have, but very few respects it.

-"Those who respects the time, gets the same respect in return from it!"-

My father's voice ringed in the back of my head.

"I have asked you something, Cameron!"

He gulped down before nodding his head quickly. "King, we... are trying to negotiate with the girl. She is... quite stubborn." He answered uneasily.

I narrowed my eyes though nobody could see them because of the dark glasses I wore.


What the hell was wrong with them? Even Gabriel looked uncomfortable. It only means one thing.

Kyle had failed!

But when he finally stepped out from behind Cameron, I saw something that I hadn't expected at all.

'And such moments are very rare in my life of twenty seven years!'

I remained silent, and they must have sensed the tension in the air as Cameron encouraged Kyle to speak.

"K-King... I..."

"Who did this?" I didn't need to know why he had such a nasty bruise on his face because I had already figured out his failure in getting the signature on that property paper.

But what irked me was the fact that someone dared to touch my man.

"B-Bria Maxwell!"

I exhaled a harsh breath, and Kyle instinctively took a step back in fright.

How could a little girl ruin his face like that? What was he doing?

I pulled out a notepad and scribbled on it in black ink. But then something else came up in my mind, so I wrote another note. Giving it to Cameron, I ordered him what he needed to do.

"I will get it done King!" Cameron understood what he had to do and took his leave along with Kyle.


"Y-yes, K-King?"

"Don't show me your face until I say so!"

"As you say King."

And they walked out of the office. I clenched my jaw thinking about this girl Bria Maxwell. She had to pay a big price for touching my man!





"Juan! Juan?"

"Huh?" I looked startled at Lillian, who frowned at me.

"Stop thinking about that brunette in your class. Trust me she is a bimbo!"

Eva almost choked on her spit, and I had to cover Lillian's mouth in fright. Liam almost fell from his chair, his head snapped towards the kitchen.

We waited for two minutes only to realise that we were holding our breaths all this time. But when we didn't hear Benji's thunderous screams, we sighed in relief.

"Lillian!" Where the hell do you learn those things?" I glared at her, and she just rolled her eyes at me.

"From where you take tips on how to take a girl on a date and what you should do to get your first hanky panky!"

"Oh, God!" Eva covered her ears with clenched eyes.

Poor soul!

"Will you please shut up, Lillian! You know what will happen if Benji hears you say such things." Liam scolded her, but that mischievous little one was too arrogant to pay anything to him.

"Juan... what is hanky and... pan... pan..."

Eva almost ran to shut Jack's mouth.

"Jack! You shouldn't say those words!" She hissed.

"See Juan! I told you she is getting spoiled by the pampering of you all!" Lily shrugged her shoulders only to get a glare from her twin.

I sighed.

'How Bria handle these satans so well?! Will I be able to be the same?'

I was going to turn eighteen in a few months, and then Benji decided to put my name as the other five's guardian instead of Bria.

He thought it was only wise to do it early before a prince charming would come and swipe Bria off her feet and take her to his castle.


'There are no prince charmings! And there is no happy castle in wonderland. And Bria is not going anywhere leaving us behind. She only blushes, just to keep Benji happy whenever he brings up that topic.

And if any man dares to come near her, he will need to get through me first!'

The thought of living without Bria made my blood boil in anger.

My train of thought was disrupted when we heard the bell on the main door.

"Let me get it." Liam skipped for the door and returned after five minutes with a box in his hand.

I walked toward him and asked, "Who gave this?"

He shrugged his shoulders, pouting his lips. "I don't know. There was no one at the door. See Bria's name is written on it."

"Ooooo... I think it is her birthday gift from her secret admirer!"

"Shut up, Lillian! Open it." I ordered Liam.

He hesitated and said, "But it is for Bria. I think we should wait until she gets back from her evening run."

I was about to argue more, but Eva touched my hand gently. "Juan please! Liam is right. You should not open it. It is personal. And she will probably open it in front of us so we will get to know what is inside in a few minutes."

I sighed. "Fine!"

That girl always had to say something smart!

Hello dear readers!

So finally, Bria and King's story is here! I know that many of you were waiting for this book for so long. I have taken such a long time because I wanted to give you guys the same amazing experience as the previous book of 'the toxic' series.

Before we dive into the story, I want to clear a few things first.

1. First four chapters are glimpses of how King and Bria are living their lives without each other.

2. The rest of Volume 1 is to give you glimpses from the previous book. The old readers who have already read The Toxic Deal can skip to Volume 2. But I would suggest for both new and old readers to go through Volume 1, just to get the things refreshed in your minds. Those who are my regular readers know how intricate and complex my stories are, so going through volume 1 will help you to catch up on many details.

3. Those who are more interested in the previous story and want to read it in detail, can go to my profile and find The Toxic Deal in my reading list named- Author's works. Though it is an unedited version, as it was my first book, it will give you a fair idea of the story.

4. If you like the story, then please show your support by voting, commenting, posting reviews and giving golden tickets. Unlock the locked chapters with coins to support the author from Volume 2. This book is participating in WSA2022, and I need all your love and support to make this book stand out.

Now I will let you all enjoy the story!

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